the data of transfer heat
overall heat transfer coefficient
heat transfer coefficient
coefficient of friction
Heat-transfer Coefficient
thermal transmittance
heat transmission coefficient
coefficient of heat transfer
coefficient of thermal transmission
heat transfer coefficent
coefficient of heat transmission
energy consumption
thermal efficiency
coefficient of thermal transmissio
heat transfer cofficient
heat exchange coefficient
Coefficient of heat exchange
heat transfer factor
heat trasfor coefficient
overall heat transfer efficient
Transfer coefficient
thermal migration coefficient
overall coefficient of heat transfer
heating transfer factor
thermal conductive coefficent
coefficient of thermal conduction
Heat transfer and drag
coefficient of overall heat transmission
overall heat transfer coefficients
Heat trarfer cofficient
Diathermancy parameter
heat tramsfer coefficients
heat transfer
overall heat transfer
Heat trransmission coefficient
convection coefficients
heat transfer coefficients
overall coefficient of heat-transfer
modulus of conduct heat
coeffcient of heat transfer
heat conduction coefficient
Coefficient of thermal transmisson
convective heat transfer coefficient
heat transportation coefficient
thermal conductivity
gas mixture