产程和分娩期间母体窘迫 Maternal distress during labour and delivery
分娩期并发症 labor complications
分娩期妇女保健 Parturient women; s health care
分娩期间 farrowing interval
分娩期内出血 Intrapartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect
分娩期内出血NOS Intrapartum haemorrhage unspecified
分娩期中败血症 Other infection during labour
过期分娩 post-term birth
同期分娩 induction of parturition
分娩第二期 second stage of labour
分娩第三期 third stage of labour
分娩第一期 first stage of labour
分娩日期计算表 periodoscope
原生动物性疾病并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Protozoal dis comp pregnancy
分期分段开挖 episodic and segmentalized excavation
分期分批割换工艺 the technique of renewing plate by stages
汛期分期 division of flood seasonal phase; flood season staging; flood season segmentation; cause analysis; flood season stage; division of flood seasonal phases; flood seasonality determination; division of flood season; flood stage; segmentation of flood season; divided flood season
2维主成分分析 two dimensional principal component analysis; 2-dimensional principal component analysis(2DPCA; Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis(2DPCA
6kD早期分泌靶向抗原肽段库 early secreting antigen target 6 peptides