大学生党支部 college student Party branch
大学生党支部建设 construction of students’ Party branches; college students’ party construction
党支部建设 construction of Party branch; party branches-building
党支部书记 Party branch secretary
高校学生党支部 Party branch in colleges
基层党支部 basic party branch; Party organizations at the community level
基层党支部书记 the Party secretary
兼职党支部书记 construction for the Party
三K党支部 klavern
五好党支部评选方法 choosing method for top party general branch from
学生党支部 Student Party branch; studenats party branch
学习型基层党支部 study-model CP branches
长枪党党员 Falangist
得到民主党支持 secured the Democratic Party’s backing
得到自由党支持 won Liberal Party backing
工党党员 Laborist; laborite; labourite
共产党部队 communist forces
民主党党员 Dlemocrat
社会民主党党员 social democrat