雇主②主要的 master
统计主管 OC Statistics
主要计划 major program; master plan; principal plane
主要计划及细部计划 Master Plan and Detail Plan
主要统制帐户 master control account
主要要素 parameter
统计要素 statistical element
BIOMED统计计算软件包 BioMed
CS(应用常值统计约束)算法 CS(Constant Statistics Constraint) arithmetic
传统统计调查方法 traditional statistical investigation method
传统统计方法 traditional statistical method
传统统计分析 traditional statistical analysis
传统统计学 classical statistics; traditional statistics
多变值统计分析 multivariate statistical analysis
概率统计计算 Statistical probability computation; probabilistic statistical computation
概率统计计算法 Probability computing method; statistical analysis; Computational methods of probabilitical statistics
国家核材料统计计量管理系统 state system of accounting for and control of nuclear material; ssac
混合物设计统计技术 mixture design statistic technique
极值统计 extreme analysis; extremum statistics; Extreme value statistic; Statistics of extreme; Statistics of extreme values; Statistics of extremes; theory of extreme statistics