Retroviral-mediated transfer MDRI gene gene transfer Cord blood CD34+ cell
Antisense gene of Rb gene
Connexin 37 gene Cx37 gene
cytochrome b gene Cyt b gene
Gene for gene hypothesis
genetic model of major gene plus poly gene
imaging gene expression and gene radiation therapy
Major gene plus poly gene inheritance analysis
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma-associated gene 6 gene
Phosphoenolpyruvae Carboxylase gene PEPCase gene
Trehalose synthase gene TPS gene
non-overlapping sequence of VP1 gene to VP3 gene
Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) neu rons
Integrated department of internal and surgical neu
recombinant human neu epitope peptide 12
(2002)The Melon Gene List (2002) (Translation)