Bravais相关系数 Bravais correlation coefficient
Contourlet系数相关性 relativity of the Contourlet coefficients
Hotelling广义相关系数 Hotelling generalized correlation coefficient
Kendall等级相关系数 A-D method of inspection
Kendall偏相关系数 Kendall’s partial correlation coefficient
Kendall秩相关系数 Kendall rank correlation; Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient; Kendall’s rank correlation coeffcient
Lagrange相关系数 Lagrange coefficient
Matthews相关系数 Matthews correlation coefficient
Pearson积矩相关系数 pearson’s correlation coefficient
Pearson相关系数 pearson’s correlation coefficient; Pearson correlation coefficient; Pearson coefficient of correlation
Spearman等级相关系数 Spearman ranking correlation coefficient; ammonium superphosphate
Spearman相关系数 Spearman correlation coefficient; Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient; spearman′s correlation coefficient; Spearman’s correlation coefficient
Spearman秩相关系数 Spearman’s rank correlation; Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient; spearman rank correlation coefficient; Spearman rank correlation; Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient; ammonium superphosphate; spearman′s rank correlation
Spearmen等级相关系数 Spearmen grade correlation coefficient
比对特征相关系数 comparison characteristic correlation coefficient
比相关系数 ratio correlation coefficient
标准化相关系数 standardized correlation coefficient
波高相关系数 Correlation coefficient for consecutive wave heigh
不相关系数 coefficient of alienation; alienation coefficient
部分相关系数 coefficient of part-correlation; coefficient of part correlation; coefficient of partial correlation