农村集体非农建设用地 Collective Non-agricultural Construction Land
农村建设用地 rural construction land; rural reconstruction useing land
农村建设用地整理 Rural construction land consolidation; construction-land consolidation of countryside
集体建设用地 Collective construction land; cllective fields for building; collective land for construction
集体建设用地使用权 usufruct of rural collective construction land
非农建设用地 Non-farming Construction Land
集体非农建设用地 Collective construction land
城市可利用建设用地 usable building ground
关键字:新农村建设 the construction of a new countryside
辣椒的农村建设 new rural construction
论新农村建设的动力 On the Forces of New Rural Construction
农村集体 collective; Country collectivity; Country collectivism
农村集体经济组织 rural collective economic organization
农村集体土地 Rural collective land
农村集体土地法律制度 the Rural Land Law System
农村集体土地所有权 rural collective land ownership
农村建设 countryside construction; Rural building; rural construction; Construction of the rural village; Village construction
农村建设规划 Rural reconstruction plan
农村建设与规划 Rural construction and planning