Anti Compton γ Spectrometer
anti compton gamma ray spectrometer
Anti-Compton Ge(Li)Gamma Spectrometer
anti anti idiotypic antibody
Anti-anti-idiotypic antibody
Anti-Compton shield detector
array of HPGe anti-Compton spectrometers
BGO anti -Compton shield
Act Governing the Farmland Grants to Anti-Communist and Anti-Soviet Union Soldiers
anti bacterial and anti cancer activity
Anti- fil- anti- idiotypic antibody
Anti fog and anti dropping agent
anti oxidant and anti corrosive additive
anti scouring and anti wearing strength
anti sliding and anti tumble
Anti-A and Anti-B Blood Grouping Reagents (Human sera)
Anti-A and Anti-B Blood Grouping Reagents (Monoclonal Antibody)