(sarcastic) people who give more births than birth quota allows
(WHO) Strategic Approach
2006 WHO Child growth Standards
a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital
a legendary beauty who flew to the moon
a person who always gets good breaks
a person who is always falling ill
a special teacher who at the same time as a teacher in charge of a class
a wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing
associated container linesgroup of internationally known shipowners who formed the first company to use container ship
biographical dictionary who’s who
candidates who were not elected
college for people who attend after work
college graduates who were the first to be enrolled under the college expansion of 1999
doctors who not serving in registered hospital
Edgard Varese:Who in He
Encourage the Scholars who were born in the poor a
evil person who commits crimes
Four Prime Ministers Who Dreared the Herbaceous Peony