实地勘测 Site investigation; spot reconnaissance
实地勘查 field survey
实地实验 field experiment
《场地勘察指南》 Guide to Site Investigation
场地勘察 worksite examination; Site investigation; Site exploration
场地勘察指南 Guide to Site Investigation
勘察地理信息系统 geological reconnaissance information distribution
勘察地球化学 exploration geochemistry
勘察地下水源 groundwater source exploration
安徽省地勘局313地质队实验室 Laboratory of No.313 Geological Party of Anhui Province; Lu’an 237010
不诚实地 disloyally; disingenuously; insincerely; Dishonestly; truthlessly; mala fide
不忠实地 unfaithfully; faithlessly; perfidiously
场地实验 field test
超现实地 irréelment
诚实地 Truthfully
倒立摆的虚拟现实实现 Virtual Reality Realization of Inverted Pendulum
捣实实验 Tamping test
敦实实 stocky
非实地审查 off-site review