don’t stretch fabric too much when topstitch 车线时布不要拉太紧
find it too much 不迭
going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 过犹不及
put too much land up for sale 拍卖太多土地
there can never be too much deception in war 兵不厌诈
too much is as bad as too little 过犹不及
Too much water drowned the miller 物极必反
be neither too familiar nor too distant 不即不离
neither too hard nor too soft 软硬适中
all too often 狭道; 时常
Answer too slow 舵效太慢
automatic too ls changer 自动换刀装置
be too busy 不暇
be too smart by half 弄巧成拙
before too long 不久
Bonnet Too l Polishing 气囊式抛光
cannot too 黏胶纺丝法(VSSP); 不至于过度
criticised the fares as too expensive 指票价过高
driving too close to vehicle in front 跟车太贴