Aluminum Sheet for Easy-open Can
hot sheet for automobile frames
PVC sheet for solid pharmaceutical packaging
steel sheet for automobiles
steel sheet for household appliance
Steel sheet for household appliances
units for sheet material
method for turning body over
Polyester Fibre for for spinning
setting new systems for turning crop-fields into tree-woods
a high regard for Confucian classics and a low regard for commentaries
ACTETSME: APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises
compensation for taking over the forest land for use
diagonal ridge for hip roof,vertical ridge for gable roof
dosages for the prescription for activating blood circulation and removing obstruction in the fu-organs
formula for consolidating superficies for arresting sweating
formula for warming channel for dispersing cold
formula for warming interior for dispersing cold
Guidance Notes for the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works