公共垃圾箱 public garbage can
公共垃圾箱设计探析 Research of Public Garbage Can Design
家用垃圾箱 Domestic dustbin
街道垃圾箱 street litter bin
巨型垃圾箱 rubbish skip
中老龄垃圾渗滤液 mature landfill leachate
SMS垃圾 SMS spam
北京市垃圾渣土管理处 beijing solid waste administration department
变密度压缩垃圾载荷表达 load expression of compressed rubbish
标准型垃圾收集站 standard refuse collection centre
不合格的垃圾掩埋场 unsatisfactory landfill
不能处理的垃圾 non-treatable refuse
不压实的垃圾场 uncompacted tip
餐厨垃圾 kitchen wastes; kitchen waste; food residue; Food waste; Food residuals; restaurant garbage; Food residual; food wastes; kitchen trash; restaurant and kitchen swill; wood wastewaste
餐厨垃圾废水 restaurant and kitchen waste
餐饮单位泔脚垃圾 hogwash waste of catering trade
餐饮垃圾 Food waste; food wastes; food residue; remnants-from-dining
产生垃圾高潮季节 refuse production peak
陈腐垃圾 Aged refuse; Aged-refuse