动力无穷元 dynamic infinite element
无穷大无穷无限 infinity
无穷无尽的 inexhaustible
AImLJnG无穷不等式链 AImLJnG unbounded inequality chains
Fermat无穷递降法 Fermat infinite method of descent
H(∞)无穷控制 H(∞)-infinity control
H无穷辨识 H ∞ identification
Lambert-Eaton肌无力综合征 Lambert-Eaton myasthenia syndrome; LEMS; Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome
Lie无穷小判据 Lie’s infinitesimal criterion
n元无穷小生成元 n-ary infinite semi generator
半身肌无力 hemimyasthenia
半无穷层单元 semi-infinite layered element
半无穷大核物质 semi-infinite nuclear matter
半无穷方法 Half-infinitary method
半无穷区间 half-line
伴胸腺瘤重症肌无力 myasthenia gravis with thymoma
榜样的力量是无穷的 If one sheep leaps over the ditch; all the rest will follow.
膀胱神经无力 acystinervia
逼尿肌无力 adynamia of detrusor