中国历史城市地理学 chinese urban historical geography
北京大学城市与环境学院地理科学研究中心 Department of Geography; peking university
华东师范大学地理系、教育部城市与环境开放实验室 urban environmental open laboratory; Ministry of Education; east china normal university
华东师范大学地理系城市环境与动态过程开放实验室 The Open Laboratory of City Environment and D ynamic Process at East China Normal University; The Open Laboratory of City Environment and Dynamic Process at East China Normal University
华东师范大学地理系城市与环境动态过程开放实验室 Ag50Ni50
华东师范大学地理系教育部城市环境动态过程开放实验室 Department of Geography; Open Laboratory of Urban Environmental Dynamic Processes
佛山市城市地理信息中心 Foshan urban geography information center
江门市城市地理信息中心 jiangmen urban geography information system center
南京师范大学地理学学院 College of Geography Science; nanjing normal university
城市地理 geography; cultural geography
城市地理空间基础框架 basic frame of fundamental geographic information
城市地理信息库 Urban geographic information base
城市地理信息系统 UGIS; city geography information system; urban geographic information system; urban GIS
广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院城市地理信息中心 Guangzhou Urban PlanningDesign Survey Research Institute; GIS Center of Guangzhou Urban PlanningDesign Survey Research Institute; amplifying tube
昆明市城市地下管线探测办公室 Urban Underground Pipeline Detection Office of Kunming City; Kunming urban Underground Pipeline Detection office
上海市城市地质研究所 Shanghai Institute of Urban Geology
上海市城市地质研究院 Shanghai Institute of Urban Gology; Shanghai Institute of Urban Geology
数字城市地理空间框架 geospatial framework of digital city; digital city geospatial framework
都市地理学 urban geography