Crop straw returning
Wheat straw to soil
Corn straw return to soil
Wheat straw return to soil
the returning rice straw
straw returning
crop straw return
Stalk mulch
straw returning to the soil
returning wheat straw to soil
Returning straw to soil
straw mulched
straw return
Straw return to soil
Straw mulching
Straws return to field
straw returned
returning corn stalks into soil
Returning crop straw into soil
crop straws returned to the fields
Returning straw into soil
returning stalks into soil
returning stalks into the soil
Stalk returning into soil
returning straw to land
wheat residue return
straw return fields
Straw chopping and returning to field
return of rice stalk
Stalk return to cropland
returning stalk to the field
Return straw to field
return of stalk and stalks to field
Returning crop straw into soi1
Crop residues
Returning straw into field
returning stalks into field
Plant straw incorporation
Straw residues incorporation
crop residue amendment
Crop straw land-returning
Rice straw incorporation
Straw back-applying
Returning maize-straw into soil
stubble incorporation
Straw treatment
Stubble retention
stock return
straw crushed
Stubble agriculture
straw manuring
straw reapplication
rice and wheat straw
Straw recovery
straw incorporation
application of maize stalk in the field
Straw application
straw-amended soil
straw retention
Straw amendments
reluming straw to land
cotton straw application
Wheat residue incorporation
rice-straw returned to the field
Giving the straws back to the field
straw-returning to field
corn in dryland
Maize stock returing