晶型转变 crystal transformation; phase transition; phase transformation; crystal phase transformation; crystal form transformation; crystallization transformation; crystalline form change; crystal type change; reversion of crystal type; Crystal transfer; change of crystal type; crystal transition; crystalline phase transition; crystalline transition; structure evolution; phase tranformation; polytype transition; Crystal transitions; crystallite structural transformation; crystal transform; transition of cryctal type; Crystal modification transition; Modification transition; crystal pattern transition; polymorphic conversion; crystallographic form transformation; crystalline phase transformation
晶型转变温度 temperature of crystallize transform; crystal transform temperature
中间相晶型转变 interphase crystal shape transition
切变型转变 shear transformation
突变型变率 mutant frequency
增强型变速率编解码 EVRC
转8AG、转8G型转向架 Zhuan8AG and Zhuan8G bogies
变转速变容调节 variable volume and speed control
相转变速率 Dynanics of phase transformation; phase transformation rate
形变速率变化 Deformation variation speed
应变速率变化规律 law of strain rate change
斑晶变晶 metacryst; metacrystal; prophyroblast
包晶转变 metatectic transformation; peritectic transformation; peritrctic transformation
胞枝晶转变 cellular dendritic transition
等温结晶速率 isothermal crystallization rate
多晶转变 polymorphic transformation; polymorphic transition; Transformation; polymorphic transition change
非晶转变 glass transition; Amorphization
共晶转变 eutectic transformation; Eutectic transition
结晶晶型 crystal type