3C成长团体 3C learning group
柏克莱成长研究 Berkeley growth study
半成长的 half-grown
雹成长 hail growth
雹成长区 hail growth zone
爆轰成长 Growth; detonation development
悲惨性成长 Immiserizing growth
边际成长流量比 rate of marginal growth flow
冰晶成长速率 Growing rate of ice crystal
脖颈成长机制 neck growth mechanism
薄膜成长 film growth
不等成长 heterogonic growth; heterogony
不稳定裂缝成长 unstable crack growth
不相称长成 unequal growth of parts
不相等长成 unequal growth of parts
层成长说 layer-growth theory
差别成长差别成长 differential growth
差异成长 differential growth
产品生命周期的成长阶段 growth stage of product life cycle
产业成长 Industry growth