137Cs reference inventory 137Cs背景值; 137Cs本底值
210Pb(ex) inventory 210Pb(ex)含量
210Pbex inventory 210Pbex含量
ABC inventory classification ABC库存分类
ABC inventory classification system 展肢
ABC inventory classified control method ABC库存分类控制法
ABC inventory structure analysis ABC库存结构分析法
achievement motivation inventory 成就动机量表
active inventory 实际维修时间
activity inventory 放射性总量; 活动一览表; 活动记录
adaptive flexibility inventory 适应弹性评量表
adding copper method for inventory 加铜盘存法
adjustment inventory 适应量表
adolescent emotional factors inventory 青年情绪因素评量表
aggregate inventory 整体规划
aggregate inventory management 临界阻尼调整
air pollutant emission inventory 空气污染物排放清单
airline inventory managemet 航材管理系统
annual forest inventory 森林资源年度监测
Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and physical inventory card 比浓对数粘度; 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表