double rice paddy field 双季稻田
late-rice paddy field 晚稻田
No-tillage paddy rice field 稻茬免耕
Paddy rice field 稻田; 水稻田; 淹灌稻田
Paddy rice field ecosystem 水稻田生态系统
rice paddy field weeds 稻田杂草
seepage loss in paddy rice field 稻田渗漏
Water environment of paddy rice field 稻田水环境
no-tillage paddy field with cast-transplanted rice 免耕抛秧
rice direct seeding paddy field 水稻直播田
Paddy field-based two cropping rice 双季稻田
arthropods in the rice field 稻田节肢动物群落
Chinese Rice Paddy Snake 唐水蛇; 云水蛇
cold bed on rice field 稻田冷床苗圃
coldly paddy rice 寒地水稻
Common Rice Paddy Snake 水蛇
continuous rice-rice cropping system 稻—稻连作制
direct seeding rice field 直播稻田
direct-seeding rice field 直播稻田