类循环精神病 alternating insanity; circular insanity; Cyclothymia; Cyclic insanity
循环精神病 circular insanity; alternating insanity; circling; Cyclothymia; Cyclic insanity
精神病患者 mental illness; Patient with psychosis; hospitalized psychiatric patients; psychiatric patient; psychopath; psychopaths; Psychopathic patient; the mentally ill; Psychotic; Psychosis patinets; psychotic patients; Psychotics; patients with mental disorder; mental patient; Psychiatric patients; psychiatric; mental patients; psychotic patient; patients with mental illness; Madman; bedlamite; lunatic; Psychiatry
精神病患者管理 management of mental patients
流浪精神病患者 Vagrant psychiatric patients
住院精神病患者 hospitalized psychotics; mental disease inpatient; hospitalized psychiatric patients; psychiatric inpatients
出院精神病患 psychiatric outpatient
复健期肥胖精神病患 Obese psychotic recovery patients
精神病病人 mental patient; Psychotic
精神病患 the mentally ill; psychotic disorder; psychotic patients; psychopath; Psychiatric patients; patients of schizophrenia and affective disorder; psychotic patient; mental illness; psychiatric patient; patients with mental disorder; cyclothymic
精神病患家属 family of psychiatric patients
精神病患满意度 COPM
精神病者 insane
精神患者 psychiatric in-patients; mental patients
老年精神病患 psychogeriatrics; psychogeriatric patients
慢性精神病患 chronic mentally ill patient; chronic psychiatric patients; chronic mental patients
使性精神病患 chronic psychotic patient
首发精神病病人 psychopath with first paroxysm
以病患需求为导向之精神病患出院准备服务概念 the need-led psychiatric discharge care concept