休闲活动与体验 leisure experience and activity
体育休闲活动 Sports and recreation activities
休闲参与 leisure demand
休闲参与行为 Leisure participant the behavior
休闲活动 leisure activity; leisure activities; Recreation activity; Recreation
活动参与 activity participation
日常生活活活动能力 ADL
日常职能活动参与 occupation participation
社区健康营造活动参与度 community activities participation CAP
参与休渔意愿 intention to participate suspending fishing activi
工作与休闲之平衡 balance of work and leisure
劳动休闲取舍 Labor-leisure tradeoff
运动休闲 Leisure sports
运动休闲产业 Sport and recreation industry
运动休闲俱乐部 recreational sport clubs; Sports and Leisure Club
运动休闲中心 sport fitness clubs
CPM(连续被动活动) Analysis and Inspiration
被动活动 Passive mation; passive exercise; passive motion
冰川活动与成景作用关系 relationship between glaciation and landscape formation