广义维数相关系数 General dimension correlation coefficient
互相关双向极值法 cross-correlation two-way extreme value method
双耳互相关系数 IACC; interaural cross-correlation coefficient
双耳互相关系数测量 IACC measurement
双耳相关系数 subjective assessment
双列相关系数 biserial coefficient of correlation; biserial correlation coefficient
双向关系 2-way relationship; bidirectional relationship; bilateral relationships; twoway relation
向量相关系数 vector correlation coefficient
向量余相关系数 vector alienation coefficient
Bravais相关系数 Bravais correlation coefficient
Contourlet系数相关性 relativity of the Contourlet coefficients
Hotelling广义相关系数 Hotelling generalized correlation coefficient
Kendall等级相关系数 A-D method of inspection
Kendall偏相关系数 Kendall’s partial correlation coefficient
Kendall秩相关系数 Kendall rank correlation; Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient; Kendall’s rank correlation coeffcient
Lagrange相关系数 Lagrange coefficient
Matthews相关系数 Matthews correlation coefficient
Pearson积矩相关系数 pearson’s correlation coefficient
Pearson相关系数 pearson’s correlation coefficient; Pearson correlation coefficient; Pearson coefficient of correlation