快速中心投影 fast mid-projection
扫描线投影中心平面 scanline and perspective central plane
扫描行中心投影面 central perspective plane of scanline
投影中心 projective center; projection centre; principal point; center of projection; COP; centre of projection
线中心投影 line perspective
圆柱体中心投影 perspective projection of cylinder
圆柱中心投影 central cylindrical projection
质量中心投影点 ground projection point of center of mass
中心投影变换 perspective map; central projection transformation
中心投影法 center projection
非中心对称投影 non-centrosymmetric projection
中心轴测投影 central axonometric projection
投影②投影图 projection
反投中心 center of inversion
国家气候中心/中国气象局气候研究开放实验室 national climate center; National Climate Center/Open Laboratory for Climate Research; CMA; National Climate Center/Laboratory for Climate Studies; china meteorological administration; Open Laboratory for Climate Research; Laboratory for Climate Studies
国家气候中心;中国气象局气候研究开放实验室 The Laboratory of Climate Study of China Meteorological Administration; national climate center; Laboratory of Climate Research; CMA; Laboratory for Climate Studies
国家气候中心;中国气象科学研究院 national climate center; 2 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science; Beijing 100081
国家气候中心中国气象局气候研究开放实验室 Laboratory for Climate Studies of China Meteorological Administration; national climate center; Laboratory for Climate Studies; Laboratory for Climate Studies of CMA; china meteorological administration; CMA; The Laboratory of Climate Study; Loboratory for Climate Studies; national cliamte center
国家气象中心;中国气象科学研究院灾害天气重点实验室 national meteorological center