每日成交额 daily turnover
平均每日成交额 average daily turnover
总成交额 total contract value
交-交-交结构 AC-AC-AC topology
《股票市场成交报告》 All Sales Record for Stock Market
3维集成成像显示技术 integral photography techniques
变成交代说 transformism
不打不成交 no discord; no concord.
不可约组成成分 irreducible constituent
成交 come to business; transacting; Making a market; make a deal; bargain on
成交错层的 X-bd
成交单据 contract note
成交单据印花税 stamp duty on contract note
成交感神经细胞 sympathoblast
成交感神经细胞瘤 sympathoblastoma
成交价 current rate; closing cost; transaction price; the bargain price; transaction prices
成交价幅度 trading range
成交价格 knock down price; concluded price; buying price; closing price; bargain price
成交价格的制定 pricing method