Renal and upper segment of ureter operation
hard segment segment content
figuration of renal pelvis and renal calices
Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure
Hypertensive renal disease without renal failure
renal pelvis or upper renal calyx calculi
stricture or atresia of renal pelvis and renal cal
installation segment by segment
(subscript 99m)Tc-DMSA renal cortex scan
(superscript 99m)Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy
^99m Tc-DMSA renal scan
2K1C renal hypertension rats
2K1C renal hypertensive rat
99m Tc-DMSA renal SPECT
99mTc-DMSA renal scan
锝-99m DMSA肾脏造影
ACHN renal cell carcinoma
acute and chronic renal failure