西方科学哲学家 Western Philosophers of Science
哲学问题 philosophy problems
奇异线性二次指标最优控制问题LQ问题 singular linear quadratic LQ problem
北京师范大学哲学系 philosophy department; BNU
后现代科学哲学 post-modern scientific philosophy
化学哲学 Chemical philosophy
吉林大学哲学社会学院 College of Philosophy and Sociology; jilin university
假哲学家 philosophaster
科学哲学 scientific philosophy; philosophy of science; Science; The philosophy of science
科学哲学原理 scientific philosophic principle
人类学哲学 philosophy of anthropology
儒家哲学 Confucianism
儒家哲学的人文意义 Humanistic Significance of Confucian Philosophy
实证哲学家 positivist
士林哲学家 scholastic
试论王龙溪的易学哲学 On WANG Long-xi’s philosophy on the Yi-ology
数学哲学 Math philosophy; mathematical philosophy; philosophy of mathematics; mathematics philosophy; The philosophy of mathematics
数学哲学观 The philosophical perspective of mathematics
伪哲学家 philosophist