Boussinesq波浪 Boussinesq wave
Inundation模态波浪力 Inundation wave force
Morison模态波浪力 Morison wave force
NewWave波浪理论 NewWave theory
SWAN波浪模型 SWAN wave model
艾略特波浪 elliott wave
北海波浪研究联合计划 joint north sea wave project
被波浪冲打 Awash
边部波浪 side wave
表观波浪周期 apparent wave period according to zero crossings
波浪/潮位测量仪 Wave and Tide Gauge
波浪板面号角天线 corrugated horn antenna
波浪板形波导 orrugated waveguide
波浪边 wavy edge
波浪边锭模 corrugated mold
波浪边界层 wave boundary layer
波浪变形 wave transformation; Wave propagation; wave deformation; wave distortion; wave shape distortion; waves transformation
波浪波长和方向 ocean wave length and direction
波浪补偿 compensation of undulation; wave compensation; heave compensation; wave compensating