本底质谱 background mass spectrum
表层底质 surface substrate
草型底质 vegetation bottom
沉积物底质图 types and distributions of surface sediments map
池塘底质改良 Ponds bottom soil quality improvement
船底质量 bottom quality
底质采样 bottom characteristics sampling
底质采样器 bottom sampler
底质沉积物 bottom sediment
底质调查 bottom characteristics exploration
底质分布图 bottom sediment chart
底质分类 bottom material classification; Seafloor classification; seabed material classification; bottom sediment classification; Seabed classification; seabed discrimination; substrate composition classification
底质符号 symbol of bottom matter
底质改良 bottom characteristic improvement
底质环境 sedimental environment
底质颗粒物 substrate particulate matter
底质类型 sediment types; Sediment type; surface sediments
底质类型估计 estimation of bottom sediment type
底质硫化物 sedimental sulfide