薄板冷冲压件 sheet metal component
冲压件成形 molding process of pressing parts
冲压件工艺预分析 formability pre-analysis
冲压件试拼 stamping part’s joint
大型复杂冲压件 Large complicated s tampings; Large complicated stampings
多侧孔冲压件 punching part with multi-side holes
非规则冲压件 irregular stamping part
复杂冲压件 complex metal sheet
覆盖件冲压 automotive panel forming
覆盖件冲压仿真 Sheet metal forming
汽车冲压件 automobile punching part; Stamping part
汽车覆盖件冲压 automobile cover punching
小型冲压件 small size stamping parts
冲压焊接件 stampings and welding
冲压零件 feature recognition; Stamping part; Punching part; stamped parts
冲压模架标准件 die carrier standard parts
冲压模具标准件 standard parts of pressing die; Pressing die standard parts
冲压制件 stamped part
组件脉冲转换涡轮增压系统 modular pulse converter turbo-charging system