补偿型稳压电源 compensation the power supply
不稳定的电压电源 unstable voltage supply
参数电源稳压器 reference regulated power supply
串联型晶体管直流稳压电源 series transistor stabilized DC supply
电力交流稳压电源 AC voltage high-power supply
电视稳压电源 stable voltage source for TV
电源稳压 power source constant voltage
集成稳压电源 integrated stable voltage
交流稳压电源 line power stabilizer; AC stabilizer; AC regulated power supply; AC stabilized power supply; AC voltage-stabilized power soucrce; AC voltage-stabilized source; AC stabilified-voltage power
晶体管直流稳压电源 transistorized regulated DC power supply
精密稳压电源 Accurate stabilized voltage supply
开关稳压电源 switehing voltage regulator; switching mode power supply; switching-mode power supply(SMPS; on-off stabilized Voltage supply; switching voltage stabilizer; switching voltage-stabilized power source; switch mode power supply; Switching power supply; switching stabilized power supply; regulated power supply in on-off state
零伏可调稳压电源 0V adjustable regulated power supply
模块化稳压电源 modular regulated power supply
全自动交流稳压电源 full-automatic alternating current stabilized voltage supply
外部稳压电源 external stabilized power
稳压电源 voltage-regulator; regulated power supply; voltage regulator; stabilized voltage supply; Stabilized power supply; voltage-stabilizing source; voltage-stabilized source; voltage stabilizer; voltage stabilizator; manostat; voltage stabilization power; Power; regulator power supply; Stabilized power source; power supply; Stable power supply; steady-voltage power supply; switching-mode power supply; stabilized supply; DC stablizer; Power stabilizer; stable power; regulated power; steady power-supply; Stability; constant voltage charge; regular power; regulated voltage supply; the constant voltage power source; voltage-steadied source; regulator; voltage regulator power supply
稳压电源模块(VRM) ca-b-si
线性稳压电源 linear power supply; linear stabilizer supply
相控稳压电源 phase controlled regulated power