安全保障义务 the duty of safety protection; the safety-guard duty; Security-guarantee obligation
安全监理义务 safety supervision obligation
按合同承担的义务 contractual commitment
保密义务 concealing liability
避碰义务分担模式 division model of collision avoidance obligation
兵役义务 military conscription duties
不可转让义务 non assignible duty
不履行……的义务 breach of the obligation
不履行付款义务 default of payment
不履行义务 Nonfeasance; Defaulting
成人义务指导员 Adult leader
承担义务 commitment
承诺义务 commitment
诚信义务 fiduciary duty
从义务 accessory obligation
单方承担义务的合同 unilateral contract
道德义务 ethic duty
董事离任义务 Obligation that Leave one’s Post
对其它船义务 other ship’s engagements
多边国际权利和义务 multilateral international rights and obligations