接地支路 grounded branch
虚拟接地支路 invented grounded- branches
10 kV线路接地 10 kV line grounded
10kV线路接地 10 kV line grounded
地大地接地 Ground
地接地 Ground
电路接地 electrical ground
电支路接口单元 electrical tributary interface units
发电机励磁回路接地 excitation winding grounding fault of generator
发电机励磁回路接地故障 excitation winding grounding fault of generator
非直接接地电网 non solidly grounded network
非直接接地系统 fault analysis
光支路接口 optical tributary interface
光支路接口单元 optical interface units
过电压电路接地器 Cardew earthing device; Carddew earthing device
驾驶室接地接线柱 cab ground post
接地等化电感器 ground equalizer inductor
接地接 earth electrode
开关接地接线柱 switch ground terminal
励磁回路接地 field winding ground