中性点不接地电网 isolated neutral network
中性点不直接接地电网 with power system with neutral point nondirectly grounding
中性点不接地交流电网 Ungrounded neutral AC electrical network
非直接接地电网 non solidly grounded network
中性点非直接接地电网 non-solid earthed distribution networks
中性点不接地电力系统 electric system of neutral-piont earth free
固定渔网接地网 ground net
接地电网 grounding power system
接地网电阻 grounding resistance; grounding grid resistance
配电网接地方式探讨 Study on Grounding Mode of Distribution Network
小电流接地电网 indirectly grounding power system; neutral point indirectly grounded network; small current grounding power systems; indirectly earthed power system
谐振接地电网 resonant earthed system
不对称电网电压 asymmetrical grid voltage; unbalanced network voltage
不接地 Ungrounded
不接地变压器 ungrounded transformer
不接地的 Ungrounded
不接地的等电位联结 earth-free equipotential bounding
不接地故障 phase to phase fault
不接地手持式器具 handheld appliances without an earth connection