返回 19 条匹配短语对
New socialist rural planning and construction
planning of new rural reconstruction
Rural reconstruction plan
the construction of a new countryside
new rural construction
construction of a new countryside
Construction of new socialist countryside
On the Forces of New Rural Construction
agricultural mechanization and new rural building
new rural construction in Japan
building of a new socialist countryside
the building of the new socialist countryside
new socialist countryside construction
New socialist rural construction
socialist new country construction
Construction of new socialist countryside
the building of New Socialist Countryside
Construction of socialist new countryside
socialist new villages
Construction of new socialist rural community
socialist new countryside
socialism new rural construction
new rural reconstruction
Socialism new rural reconstruction
socialistic new country construction
New socialism rural constructing
Construction of newsocialist rural community
Non-material Cultural Heritage
socialism countryside
construcion of socialism new villages
new countryside-construction
New suburbs new rural areas construction
New rural planning
New socialist rural planning
rural planning for new countryside
new rural area planning
New countryside planning
New construction of the rural village
The new rural construction
New countryside construction
new rural construction
modern countryside construction
the new countryside construction
new village construction
new-type rural construction
the New Village Construction
Ness countryside construction
newly countryside construction
new rural building
new rural village construction
new socialist countryside construction
New socialist rural construction
new so cialist countryside construction
New-countryside construction
index system
newcountryside construction
new-village construction
Rural development
rural construction
New construction
construction of new village
new agricultural construction
building the new countryside
constructing new countryside
construction of new country
the building new villages
the construction of new rura
new country construction
new country construct
new rural reconstruction
the building of the new countryside
Building new countryside
socialist rural reconstruction
building a new countryside
The socialist newcountryside construction
construct in the fresh countryside
building of new countryside
Construction of new countryside
the new rural reconstruction
building the new community
the construction of new countryside
new countryside building
the building of new countryside
building of the New Countryside
establishment of new countryside
new country-side construction
new countryside- construction
new county construction
Building of a new countryside
The construction of new country
Construction of now countryside
the Building of a New Countryside
New natal construction
new rural development
construction of a new country
new country building
The new countryside reconstruction
the building new countryside
build a new countryside
construction of a new countryside
building of new-type rural
Construction of new socialistic countryside
Construction of new socialist countryside
Construction of new socialist rural
Construction of socialist new countryside
establishment of socialist new countryside
building of a new socialist countryside
Construction of a new socialist countryside
building of new socialist countryside
New rural area construction
Socialism new rural reconstruction
the construction of new rural area
The Building of New-typed Rural Area
Construction of the new socialist countryside
New construction in rural areas
Constructing the New Socialist Countryside
building new socialist countryside
Construction of new rural areas
new socialistic countryside construct
Building a new socialist countryside
New country’s construction
the construction of new rural areas
Construction of socialism new rural
new socialist countryside building
Construction of a new socialism rural area
Building of New Socialist Countryside in China
the construcution of new countryside
New socialist countryside
New countryside
qinghai province
New socialist rural area
new socialistic countryside
new countryside-construction
new countryside constuction
new rural constraction
the new village constuction
the new village constuct
New countryside coustruction
Model country Social democracy
New rural areas
Construction of new rural pilot
Four Topics in New Rural Construction
Information service for new rural construction
Construction fund of new countryside
construction of a new countryside in Yunnan provin
rural construction land
rural reconstruction useing land
Rural construction land consolidation
construction-land consolidation of countryside
burden in directional blastingelastic half space theory信息化辅助建设工程Treated dose现代管理科学multi stage film evaporator视频联网urban transit hubKey Water Control Project