团体人格投射测验 group personality projective test
非投射测验 nonprojective tests
客观关系投射测验 objective relation technique
投射测验 projective test
团体个性投射测验 The group personality projective test; group personality projective test
团体投射测验 group projection test
臧氏投射测验 Szondi test
布洛斯人格测验及评论 Buros personality test and review
高登人格测验 Gordon personal inventory test
加州人格测验 California Test of Personality; 3 counties of northern Shandong seaboard region
客观人格测验 objective personality test
明尼苏达多相人格测验 minnesota multiphase personality inventory; MMPI; Administration on safety
明尼苏达多项人格测验 MMPI
明尼苏达人格测验试题 bestcall vial
人格测验 Personality measurement; personality test
人格测验量表 CPI
非投射性人格测量 nonprojective personality measure
固定网格投射 persistent grid mapping
轴测投射方向 projection direction of axonometric