电话机听筒上壳 upper cover of telephone receiver
电话机外壳上盖 above Shell of Telephone
桌上型机壳 desktop case
在飞机上上网 connect to the Internet in flight
发电机机壳 generator housing
机壳机架 caninet
轮机机壳 turbine casing
手机机壳 mobile phone shells
[舰上]机库甲板 hangar deck
〔地壳〕上升运动 positive movement
150CC以上机车 More Than 150CC Motorcycle
CATV机上变换器 CATV converter: set-top
Cray计算机上的Unix系统 Unicos
pc机上 pc
PLC在试验机上的应用 application of PLC to testing machine
安全壳壳体上的电缆贯穿件接头 connection on containment shell for cable penetration
报告机上识别器型别 which transponder
壁上机械手 manipulator; over-wall
变质上壳岩系 metamorphic supracrustal rocks
柴油机上 Diesel