Chinese palm kernel meal 棕榈籽粉
Palm kernel meal 棕榈粕; 棕榈子粉; 棕榈仁粉
Palm kernel oil 椰子仁油; 棕榈仁油
palm-kernel oil 棕榈仁油
effluent of biological treatment of palm oil mill 棕榈油生产废水二级处理出水
Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Palm Oil Monoester 棕榈油乙二醇甲醚酯
mature oil palm Elaeis guineensis 油棕
oil palm 秋胡颓子油椰子属; 牛奶子; 油棕; 油椰子; 油棕榈; 油棕榈树
Oil palm EFB 油棕壳
oil palm empty fruit bunches 油棕榈空果串纤维
oil palm fiber 油棕丝
oil palm fibre 油棕榈纤维; 油棕纤维
Oil palm germplasm 油棕种质
Oil Palm Leaves 棕榈叶
Oil-Palm 油棕榈
palm kernel 棕榈仁
palm kernel cake 棕榈仁粕; 棕榈仁饼
palm kernel cake meal 棕榈仁饼粉
palm oil 棕榈液油; 菜籽油; 棕榈油; 椰子油