天气预报预报预测 forecast
半定量指标 semi-quantitative index
暴雨定量预报 Quantitative forecasts for storm rainfall
定点定量预报 Quantitative precipitation forecast
定量标定 quantitative calibration
定量标定技术 quantitative calibration
定量预报 quantitative forecasting; Quantitative prediction; Forecast on grade; Qualitative forecasting; quantification forecast; quantitative forecast
定量指标 Quantitative index; quantitative indexes; Activity and staging; the quantitative index; Quantitative indicator
定量指标控制 Control
定性和定量指标 qualitative and quantitative indexes
降雨定量预报 rainfall quantitative forecast
散点图定量指标 Quantitative scatterplots
双跟踪标定定量PCR Dual spike-in qPCR
大雪预报指标 forecast index of heavy snow
地震预报指标 Earthquake predictive index; Earthquake prediction index
订正预报指标 Forecast correction
短时预报指标 weather forecast
辐射大雾预报指标 radiation fog porecast indices
国家地震局滇西地震预报预报实验场 western yunnan earthquake study test site