(receipt or invoice) in duplicate
(substituted-phenoxy or phenylthio)(pyrimidine)
[-η] belonging to characters ending in m,n,or ng
1 6 QAM Or thogonalfre quencydi visionmulti plexing
1st Class or 2nd Class Control
2 or 3 Stand 4-High Tandem Mill
2D or 3D seismic acquisition
2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester(HEHPEHE or P507)
Ⅲ staging cardia or fundus of stomach carcinoma
4 or 5 O caf feoyl quinic acid methyl ester
5 or 6 Nitrobenzo imidazole
a bamboo or wicker scoop
a basket or pan used for earth