inverse problem of determining source sink term 对流弥散方程
nonlinear source-sink term 非线性源汇项
source sink term 源汇项
differentiation term by term 逐项微分
integration term by term 逐项积分
lactation-term and growth-term 哺乳期和生长期
long term and intermediate-term seismic hazard 中长期地震危险性
long-term andmedium-term railway networkplan 中长期铁路网规划
Medium term and long term earthquake prediction 中长期地震预报
medium term and long term forecast system 中长期预测系统
medium-term and long-term dynamic 中长期动态
medium-term and long-term energy sources development strategy in China 生物质
medium-term and short-term earthquake prediction 中短期预报
mid-term and long-term forecast 中长期预测
nonlinear dissipative term and source term 非线性耗散项和源项
power system mid term and long term stability 电力系统中长期稳定性
resolution for both short-term and long-term problems 标本兼治
short-term and mid-term synoptic and climatic prediction 气候预测
term by term 逐项
term by term derivation 逐项求导