amortization of impaired assets 高斯信道
An individual hearing-impaired child 聋儿个体
cognitively impaired 精神障碍
cognitively impaired elders 失智症老人
combined radiation-impaired wound 放射损伤复合创伤
Education for hearing-impaired children 聋教育
gestational impaired glucose tolerance 妊娠期糖耐量受损; 妊娠期糖代谢异常; 妊娠期糖耐量减低; 糖耐量受损
hearing impaired persons 听力受损者
hearing impaired rehabilitation 聋哑康复
Hearing-impaired children 听障幼儿; 聋儿; 聋幼儿; 聋童; 听障学童; 听障儿童
Hearing-impaired people 聋人
Hearing-impaired students 聋生; 听障学生
Impaired appetite 食欲障碍; 食欲困难
impaired aqueous outflow 房水流出障碍
Impaired Asset 受损的资产
impaired awareness of the need to void urinary incontinence 排尿意愿受损性尿失禁
impaired cardiopulmonary perfusion 心输出量减少
Impaired Credit 受损的信贷
impaired depurative descending of lung qi 肺失清肃