改造升级 Improvement; upgrading reform; rebuild and upgrade; Reconstruction and Upgrade
净水厂升级改造 Water treatment plant upgrading
升级改造方案 Upgrading and modifi-cation plan
网络升级改造 network upgrade reform; network upgrading transformation; network reform and upgrade
微机化升级改造 Micro computerized upgrading
改造升压 upgrading
信息化再制造升级 informationized remanufacturing upgrade
提级改造 upgrading reconstruction
构造改造 precretaceous period; tectonic reworking
构造改造成矿作用 Structural reactivated mineralization
构造改造矿床 metamorphogenic deposit
构造改造样式 structurally reworking pattern
构造改造作用 ta ctonic reworking
[士兵]升级 advancement in rating
ASON升级 ASON evolution
CEBAF能量升级 CEBAF upgrade
Loader软件升级 the loader software update
LOAD升级 LOAD update
ONU软件升级 ONU software upgrade