混合矩量法-物理光学法 hybrid MoM-PO method
几何光学-物理光学 Geometrical Optics-physical optics
快速多极子-迭代物理光学方法(IPO+FMM) ipo+fmm
生物物理学方法 Biophysical methods
时域物理光学方法 time-domain physical optics; time-domain Physical-Optics method
物理光学方法 physical optics method; physical optics; Physical 0ptica1 method; Physic-optics Method
物理光学方法(PO) Baoji-Deyang HVDC project
心理物理学方法 psychophysical method; psychophysical methods
空间物理学 Space physics
武汉大学空间物理系 wuhan university; Department of Space Physics; Dept of Space Physics; deft; of Space Physics; Dept. of Space Physics
迭代物理光学法 iterative physical optics; Iterative physical optic (IPO) approach; Iterative physical optics approach; API biochemical test; iterative physical optics IPO; Iterative physical optical method
近场物理光学法 near-field PO; near-field physical-optics(PO) method
数学物理方法 physics-based method; methods of mathematical physics; method of mathematical physics
物理光学法 Po; physical optics; physical optics measurement; Physic-optics Method; brachilalis artery; physical optical method; PO method; physical optics PO method; physic-optics PO method; physical method; baoji-guangyuan; physical optics method; Baoshankou; physical optics(PO) method; Physics optics method; Physical optic method; Baojing
物理光学法(PO) physical optics(PO) method
物理光学理论 Theory of physical optics
物理学方法 physical method; physics ways
物理学方法论 physics methodology; physical methodology
半空间理论 half space theory