clinical pathological change clinical paths Clinical pharmaceutical clinical pharmaceutical thinking clinical pharmacy Clinical Practice clinical practice ability clinical practice guidelines clinical practice of Chinese medicine clinical practice pattern clinical practice student clinical practices clinical precautions clinical prevention clinical problems Clinical processes clinical proteomics clinical quality clinical randomized control study Clinical randomized controlled trial Clinical rational use Clinical relationship Clinical scheme Clinical scoring system clinical screen clinical severity scale for central nervous system clinical sign Clinical sign and symptoms Clinical signs clinical signs and symptoms Clinical skill clinical skill training clinical skill training center clinical specialty Clinical specimen Clinical stomatology clinical subsets Clinical symptoms and signs Clinical Symptoms and the endoscope expression clinical syndrome clinical teaching ability clinical thermometer for armpit use Clinical thinking ability Clinical toxicity Clinical Training Clinical treatment clinical treatment methods and principles Clinical Treatment Test clinical trial clinical trial and evaluation clinical use Clinical use of drugs clinical usefulness clinical veterinary clinical veterinary medicine clinometer clinometer compass clinoptilolite channels clinoptilolite regeneration clip clip connector clip fastening clip mark clip mask clip noise clip spots clip spring Clip Type clip type anchor clip valve assembly clipping clipping area clipping fan clipping height clipping level clipping press clique cover problem cloacal fold clock clock and time synchronization clock and watch brush clock computer clock divider clock drift clock encoding Clock Generation clock ID Clock Input clock jitter clock rate clock repetition rate clock representation Clock Selection clock signal frequency clock signal generator Clock synchronization network clock time and date see rds CLOD STRUCTURE clogged clogged breather clogged filter clogged hole clogged screen clogged up clonal architecture clonal culture Clonal forestry Clonal Herb clonal integration Clonal lines clonal orchards clonal selection theory clonal theory Clone Algorithm clone inhibition clone sequencing clone vector Cloned cell cloned gene clonic clonic contraction clonic convulsion clonic seizure clonic selection clonic spasm cloning expression cloning of HN gene close close aboard close circulating close control close control switch knob close end close fault close grip close ice close in fall out close limit close packed close packed lattice close ring auto leveling Close ring control Close Shot close to nature forest management Closed Closed abdominal trauma Closed and Locked Closed Area closed center position Closed chamber method for spheroid treatment closed chamber test closed circuit loop line closed circuit loop line port closed circuit loop return pressure Closed Circulating Cooling Water Pumps closed class closed colony closed contact closed control of system performance closed cooling tower system closed cooling water system heat exchanger closed core type reactor closed cotton s fracture closed Cotton s fracture closed cup flash point test closed cup flash test closed cup test closed cycle closed cycle reactor closed demineralized water cycle cooling system closed double housing planer closed dust chamber closed electric circuit closed fault closed fishing area closed forests closed fracture closed Fracture fixation closed frequent graph patterns closed instinct closed integrated system closed ionization chamber closed kinetic chain exercise Closed Lake closed line of ICR white mouse Closed liver injury Closed loop control of Injection Pressure closed loop control return closed loop for blocking masses closed loop frequency response closed loop gain closed loop oil circuit closed loop power flow Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Closed loop speed control closed loop supply chain closed loop transfer function Closed Loop Water Circuits closed magnetic circuit closed manifold closed mind closed mission Closed nailing closed network closed oil pressure switch Closed orbit Closed orbit distortion correction closed oscillation circuit closed questionnaire closed rankine cycle closed reactor closed recirculating aquaculture system Closed Recirculating System closed recirculating water closed recycle Closed Recycling and Zero Discharge Closed Screening System closed shed closed static chamber technique closed stirrups closed tester closed traction reduction closed tube test closed TV system in market closed type forming closed type through cutting closed type thrust bearing closed under set closure Closed vessel Closed washing and drainage closed water heater closed workshop closeda? loop management closely closely map closely related in sound and meaning Closing Closing Arch for Grouting closing arch in summer closing balcony closing band closing ceremony closing cost closing efforts closing entries closing figure closing figures Closing fold closing layer Closing Loop Operation closing moment closing motion closing procedure Closing RPM closing spark closing time for valve closing unit closing update Closing Well Clostridium perfringens Clostridium perfringens type D closure closure algebra Closure Construction Closure disk closure head closure head assembly closure hillside closure model Closure Segments Cloth cloth a film of zirconium oxide cloth and rubber insulating boots cloth curtain cloth pasting machine cloth pattern cutting machine cloth turning machine clothing clothing for men clothing for protection against fire cloud CLOUD AMOUNT CLOUD ANALYSIS cloud and precipitation process Cloud and rain microphysical parameters Cloud and snow identification cloud attenuation cloud banner cloud base height balloon cloud blob cloud canopy cloud chart feature Cloud Classify Cloud Clusters cloud controller cloud cover Cloud Drift Wind cloud family cloud forest zone cloud fraction cloud height cloud height finder cloud height indicator cloud ice water path Cloud Image Database cloud infrastructure cloud integrated liquid water content Cloud Liquid Water Content Cloud mask cloud microphysical process Cloud microphysics process Cloud model Cloud Model Controller cloud model prediction cloud morphology CLOUD MOTIF cloud of points Cloud overlap cloud pattern cloud plume Cloud point temperature cloud quantity cloud radiative forcing ratio cloud section cloud service provider cloud short wave absorption CLOUD TOP Cloud Vertical Layer Structure Cloud Water Resources cloud water sampler cloud with vertical development cloud wool cloud zone clouds club house club law club swing Clubs Cluster cluster analysis Cluster Based Router cluster communication Cluster Computing Cluster computing platform cluster core Cluster Curriculum cluster density cluster deployment cluster detection cluster fly cluster ion cluster management software cluster matching cluster mode cluster of differentiation antigen Cluster of differentiation antigen 14 Cluster of differentiation antigen 47 Cluster of differentiation antigen 95 Cluster production Cluster regression Cluster Router Cluster scheduling Cluster scheduling algorithm cluster segmentation cluster service Cluster structures cluster thinning cluster tool cluster variable cluster well device clustering Clustering Algorithms clustering analysis based on singular value decomposition Clustering Data clustering file clustering index Clustering microarray data clustering of dynamic load characteristics Clustering Routing Protocols Clusters CLUT Color look up table Clutch clutch actuation pressure clutch air valve Clutch and brake with hydraulic pressure driving clutch assembly piston clutch braking clutch compartment clutch control cable clutch control group Clutch Cover clutch disc plate clutch drain clutch drive kit clutch drive plate clutch driving disc clutch hand lever clutch lever clutch lock clutch manifold Clutch Master Cylinder clutch oil passage clutch pack clutch pedal free play clutch pedal lever clutch piston seal clutch plate assembly clutch ring gear clutch seal ring clutch seal ring life clutch shaft bearing clutch size clutch spool assembly clutch spring clutch switch wire Clutch type planetary gear reducer clutter clutter covariance matrix reconstruction clutter filter Clutter Rank clutter reflections clutter reflectivity Clutter Ridge CMA Laboratory for Climate Studies National Climate Centre CMAC neural network CMG fracturing fluid CMIP Common management information protocol CMIS Common management information service CMIV gene CMOS Color Digital Camera IC OV7610 CMOS current mirror CMR effect CMR properties cms CMS of new cytoplasmic sources CMV infection in pediatric patients CMYA3 gene CNC high speed turret milling machine CNC horizontal milling CNC machining code CNC milling machine tool CNC movable single column vertical turning CNC press CNC single column vertical turning CNG filling substation CNG system cno cycle cno CNPC Tarim Oilfield Branch CNPC Xibu Drilling Engineering Company Limited co CO 2 arc welding with thin wire CO 2 emission mitigation CO 2 gas welding CO 2 laser imaging radar CO 2 pressure Co ferrite films co firing of coal sludge slurry and inferior fuel CO Gas CO gas pressure CO gene Co loading co spectrum CO^2 laser cutting and carving machine tool CO2 (Wave guide) Lasers CO2 concentration gradient CO2 emission flux CO2 emission reducing CO2 Emissions Reduction CO2 laser assisted treatment CO2 O2 mixed CO2 technology Co3O4 nano particle coagulant aid and settling agent coagulating agent coagulating deposition Coagulating method coagulating treatment Coagulation coagulation factor V Coagulation factor XⅢ Coal Coal Amount coal and gas geology Coal and Gas Outburst Prediction coal and gas outburst prediction and forecasting coal and gas outburst prominent controlling Coal and Gas Prominent coal and rock body influenced by mining coal ash melting temperature Coal ash slag coal assumption for supplying coal barrow coal base power industry Coal Bearing Property coal beater Coal Bed Combustion COAL BED GAS RESERVOIR coal bed injecting water coal bed methane emission quantity Coal Bed Methane Well coal bed structure Coal Beds coal black liquor slurry Coal body coal body structure Coal Boiler Fuel Gas Coal bottom ash coal burning Coal burning additive Coal Burning Boiler coal burning power plant coal car with bottom door Coal Carrier coal catalytic gasification Coal City coal combustion boiler coal consumption amount utilization ratio of coal coal consumption evaluation coal distribution scheme Coal Dock Coal Dressing coal drop Coal Dust Pollution coal economic system coal factor coal fans coal fermentation wastewater slurry Coal field geology coal field stress abnormal Coal fire excavation Coal Fired MHD Generating Technology coal fired power unit Coal Firing Coal Firing Boiler coal for coking distribution COAL FORMED GAS coal gas compressor coal gas low heating value coal gasification by microwave plasma coal high distribution power system Coal Injection Rate coal liquefaction residual coal liquefaction residue water slurry COAL MEASURE SOURCE ROCK coal measures and red beds coal measures plant coal mill unit trip coal mine collapse basin Coal Mine Enterprise coal mine rock tunnel coal mineral type city Coal Mining and Gas Extraction Coal Mining Enterprise coal mining face in protected seam coal mining induced collapse Coal Mining Rate coal modifying additive zzz coal of water transportation Coal Oil Water Slurry coal or rock dynamic catastrophes Coal oven coal partical coal particle density coal preparation plant coal price and electricity price linkage Coal Quality Management coal quantity calculating and measuring system Coal Rank Distribution coal rank structure Coal Replacing Oil coal resources city coal run of mine Coal Science coal seam gas emission coal seam gas industry coal seam with high inclined angle coal seams in upper member of Taiyuan Formation coal seams thickness Coal Sector coal sector industrial restructuring coal silt coal slurry ash detector coal species Coal Storage Yard coal surface structure coal tar epoxy build paint Coal to Air Ratio Coal to Olefin Coal transport for electricity COAL TUNNELS coal type characteristic Coal Waste Fired Power coal waste residue Coal Water Mixture coal water pump coal water slurry boilers coal water slurry viscosity coal water slurry(CWS) entrained flow coal gasification coal with high ash fusion temperature Coal(rock) layered slope coal(rock) pillar leaving coalbed methane drainage coalbed methane recovery ratio Coalescing coalescing filtration coalescing section coalescing separator coaling day coaling gear coaling process coaling shift coaling whip coals used in power industry Coarctation of abdominal aorta coarse coarse adjustment coarse aggregation coarse compounds Coarse Count coarse debris coarse embedding coarse fat coarse grain boundaries coarse grain materials coarse hair coarse orientation coarse pitch thread coarse reed coarse sand source region coarse screening coarse sediment source area coarse sediment source of Yellow River coarse slip coarse square file Coarse Symbol Timing Synchronization coarse thread coarse thread screw coarse thread tap coarse tuff coarse wavelength division multiplexer Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing coast chart coast mud Coast Plain coast terrace Coastal Coastal and land economic system coastal area of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces Coastal Area of Pearl River Estuary coastal classification coastal development zone of Weifang coastal dyke Coastal Dynamics Coastal Economic Zone Coastal Enterprises and Science coastal erosion coastal erosion and deposition Coastal Harbor Coastal Marine Environment coastal plain Coastal reclaimed land coastal regions of Guangdong Province Coastal Resources and Environment Research Center coastal saline coastal sandy soil coastal sea surface temperature coastal settlement Coastal Ships coastal surveying ship coastal trip coastal vegetation coastal water coastal waters off South China coastal wetland area coastal zone Coastal zones Ecological construction Restoration ofaquatic vegetation Xingyun Lake coastal zones of Jiangsu province coat armor coat button coat collar Coat Gene coat protein (CP) gene coated coated abrasive grinder coated abrasive products coated anode Coated board coated bulb coated carbon Coated Cemented Carbide Coated cemented carbide cutting tool Coated Conductors Coated controlled release fertilizer Coated Device COATED FABRICS coated filament coated front and back coated grain coated layer with conductor coated lens Coated on carbon nanotubes coated pile coated pit Coated Sheet coated steel frame coated talc powder Coated Tools Coated White Paperboard coater streak Coating coating accessory coating anode DSA Coating cracking coating dies Coating Film Quality Coating Fixed Quantity Control Coating for Iron Castings coating LLDPE by heat melting coating of pipe mould coating quality Coating Quality Control Coating quality testing coating seed Coating Solution coating surface on water coating textile coating to plate with oil coating treatment method Coatings for Plastics coaxial Coaxial Cable Connector Coaxial cable interface board coaxial fixed attenuator coaxial line with square outer conductor and circular inner coaxial packages Coaxial Series coaxial socket coaxial transmission and reflection method coaxial TV cable cob earth cobalt cobalt alloy integral pad cobalt basic carbonate cobalt benzoate Cobalt carbonyl cluster cobalt electroless plating cobalt ferrite thin films Cobalt Metal cobalt orthosilicate cobalt phthalocyanine cobalt plating cobalt plating solution cobalt salt adhesion promoter cobalt sesquisulfide Cobalt Sulphate Solution cobalt superphosphate cobalt toxicity cobalt vitriol cobalt(II) carbonate cobalt(II) chloride cobalt(II) complexes cobalt(II) hypophosphite cobalt(II) orthophosphate Cobaltous cobaltous amidosulfonate cobaltous phthalocyanine coble lug cochlear fenestra Cochran s rule cock cock tap cockpit Cockpit Display cockpit ergonomics cocktail suit coco(a)nut crab cocoon beater cocoon direct steaming cocoon shell cocoonlike protection Cocos cocos fibre Cocos Plate Coda wave Q(C) value Code code allocation Code Analysis Code Analyzing Code and Go Code Auto Generation Code Bar code chip code conversion program code conversion table program code costas code digit code family code field code for building construction in collapsible Loes Code for design of concrete structures code for heavy isotopes Code Generator code holes code insertion code item code level code maps code message code name code of basic code of bridge design Code of Practice for Safe Use of Lifts and Escalators code of safety for special purpose ships code repertoire code rule code s weight subtraction Code sequence diagram code skeleton code unit code walk code weight coded coded data pattern coded digit track circuit Coded Digital Signal Generator coded optical character coding coding and decoding technigue coding and demodulation coding compaction Coding Equipment coding form Coding Mode Coding of voice information Coding principle coding surplus coding tube codon modify coefficient coefficient of accumulation coefficient of air leakage area of closed outlets coefficient of air relative pressure coefficient of consolidation for radial flow coefficient of cooling load coefficient of direct consumption coefficient of dynamic force coefficient of earth pressure Coefficient of earth pressure at rest coefficient of ground motion attenuation coefficient of heat energy utilization coefficient of heat expansion coefficient of humic acid stability coefficient of induced drag coefficient of kinematic viscosity coefficient of linear contraction coefficient of load and resistance analysis coefficient of load s distribution coefficient of magnetic dispersion coefficient of mine air leakage coefficient of multiple correlation coefficient of normal Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure coefficient of potential coefficient of reduction rigidity coefficient of refraction index against temperatur coefficient of risk aversion coefficient of sound energy coefficient of standard curve coefficient of static friction coefficient of structure stability coefficient of the depth and water level of soil l coefficient of the depth and water level of soil layers coefficient of thermal expansion coefficient of viscosity of steam Coefficient of volume expansion coefficient of water application uniformity coefficient of water invasion coefficient on production rate coefficient potential efficiency coefficients coeliac ganglion Coelom sac coelomic fluid coenzyme Q 0 coercion operator coercion structure coercion theory Coexistence of oil and potash coexisting minerals coffee house coffee mill cofferdam Cofferdam Fold COFFIN JOINT cogging mill cogging shears Cogging wizard cognitive ability cognitive automation Cognitive Communication Network cognitive defense cognitive dimension cognitive effect cognitive ergonomics cognitive geometry cognitive interview cognitive mediation cognitive neuroscience cognitive phase Cognitive psychological education in group cognitive radio networks Cognitive radio sensor network cognitive tuning cognitive wireless Mesh networks Cognitive Wireless Networks cognizance law COHERENCE CUBE TECHNIQUE coherence degree Coherence Enhancing Coherence image enhancing coherence loss function COHERENCY FUNCTION MODEL coherent coherent acoustic Doppler radar coherent acoustic phonon Coherent and incoherent beam combinations coherent and incoherent combinations Coherent and incoherent superpositions coherent bandwidth Coherent beam combination Coherent beam combining coherent calculation coherent clock coherent compensation coherent demodulation jamming Coherent Detecting coherent detection coherent detection of light coherent Doppler lidar coherent elastic scattering coherent elastic scattering of radiation Coherent electron structure COHERENT ENHANCEMENT coherent equivalence coherent forward scattering atomic spectroscopy coherent from pulse to pulse coherent harmonic generation FEL coherent integration coherent integration method in frequency domain coherent lamellae Coherent Laser Radar coherent light beam coherent light detection and ranging coherent light flux coherent modulation system COHERENT NOISES coherent OFDM system Coherent Optical Detection coherent optical information processing Coherent optical path coherent optical radar coherent optical receiver Coherent optical sources coherent oscillator Coherent oxygen lance coherent phase compensation function coherent polarimetric radar coherent polarization Coherent polyaniline coherent pulse integration coherent pulse radar coherent radar clutter coherent raman scattering spectroscopy coherent receiver Coherent Reception coherent ring Coherent rings coherent risk measure coherent risk measures Coherent Scattering coherent scattering cross section coherent scattering model Coherent Signal Processing coherent signal subspace method coherent sliver coherent slump coherent stack coherent state coherent strengthening coherent structure of turbulence Coherent transition radiation[HT] Coherent underwater acoustic communication Coherent Video Echo Simulation coherent video signal simulation coherent video simulation Coherent Vortex Structure coherent wave field coherent window Cohesion cohesion degree Cohesion Soil cohesionless prestress concrete cohesionless soil Cohesive Cohesive agent COIL coil brake Coil Breaks coil case coil chip coil dividing control coil drag coil gradient coil loss coil opener coil pipe condenser COIL SAFETY coil shield coil temper mill Coil Transport Coil weight coil wound rotor coiled pumping rod coiling doors coiling simulation coin Coin Chute COIN POCKET coincide coincidence coincidence adjustment coincidence check coincidence counting method coincidence resolving time coincidence time resolution coioling simulation coke and coal mixture charging Coke and Nonmetal Terminal coke car coke dry quenching with cold distillation gas coke high temperature COKE OVEN WASTE WATER Coke pit coking burning COL1A2 Motif COL4A3 gene COL4A5 gene Cold Cold advection Cold air blast velocity Cold air intrusion cold air path Cold airstream Cold altitudes Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Reseach Institute Cold and drought resistance Cold and Rainy Weather of Spring cold and warm air heating radiator Cold atomic absorption Cold atomic absorption spectrometry cold atomic absorption spectrophotometry cold atomic fluorescence method Cold atomic fountain Cold backup cold belt cold bend forming cold bending of ship plate cold board cold box core making process cold box material cold cathode (discharge)lamp cold cathode arc source cold cathode field emission display cold cathode fluorescent lamp Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps CCFLs cold cathode gas discharge tube cold cathode ionization gage cold cathode lamp cold cathode tube cold clean reactor COLD CLIMATE cold condition COLD CONTINUOUS ROLLING MILL cold crack temperature Cold damage of rice cold dessert cold dew cold drawing deformation cold drawing steel tube Cold Drawn Section Steel Cold drawn shaped steel tubes cold drawn steel wire cold elbow cold engine idle procedure cold exercises cold expose cold extrusion process design Cold fan cold feeder cold flow condition Cold forging Dies cold forming section steel cold front passage cold furnace condition Cold green bean noodle with mustard and meat shreds Cold Heading Property COLD HEAT cold hydraulic test cold insulator cold isostatic pressing cold junction temperature cold light lamp cold load Cold material Cold mix asphalt for pothole repair Cold model test cold neutron guide cold occlusion cold pathogen being apt to attack yang cold pig cold pole Cold poly cold reclamation in place Cold retaining cold rigor Cold ring rolling mill Cold roast pork with vegetable Cold Rolled Automobile Steel Sheet Cold Rolled Plate Cold Rolled Reduction Cold rolled ribbed bar Cold rolled steel coil cold rolled steel sheet of second grade Cold Rolled Steel Strip cold rolled tube cold rolling aluminum plate cold rolling continuous galvanizing line Cold Rolling Hot Dip Galvanized Dual Phase Steel cold rolling mill for foil cold rolling mill oily waste water Cold Rolling Mill Roller cold rolling of plate and strip cold rolling plate cold rolling reduction rate Cold rolling rolls Cold rolling strip mill Cold Rolling Tandem Mill cold rolling work roll Cold Rotary Forging cold round cold run cold runner cold sector cold setting cold shutdown condition cold silicon sheet cold site Cold start transient condition cold storage & food processing facilities cold strip rolling line Cold Strip Rolling Mill COLD STRIP STEEL COLD TANDEM MILL Cold temperate zone cold test Cold tongue in the tropical Pacific Ocean Cold vapor Cold vapor AAS Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Method cold vapor atomic absorption of spectrometry Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy Cold Vapor Generation Cold vapor generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry cold wash cold washing COLD WATER MASS cold wave cold wave and heavy snow Cold Weather Condition Cold Work Die Steel cold zone and black glebe Coli collaborative Collaborative Editing Collaborative Filtering Algorithm collaborative integrated design environment collaborative maintenance collaborative manufacturing execution system Collaborative Modeling Collaborative Quality Management collaborative strategy collaborative work platform collagen collagen recombination Collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 gene Collapse Collapse fracture Collapse height collapse in certain direction Collapse in situ Collapse sequence collapse sliding collapsed height collapsible door collapsible mast collapsible prop collapsible ring collapsible seat collar collar band width Collar bushing collar cave collar clamp collar finder collar float collar house collar locator collar mandrel collar piping collar thrust ball bearing collateral collateral diseases collateral eligibility Collateral penalty collateral to Collecting Collecting and Distributing Type collecting and spreading machine assembly Collecting Fee System collecting funds collecting rainfall and storing in bags Collecting technical information collecting time and processing method collection collection editor Collection technology of rainfall collective collective dose equivalent collective effective dose equivalent commitment collective forest property collective forest property right collective image Collective Innovation collector collector grain COLLECTOR RING collector well college college Chinese course and high school Chinese cou college English classroom discourse college entrance examination English reform college for people who attend after work College Management Information System College of Architecture and Urban Planning College of Biological and Environmental Engineering College of Biology and Environment of Zhejiang University of Technology College of Earth and Environment Sciences College of Earth and Environmental Science College of Earth and Science College of Earth and Space Sciences of University of Science and Technology of China College of Earth Science and Engineering College of Earth Science and Land Resourses College of Earth Science and Mineral Resources College of Earth Science and Resources College of Earth Science and Technology College of Earth Sciences and Engineering College of Energy Resources Chengdu University of Technology College of Environment and Resources College of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics College of Environmental Science and Resources College of Foreign Languages College of Geography and Resource Management College of Land and Resources College of Life and Environment Sciences College of Life Sciences Jiangxi College of Marine Geosciences College of Marine Life Science College of Material Science and Art Desige College of Mineral Resource and Earth Science College of Radiation Medicine and Public Health College of Resources and Earth Sciences college of territorial resources and tourism of anhui normal university College of Traffic and Transportation Engineering College of Urban and Environment Science College of Urban Environment Sciences College of Water Conservancy and Environmental Engineering College of Water Conservancy Environmental Engineering College of Water Resources and Environment college PE teachers college students on campus College work colleges in Jiangxi Province collet attachment collide pulse mode locking property colliding colliding bias collimated radiation collimator calibration collineation collineation group collision adaptive collision avoidance algorithm collision avoidance system Collision Between Movable and Stationary Parts collision between particles Collision Detection Algorithm collision structure Collision tuning collocated collocated cokriging collocated control collocated grid collocated grids collocated model collocation collocation point method colloid charge colloidal ALD colloidal chitin colloidal dispersion colloidal graphite for fibre glass colloidal liquid aphron Colloidal lithography COLLOIDAL ORGANIC CARBON colon colon cell lines colon mucosa Colon slow transit colon specific drug delivery system Colon with slow transit motion colonial morphology colonization routes Colony colony count colony counting colony diameter colony enumeration colony formation Colony Formation Assay Colony Fusing Colony growth colony location algorithm colony morphology colony multiplex colony multiplex PCR Colony Optimization colony PCR colony project colony quality colony shape colony total Color color aerial photography color and taste Color and texture feature color and texture features color antagonist Color Appearance color atlas color band Color blood stream image color body color box Color Camera Color care color cast color change and fading Color Character color circle color coding color coding display color column Color combination color compensation filter color concentrate color coordinate Color Data color depth Color diference formula Color digital watermark color dimorphism Color Displays Color document image segmentation Color dopple ultrasound Color Doppler tissue imaging Color Duplex sonography color duplex ultrasonography color encoder Color Eye color fastness to chlorine Color features Color Filter Array color fixing agent color flow mapping color flow signals Color gamut mapping color Gauss noise color gradient orientation sequence Color Image Display Color Image Enhancement color image rendering Color Image Segmentation Algorithm color information color infrared photography color keeping color koji color lake Color Lamp color line CCD color look up table Color lookup table color map table Color mapping Color Marker color marking color matching by means of multiple hue degree Color Matching Method color matching model color measurement and control system Color Measuring Color measuring and matching Color Measuring and Matching System color measuring instrument color name color naming color night vision color of head and neck Color of Light color optical glass color pairs color planar array CCD camera Color Plasma Display color plasma display panel color power Doppler scan color preview Color protecting color protection and hardening color range color range of indicator color removal rate Color Rendering Index color shading color shift color spin scan cloud camera color spot Color Spun color strength Color stripe color superconducting color table color television camera color temperature color temperature tunable color triangle Color Tuning Color TV system with astral lamp Color TV Video record inborehole Color ultrasonography Color up Color values Color Vector color video camera coloration coloration efficiency coloration stage Coloration Treatment Colorectal neoplasms·Ornithine decarboxylase·Gene expression colored bulb colored dissolved organic matter CDOM Colored Industrial Yarn colored interpreted Petri nets Colored Paper Colored Spun Yarn Colored ultrasonography colorimetry method coloring capacity Colour colour bar colour bar signal colour bulb colour change effect colour change technique colour dither Colour Doppler ultrasound colour fastness to washing Colour Image Analyzer colour information colour jewel colour key colour positive film developer colour psychology COLOUR SAND Colour Space colour stripe cotton cloth duck dedown feather pillow Colour television colour television set colour TV set column column crane column divided charge with space column elevator Column experiment Column Generation column generation algorithm column height Column inch Column leaching experiment column load distribution coefficient Column migration column ozone Column Technology column through type Column trials column variable columnar record com munication network of electric power system comb comb collector comb cooler comb duck comb filters comb foundation Comb Line comb ridge Comb spectrum comb type caisson Comb wave combat combat airplane combat mission combating corruption and advocating clean governan Combating corruption and building clean government comber noil combination Combination and aggregation combination band combination bands Combination bidding combination chuck combination condition query combination drafting combination electric apparatus combination fire combination frequecny combination line relief and makeup valve combination logging instrument Combination of compressor and expander combination of diseases with differentiation of their syndromes combination of drilling tools used as guide combination of irrigation and fertilization combination of mixed planting combination of plan and market combination of planting and breeding combination of s disease and syndrome combination of science and art Combination of source rock and reservoir and seal combination of steel beam and rubber fender combination of the Traditional Chinese Medicine wi combination of weighted support functions combination screw driver set with tester combination spanner Combination support vector machines combination therapies Combination Trap combination weighted partial likelihood estimator Combination Western and Chinese Medicine combination with repetition combinational auction combinational disruption combinative threshold filter combinatorial logic combinatorial optimization algorithm combinatorial prediction model Combinatorial Programming Combine course combine dressing combine learning with working combine scenes Combined Combined air conditioning system Combined anterior and posterior approach combined benefit mechanism combined bridge with continuous beam and arch Combined classifier of neural network Combined Compensation System Combined control of engine and propeller combined core drill and reamer Combined Crack combined dead load combined dispatch Combined Electric Power combined element stiffness matrix Combined engine transmission gear Combined Exhaust Equipment combined exposure combined feature selection function Combined Foundation Combined Frequency Converter Monitoring System combined geomechanical model test system Combined Heat Pump combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocel combined indices combined initiator Combined Intelligent Test Equipment Combined intercepting sewer system combined intersection Combined intravenous anesthesia Combined Isolation System combined isolator combined lead rubber damper combined linear discriminant analysis combined lot combined matrix Combined Mould Combined Network Combined Passenger Transport combined phase compensation combined pit retaining structure Combined pollution combined press device combined print and punch combined probability analysis combined propulsion plant combined propulsion system Combined Public Key CPK combined punch combined removal of SO2 and NOx combined retaining structures combined risks combined rope combined rupture combined scoring method Combined Service Drawing Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution combined shell foundation Combined Spring combined suction and force pump Combined surgical and orthodontic treatment Combined system of field crops and high fores combined system structure combined tank and pump system combined tariff system combined test table Combined Therapy of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine combined therapy with western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine combined torsion and tension combined tower Combined Transform Matrix Combined treatment of traditional Chinese and western medicine combined treatment of traditional chinese medicine and western medicine combined worktable combining combining dynamic model and statistical method Combining field and circuit combining predominance combining senses combining strength combining the traditional medicine and the modern Combining traditional Chinese and western medicine combo Box combo log combustible combustible carbon in fly ash combustible component Combustible gas detection system combustible gas mixture combustion combustion arch Combustion Coal combustion completeness combustion diagnosis with laser combustion flue gases combustion MHD generator combustion moisture combustion of char particle combustion optimize Combustion process combustion process of waste combustion process optimization combustion residue combustion residue rate combustion retardant combustion with a pulsating fuel feed combustor of inert gas generator come come home to roost come loose come through come to a full stop come to a head come to nothing below the plank come to the point come to the surface come up against Comet assays comet impact comformational change comformational determinant comfort comfort and ease comfort of moving vehicle coming loose command command and control channel command and data acquisition station command and dispatch communication Command and Dispatch System command code command control communication computer intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance Command control communication system command grid command group command library command list command meaning command name Command Network Command of medical service command post command program command syntax command talent command tape commanding Commanding Height Commands commencement commensurate incommensurate transition comment convention comments Comments on Chinese History Comments on the Composition of Four Parts Harmony commerce commercial commercial AA broiler chickens commercial advertising Commercial Artery commercial banking Commercial Bus commercial code commercial deposits COMMERCIAL EXPLOSIVE Commercial Explosive Industry Commercial Explosive Materials commercial fish commercial graph paper commercial lead Commercial Location commercial milk COMMERCIAL MIXTURE C3 Commercial Packages commercial power grid commercial reputation commercial residential commercial sex behavior Commercial source commercial sterility commercial structure Commercial trial commercially available COMMINGLED FIBER commingled multizone completion Comminuted Steel Shot commission Commission on Innovation and Technology [CIT] commission rate Commissioning Tests of Interconnection commitment Committed cells committed effective dose equivalent Committee commodity Commodity committee Common common assembly language common banana common bar common border common camellia common code conversion common code interference common command common controls common data area common data file activator Common Data Platform common DC bus common degree common difference Common diseases in highway quality Common diseases in quality common elements Common Facilities common factor Common Geographical Information Platform common gull Common gynecological diseases common heavy oil common heron s bill herb common IMS Common Information Model CIM Common Information Platform common information platform based on ATMS common intermediate language Common lay common management information and services protocol over tcp Common Management Information Protocal CMIP Common Management Information Protocol common management information protocol over transmission control protocol Common management information service Common Management Information Service Element Common Management Information Service Element CMISE common midpoint stack common mode leakage current common name Common Network Common normal length Common Object Request Broker Common Object Request Broker Architecture common oil systems Common Ontology Common Operating Environment COE Common parasitic diseases common password common PCB common pool resource dilemma common prevention common primers Common Quality Defects common rail electronic emission diesel engine Common Rail Fuel System common rail injection diesel engine common reed Common regulation common return circuit Common Rice Paddy Snake Common service information system common shot stack common silk and cotton mixed fabric Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) algorithm Common Structure Rules Common Symptoms common user circuit Commonly used materials for Stainless Flat Wire communicate communication communication access device communication adapter error counter communication and automation system of electric power communication and dispatch communication and electronic circuit communication and information systems Communication and Information Technology communication and innovation communication and video surveillance communication between doctor and patient Communication bus communication check code communication check module communication connect communication control group Communication department communication digital control unit communication electric circuit communication electronic warfare communication for national defense communication identifier communication in tunnels Communication Information communication input output control system communication network administration system communication network management and control system communication Network of Electric power communication network of high Performance Communication Network Security communication of urban power distribution network communication on the move COMMUNication OPTION communication parameter communication port Communication protocol macro function Communication secret communication security device Communication Set Generation communication stipulation communication task group communication task to task communication translation Communication trust communication vector table communications control language file Communications Experiment System communications load Communist Party School Community Community acquired character infection community building energy planning Community cluster community composition community construction community evaluation Community finding Community Foundation community health care nurse community health development community health service institution Community interventions community justice Community News Service community parameter community partitions Community Service Network community space system for preventing disaster community structure Community Structure Partition Community sustainable development Community trails Community trial commutation current prediction control commutation rule commutative groupoid commutator commutator arcing commutator materials commutator sector commutator segment commutator type function generator commuter fare Compact compact automatic retrieval display compact cassettes compact cassettes ( compact conductor Compact development compact double circuit high strength steel pipe tower compact floppy disk compact implementation compact metric space compact metric spaces Compact mode compact open and blow process compact perturbations Compact Pro Compact Riemannian symmetric spaces compact size compact spaces Compact Spun Yarn Compact Strip Process Compact Strip Production compact strip production CSP Compact Strip Production Process Compact Strip Rolling compact system of UHP lamp Compact Yarn compacted COMPACTED EXPANSIVE SOIL compacted shale Compaction compaction degree Compaction Gravel Pile Compaction Mechanism compaction of file record Compaction sand pile compactly locally uniformly convex compactly supported orthogonal wavelet bases in fr companies Company comparative analysis of economy comparative genome analysis comparative genomic hybridization Comparative institutional analysis Comparative study with western medicine Comparative treatment comparator determinations comparator output compare compare analyzing comparison Comparison and choice comparison and selection of scenarios comparison between the current and old codes comparison domain comparison inequality comparison matrix comparison method of height determination comparison method of valuation Comparison of Four New Radish Cultivars comparison of goal and background luminance comparison value compartment compartment flap Compartment heater compartment mill compartment of knee joint compartment of passenger car Compartment pressure compartment resection compartment safety compartmental compartmental learning compass error by celestial observation compass saw with plastic handle compass saw with wooden handle compatibility compatibility effect compatibility of cement with additive Compatibility testing compatibility with rubber compatibility with Si process compatible compatible computer compatible finite element method compatible metric Compatible model of thermal conduction compensate compensate for compensated compensated flow control valve compensated scan Compensating compensating coils compensating link compensating space compensation compensation air flow Compensation algorithm Compensation capacity calulation compensation condenser compensation criterion compensation current control COMPENSATION FEES FOR MINERAL RESOURCES compensation for ecological forest compensation for spiritual losses compensation for springback and elongation compensation for the expropriation land Compensation for Wrongful Detention and Executions Cases compensation from insurance Compensation in Virtual Flux Estimation Compensation Installation compensation liability for medical malpractice compensation low voltage reactive load compensation mechanics Compensation modification compensation needle valve adjustment compensation of double wavelength Compensation of Reactive Power Compensation Scope Compensation slope compensation tank compensator compensatory compensatory control compensatory degree compensatory effect compensatory effects Compensatory fuzzy neural network compensatory fuzzy neural networks compensatory irrigation compensatory justice compensatory movements compensatory ratio Compensatory strategy competence for providing the elderly health care competent Competent Authority competent person competing generators competing risks competition exclusion competition form competition index model for individual tree competition information system competition law competition population model competition power competitive Competitive assays competitive bidding for dispatching Competitive bidding mode competitive bidding with limited electricity quantity mode competitive binding ELISA competitive capability competitive capacities Competitive capacity evaluation competitive decision algorithm CDA Competitive design competitive effect Competitive EMSA competitive enzyme inhibition Competitive Equality in Banking Act (1987) competitive evaluation competitive evaluation factor Competitive flow Competitive fluorescence quantitative polymerase c Competitive forces competitive growth competitive Hopfield neural network competitive hybridization competitive inhibition ELISA competitive ions competitive layer competitive layer neural network Competitive Layer Neural Network CLNN competitive mechanisms competitive modes of market Competitive Motivation Competitive Neural Network competitive nuclear power competitive nucleating competitive performance competitive power of enterprises competitive price competitive product competitive responses Competitive selection competitive situation competitive skill competitive upgrade compettitive product inhibition compilation Compilation Update compile and go complement complement and carry add circuit complement rule complement system complementary complementary acceleration Complementary alleles Complementary Binary complementary bipolar IC Complementary bipolar process Complementary bipolar technology complementary codon complementary complete elliptic integrals complementary degree complementary feeding complementary food supplement complementary interaction complementary judgment matrices complementary judgment matrix complementary metal oxide semiconductor transistor complementary planting Complementary role complementary scale complementary seeding complementary solution complementary strain energy complementary subset Complementary Therapy complementary variable complementation rule complete Complete active space SCF methods complete basis complete block complete brake application complete check complete contraction complete convex metric spaces complete critical set Complete crown complete dominance complete equipment for production of bone glue complete Freund s adjuvant CFA complete fusion probability Complete genomes complete genomic sequence complete indexing complete line segment description complete list complete metric space complete metric spaces complete mole Complete optimization complete orthogonal system Complete overdenture complete probability measure space complete probability space complete set of cooling equipment complete set of electric apparatus complete set of equipment for rope manufacturing complete solid stress analysis Complete thread COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING complete uniform space complete unilateral cleft lip and palate Completed completed check and accept completely completely convergence completely orthogonal completely reducible operator completeness completeness logic completion counter Completion File complex complex activation function neural networks complex additive complex alteration complex amino acid chelated zinc complex analytic manifold complex array Complex Banach space complex biological networks complex biological system COMPLEX BLOCK complex cell complex chemical kinetics reaction complex clutter complex coherent noise train Complex Correlation Complex counter complex data type complex degree of coherence complex displacement Complex Distribution Network complex dune complex ecosystem filter bed complex eigenvalue equation complex enzymatic method complex Euclidean space Complex Event Processing Complex Fault Zones complex faulted block oil field complex field amplitude complex film complex finite fault rupture complex flat curve form error complex flow field of river channel complex form of Fourier series complex formation with interbedding of soft and hard rocks complex frequency domain method complex frequency hopping Complex Gain COMPLEX GAS RESERVOIRS complex Gaussian wavelet complex geometry method Complex Heat Treatment Complex Hopfield Neural Network complex hyperbolic functions complex impedance spectroscopy complex karyotype complex large power grid Complex Layout complex magnetic field complex magnitude complex map Complex media network Complex Medium Voltage Distribution Networks Complex multivariate normal distribution Complex Network Laboratory complex neural network Complex Numbers complex optical field Complex Pattern Complex Permittivity and Permeability Fiber Complex Perovskite Structure complex phenotypes complex potential vector complex power flow component Complex prescription of traditional Chinese medicine Complex Resistivity Method complex retinal detachment operation complex road network COMPLEX ROCK complex rock mass complex root Complex Salts Complex screen complex sequence complex sequence FFT complex spit complex stress arch Complex Stress Field complex stress function complex transfer story Complex vacancy COMPLEX VALUE complex variable function method complex variable functions complex vector function complexes Complexity compliance Compliance assembly compliance cost Complicated casting Complicated congenital heart disease Complicated fault block reservoir complicated noise environment Complicated Problems complicated programmable logical device CPLD Complicated Topography Complicated workpiece complication syndromes component component analysis component and device Component and Supplier Management component categories component code component damage component density component description component editor Component fabric component ideal component information model component integrated Component integrated model Component Knowledge Discovery in Database Component label component mean component mutant component object model (COM) technology component object module component of stress Component on board component oriented programming component processing Component Repository Component spectral analysis component stress analysis Component Technique of Middle Layer Component with nonstandard interface components components digital seismic record components of plant species components of surface heat balance components optimization composed composed control composed enzyme composing principle Composite composite advanced grid stiffened structure Composite anchor rod pile composite ballast COMPOSITE BEARING composite carcinoma Composite CC Roll Composite chromium plating Composite circular beam composite coating Composite Conductive Plastics Composite Cooling Liquid composite core cable composite deformation Composite deposit composite doping COMPOSITE ELECTRODE HOLDER Composite Electrode Material Composite Explosive Composite Fabrics composite film catalyst Composite film cell Composite Floor System composite friction factor Composite Geotextile Reinforcement composite ground wire with optical fiber composite gun barrel composite heat sink Composite high efficient water reducer composite hot foam system composite ink Composite Insulation Board Composite Isolation composite laminated plates Composite Layer with Vanadium and Chromium Composite life method Composite Manufacturing composite material composite materials conductive coating composite microbial system composite nanometer material composite nanometer powders Composite Nanometer Thin Films composite permanent magnet composite piston with steel crown and aluminum skirt Composite Plate composite plating solution composite pole for power transmission composite polymer membrane Composite prestressed soil nailing retaining composite protein composite radiator Composite Retaining Structure composite retaining structure by H scetion steel cement soil pile composite reticulated shell Composite Roll Composite sampling constant composite scarp Composite Shear Wall composite sheet composite slab with profiled steel sheeting composite soil subgrade composite sorbent composite steel frames Composite Strip Composite Truss Arch Bridges composite ultrasonic linear motor composite ultrasonic motor Composite Unit Hydrograph composite Web service Composite YAG laser rod composited sorbent Compositely ant Colony Algorithm composites composition Composition and Age composition beauty Composition Brake Shoe composition generation composition matrix composition of composition optimize composition pattern Composition Rule compositional Compositional Reasoning compositional value compositive eff iciency compost of sludge Compound compound abrasive grain compound amino acid chelated copper Compound Amino Acid Injection compound amino acids injection compound amino acids(15) and dipeptides(2) injection compound Astragalus mongholicus and Lonicera japonica granules compound attitude control compound bearing capacity of foundation soil compound blank and pierce dies Compound Cam Compound Casting Compound chemical plating compound Chinese herbal medicine extraction compound Chinese medicine for reinforcing kidney compound chlorides compound chondroitin sulfate eye drops compound codeine phosphate tablets compound coefficient compound command Compound Compliance compound conductive coating compound conductive material Compound Copper Pipe compound derivative compound determinant Compound Dripping Pill of Danshen compound dynamo compound elastic scattering Compound enzymes compound excitation Compound factor Compound ferrous sulfate and folic acid tablets Compound fetal bovine liver extract tablet compound fruits and vegetables juice Compound fusible core Compound Gasket compound generator compound glue compound harmonic function compound heat source compound inorganic salt modifier compound juice drink Compound kernel function compound knitting machine compound label compound lens compound milk beverage Compound Mixed Fertilizer compound modified film Compound motor action potential Compound Neomycin Ointment compound nitrogen slow release agent Compound Oil compound oligopeptide compound oxide series gas sensor Compound pharmaceutical preparation Compound phenol solution Compound Pile Foundation compound pile up effect compound planetary gear compound prednisolone acetate nasal drops compound prednisolone nasal drop compound press compound protecting structure of the foundation pit bored pile compound radical Compound Reactions compound regolith compound salvia tablet compound sill compound Simpson formula Compound Sodium Valproate and Valproic Acid Sustained Release Tablets Compound Soil Nail Support Compound Soil Nailing Support compound source heat pump system compound space cooling system COMPOUND STAPLE compound starting compound steam turbine Compound steel pipe Compound Steel Plate Compound substrates compound tissue flap compound tungstophosphoric acid compound Weibull process compound Zn compound α source compounded by Compounding formula compounding in situ by precipitation Compounding Resin compounds comprehensive comprehensive analysis of data gained by four diagnostic methods comprehensive analysis to both pulse manifestation and symptoms Comprehensive community intervention Comprehensive control measure comprehensive curvature comprehensive defence comprehensive disaster reduction comprehensive environmental pressure comprehensive evaluation factor comprehensive evidence comprehensive function to inspect vehicle comprehensive fuzzy evaluation Comprehensive geophysical geochemical data COMPREHENSIVE GEOPHYSICAL METHODS comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Method Comprehensive High Slope Treatment comprehensive index evaluation comprehensive indices of sea water environment comprehensive integrated intelligent method Comprehensive landscape comprehensive measure of soil and water conservation Comprehensive modalities comprehensive plant characteristic Comprehensive planting pattern Comprehensive practice ability COMPREHENSIVE PRESTRESSING DEGREE Comprehensive prevention and elimination Comprehensive Production Capacity of Grain comprehensive redevelopment area comprehensive scoring Comprehensive scoring method Comprehensive Stability Degree of Nodes Comprehensive Strengthening Comprehensive Survey Comprehensive tackling comprehensive talent Comprehensive Transportation Channel Comprehensive Water Quality Index Comprehensive Weighted comprehensive wiring compressed air fan compressed air filter compressed air plant compressed air temperature Compressed Air Type Energy Storage Power Generation Compressed core image compressed domain image retrieval compressed image validation data stream compressed natural gas automoblie compressed sponge compressed test data stream Compressibility Correction compressibility ratio compressible prop Compression compression and reconstruction of distributed speech compression and sintering compression chuck compression code with equal length compression coupling type joint compression displacement and contact force Compression failure energy compression feature Compression ignition engine compression joint compression joint area compression joint technology compression losses Compression Molding Technology Compression Packer compression sintering Compression Strength of Concrete Compression strength parallel to grain direction Compression Stress Relaxation compression structure Compression Technics compression type strain clamp compressional wave field Compressive compressive axial load compressive cast COMPRESSIVE CREEP TEST compressive resultant compressive stress load compressive stress wave Compressive Stresses compressive yield strength at elevated temperature compressor compressor assembly clamp compressor clamp assembly compressor clutch assembly compressor fin compressor pulley compressor pulley assembly compressor shaft seal assembly compromise Compromise Decision Support Problem compromise face compromise formation compromise language compromise potential compromise rail compromise settlement Compton Compton back scattering tomography compton continuum Compton electrometer Compton radius Compton recoil Compton recoil effect Compton scatter Compulsive compulsive conflict compulsory provision Computable General Equilibrium(CGE) model computation computation distribution Computation of intersection point computational Computational accuracy computational aspect computational efficiency computational experiments computational finance computational fluid dynamics software computational geometry computational load Computational Mass Transfer computational mass transfer CMT COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS computational method of digital circuit Computational Method of Engineering Computational Model of Attention computational mutation computational processor computational software computational solid mechanics Computational Soundness computational theories computational topology Compute Compute Unified Device Architecture CUDA computed computed hologram computed result Computer computer aid calculation program computer aid design Computer Aid Instruction (CAI ) computer aid training computer aided animation Computer Aided Architecture Design Computer Aided Assembly Process Planning computer aided drawing Computer aided geometric method Computer aided packaging engineering Computer aided process programming Computer Algebra Method computer algorithms computer and interactive voice response Computer Animation Computer Application In Chemical Industry computer assistant method computer assisted orthopaedic surgery Computer assisted orthopaedic surgery CADS Computer assisted orthopaedic surgery CAOS computer assisted terminal criminal hunt Computer Attitude Scale computer based message system computer based supervisory control and protection computer basic teaching computer calculate computer cloning computer color measuring and matching Computer Connection computer construct computer control in mechanical manufacture computer control in power plant computer control mode computer controlled local anesthesia Computer Culture computer culture base Computer Culture Foundation Computer data acquiring system computer dead time computer digital animation Computer Distribution System computer graphic design computer graphic techniques computer image rendering technology computer input from microfilm computer integrated control system Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems computer interface computer load simulator Computer Maintenance computer maintenance and maintain Computer maintenance management system Computer Method computer molecular modeling computer nuclear scale Computer Numerical Control machine tool Computer numerical control(CNC) machine tools Computer Open Laboratory Computer Parallel Port Computer Power Module Computer print medical records computer production control computer programming language Computer radiation computer screen image coding computer simulation of static and dynamic behaviour computer simulation program computer software maintenance computer software performance evaluation computer static resource Computer Supervision and Control computer supervision control system computer support collaborative design computer tape package computer test circuit Computer To Plate computer vision detection technique Computer vision inspection and measurement computer workstation Computers Computing computing and testing Computing arithmetic Computing Finance Computing geometry computing grid computing grid service computing in optical waveguide computing matrix computing s energy computing scale Computing thinking COMT gene concatenation operator concave Concave Bank concave boss Concave Clearance concave cover CONCAVE PIT concave points concave saw conceal conceal periods Concealed mineral deposit concentrate concentrate bid concentrate control automation system concentrate on concentrate the copper ore concentrated concentrated carrot juice CONCENTRATED MANDARIN JUICE concentrated matte concentrated vaccine concentrating column Concentrating Photovoltaic concentration concentration and constant volume Concentration area concentration area of uranium deposits concentration characteristic concentration explosive limit concentration factor of dynamic stress concentration gradient concentration gradient of total sugar Concentration in plasma concentration index of suspended smoke and soot concentration line concentration of critical total cation concentration of Dust air streams Concentration of effective chlorine concentration of ions in implanted layer concentration of oil trough concentration of ozone column concentration of smoke emission Concentration of sodium hypochlorite concentration of total mercury concentration to forage rate Concentrations concentrator factor concentrator table concentric chuck concentric city concentric sleeve Concept concept and knowledge concept art Concept Design of Checking Fixtures concept level tree concept of man and nature Concept of marriage and love concept of socialist rule of law concept path Conception of scientific development conception rank concepts conceptual conceptual data base design methodology conceptual geological model Conceptual Landscape Conceptual study on digital power grid conceptual tourism planning Concerns about concerted sequences concessionary rate concomitant concomitant chemoradiotherapy concordance list concordant intrusion concrete Concrete Architecture Concrete Backfill concrete beam reinforced with GFRP glass fiber rei Concrete Bedding concrete blanket Concrete Block Reinforced Retaining Wall Concrete Bridge Structure concrete cast in situs Concrete coefficient of expansion Concrete Components Concrete Compressive Test Information Concrete Continuous Girder Bridge concrete controlled in steel cube Concrete core specimen concrete crack control in negative moment area Concrete Creep and Shrinkage Concrete Cut Concrete Cutoff Wall Concrete cutoff wall made by water jetting concrete cutting torch Concrete Cylinder concrete dam observation concrete diaphragm thin wall concrete faced sand and gravel rockfill dam concrete filled in steel tubular Concrete Filled Steel Tube Arch Bridge concrete filled steel tube column frame structure Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Members concrete filled steel tubular stub column concrete flue concrete for face slab concrete for pile foundations concrete frame concrete frame structure Concrete Hollow Block Concrete Hollow Block Masonry concrete impervious core Concrete Interface Agent concrete made with iron shot concrete mark concrete pouring area Concrete pulp concrete quality check and accept concrete reinforcement bar concrete representation concrete resistant to weather concrete setting Concrete Short Pile Concrete Slab Rockfill Dam Concrete Slump concrete slump retaining agent concrete square piles Concrete Steel Concrete steel poles connection arch concrete strength level concrete surface concrete with constant confined stress concrete with high strength and low elasticity concreting in hot weather concreting sequencing concretionary masses Concurrency Control Algorithm Concurrent concurrent audit CONCURRENT PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT concurrent randomized control trials concurrent read exclusive write concurrent subspace optimization CSSO condensate condensate drain pan condensate fan condensate flow rate Condensate stripping condensation condensation boiler condensation polymerization condensation type boiler condensation water mixing tank CONDENSED STATE STRUCTURE Condenser Condenser as condenser bank Condenser cooler Condenser Design for Combined Cycle condenser gauge condenser reactance condenser support Condensing Algorithm condensing steam turbine set condensing unit capacity condensing worm condensor bank Condition condition and prospects Condition Based Maintenance for Circuit Breakers Condition Based Maintenance of Equipments CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY condition based monitoring Condition Based on Maintenance condition combination Condition Detection condition for balance condition for preparation Condition Monitoring and Integrated Analysis condition monitoring network system condition number of matrix Condition of ore formation Condition optimize condition probability conditional access module (CAM) for digital TV Conditional Bootstrap conditional distribution function conditional extreme conditional failure probability conditional implication conditional instability rate conditional logit Conditional logit model conditional maximum likelihood decision rule conditional mean conditional moment closure model conditional mutation conditional prior distribution conditional probability estimate conditional random field Conditionally linear conditioned avoidance behavior Conditioning conditioning regimen conditions conditions of nature and humanities conditions on home decoration Condon condon 72 conduct conduct abortion conduct oneself conductance Conducting Oil conducting tract conduction and groundwater advection coupled conduction band conduction bands conduction electron conduction electron density conduction electron spin resonance Conduction Emission conduction transformation conductive Conductive Adhesives Conductive Agent conductive angle Conductive Carbon Black Conductive Composite Coating Conductive Composite Material conductive compound materials CONDUCTIVE CONCRETE conductive coupling Conductive Current Conductive education conductive elastomers conductive emission Conductive function Conductive glue conductive hearing loss conductive lubricant Conductive media conductive microsphere Conductive paint Conductive particle conductive polyaniline Conductive POM conductive principle conductive process Conductive Resistance conductive roll conductive rubber composite conductive shale conductive substrate conductive void Conductivity Conductivity scope Conductivity stability Conductometric sensor conductor conductor airfoil Conductor Allowable Temperature conductor loading conductor s punch CONDUCTOR TEMPERATURE Conduit conduit hub conduit size Conduit System Condylar resorption cone cone and plate viscometer cone axis Cone Bit cone bur cone burning cone cells Cone Error cone feeder cone flow cone gage cone in cone cone in cone structure cone matrix Cone of Groundwater Depression cone penetration test cone penetration test with pore pressure measurement cone pin cone reducer Cone Rock Bit Cone Roller Bearing cone roof tank cone shaped Cone Shaped Roll cone space cone speaker Cone Spring Cone Type cone type mixer blender Cone type piercing mill Cone type roll cone workpiece with deep cavity and thin wall cone yield cones conference interpreting conference key distribution CKD Conference of Experts on Climate and Mankind conference room conference telephone control board confidence scoring method Configurable Manufacturing System configurable system on chip configuration configuration change management system Configuration chart configuration completed configuration mixing configuration modes configuration of monitoring software configuration optimize configuration product configuration register configuration solving configuration space Configuration Tool configurations configuring distance confined fluid confined water aquifer confinement regimes conflict conflict point area conflict points Confluence of pancreatic and bile ducts confocal laser microscope confocal Raman microscopy confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope Conformal cover conformal cylindrical antenna conformal design conformal gravity Conformal Microstrip Antennas conformal parameters Conformance Statement conformation conformational structure conformity rule confrontation confrontation responses Confucian Thought and the Contemporary Society confusion matrix Congenital congenital aortic stenosis congenital cardiac disease Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the Congenital cytomegalovirus infection Congenital ear deformities congenital heart defects Congenital hepatic cyst Congenital hip dislocation congenital hydrocephalus congenital Infant congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus group B Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis Congenital stenosis of aortic valve Congenital tricuspid stenosis congenital vascular malformation congestion congestion avoidance algorithm congestion release congruence class congruence extension congruence pair congruence relations Congruent congruent segments conhesion soil conic sleeve Conical conical breaker conical burr conical collar conical cone conical crown conical cup test value conical detonation wave Conical Die conical head bolt Conical horn antenna Conical Keyless Connection conical lens conical milling cutter with an angular circle conical pattern conical pick conical reflector antenna Conical Ring conical solenoid Conical Spiral conical spiral antenna conical spiral spring conical spiral weld pipe Conical structure conical taper conical telescopic crown Conifer seedling coning characteristic conjugacy class size of subgroup conjugate field conjugate projection gradient conjugate structure algebraic code excited linear prediction conjugated Conjugated polarizability potential Conjugating pairs Conjunctival culture Conjunvctival sac constriction connect connected Connected Line Identification Restriction Connected Line identification Restriction COLR connected person Connected Radiology Connecting Beam connecting electronics connecting rod bearing cap connecting rod bearing wear pattern connecting rod eye connecting rod journal diameter connection Connection Admission Control connection between frame and core connection between girder and carriage connection between steel truss and concrete structure Connection Component Connection Control connection cord Connection Endpoint connection equipment Connection Gas connection graph of assembly connection handoff connection in use Connection index connection line identification restriction connection parameters connection relation Connection route Connection shaft connection with opening on beam web connection with the grid Connections connections tube connector connector e connector fields Connector GP connector lug Connector Post connector s connector strap connector switch connector x Connexin 43 gene connotation connotation analysis Connotation and Quality connotation style development connotative economy Cons conscious awareness conscious knowledge Consciousness Consciousness obstacle consciousness of the life consciousness theory consecutive consecutive bends consecutive elements consensus composition consensus standard consensus values consent order consequent fault conservancy conservation Conservation and protection of water sources conservation gradation conservation law of mechanical energy Conservation of complex power conservation of energy theorem conservation of flow on link Conservation treatment conservatism conservatism scale conservative conservative assumption conservative error conservative factor conservative field conservative field of force conservative force field conservative motifs conservative plant Conservative systems conservative temperature conservative vector field conserved sequence bloks Consider consideration consistency consistency equation consistency in probability consistency information consistency probability Consistency Transmitter consistent consistent boundary consistent character Consistent Clustering consistent condition Consistent continuity Consistent degree consistent evidences consistent feedback consistent map consistent model consistent packing consistent point consistent ratio consistent relationship Consistent Sets consistent unit console consolidated consolidated cargo Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Test consolidation of unsaturated soils conspicuous fingerprint Constant constant acceleration cam constant acceleration input Constant amplitude load Constant angular acceleration constant average acceleration method constant composition method of crystal growth from solution constant correlated Constant current discharging Constant current drive constant current source charging and discharging constant current source controlled by voltage Constant Dilatation constant discharge with varied pressures constant drying rate stage constant energy surface Constant Envelope FQPSK constant false alarm ratio detection constant flow injection pump Constant Flux Air Valve constant frequency signal constant frequency variable speed constant gene C constant growth rate constant heating constant high chart constant high pressure water supply system constant interfacial cell with laminar flow constant length equation deviation constant letter Constant Linear Speed constant mean curvature surfaces Constant noise constant power algorithm constant pressure and saving energy Constant Pressure Heat Exchange Ideal Cycle constant pressure hot water boiler constant pressure pumping system Constant pressure valves at inlet and outlet constant pressure variation pump constant quality improvement constant rate of loading test constant slag resistance and constant melting speed constant speed AC sampling constant speed scanning constant speed with constant frequency constant stimulus method Constant Stress Accelerated Life Testing Constant temperature acceleration test constant temperature and humidity constant temperature value Constant Tension Mechanism constant variable equipment constant variance Constant velocity cam Constant velocity cam curve constant velocity motion constant voltage and constant frequency power Constant Voltage Power Supply Constant voltage water supplying constant volume specific heat constipation due to spleen vacuity weakness constituent Constituent Fluctuation constitute constitute guidance constitution of traditional Chinese medicine Constitutional types of Chinese medicine constitutive constitutive ablation Constitutive model for lithosphere constitutive relation for rock and soil constrain reasoning Constrained constrained deformation constrained energy constrained linear model Constrained model constrained nonlinear systems Constrained pareto optimal Constrained Shortest Path First CSPF constrains mechanism constraint constraint allocation factor constraint chain constraint estimation constraint on area Constraint Rule Constraint separation constraints constriction constriction condition constriction method construclion project construct construct analysis Construct and control Construct coal Construct Department construct manage construct principle construct requisition construct technology constructing new countryside construction construction and demolition[C construction assessment and evaluation construction based on humanity Construction Blasting construction bond construction branch hole Construction Control Study construction controlled area Construction Documents Construction Documents Design Phase construction drawing examination construction engineering vehicle construction facilities construction foundation pit bracing Construction General Contract construction geological prediction of tunnel construction item reference number Construction machinery industry 60t Mast Type Beam Erect construction management construction method of prestressing oil the whole section using contemporaneous step Construction of Deep Foundation Pit Construction of ecological culture in countryside Construction of Ecological Province construction of parking facilities construction of small cities and towns Construction of Spatial Database Construction of Teaching Team construction of the Chinese modern design aestheti construction of the market system Construction of Thermal Power Construction of Towns and Villages construction on style of study construction optimize Construction options construction platform of pile foundation construction plot plan CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDING Construction Quality Management Construction Quality Testing construction quantity bill construction scale of port construction sequence analysis CONSTRUCTION TIME construction under cold weather constructive constructive learning theory constructive shelf constructive shiver Constructivism learning theory consular consult Consult hotline consult one s pillow consult with CONSULTANCY consultant accountant Consultant s Remuneration Index consultation for home daily living Consultation Paper on Proposed Regulation on Share Margin Financing consultation quality consumable consumable electrode arc furnace consumable electrode arc melting Consumable Electrode Arc Welding consumable electrode furnace consumable electrode melting furnace consumable electrode vacuum arc furnace consumed consumer Consumer Association Consumer behavioral model Consumer Protection Act Consumer Reports Consumers Consumers perception consumption consumption bundle Consumption Cost consumption of electricity per ton consumption of fuel consumption of hot metal and scrap Consumption of Iron and Steel Consumption of production factors consumption per ton of product consumption per ton PTA Consumption reduction Consumption Trend consumptive demand consumptive use consuption culture Contact contact angle CONTACT BLOCK contact body contact cements contact drying contact factor Contact Fatigue Behavior contact fatigue behaviour CONTACT FATIGUE PROPERTY Contact Fatigue Strength contact film contact flattening contact for flash unit contact force between wheel and rail contact force space contact friction contact friction function contact fuse CONTACT HEAT TRANSFER contact insertion and withdrawal force contact jaw contact maker contact member contact metric space Contact Oxidation Reactor Contact pair contact pattern contact performance contact phenomena contact print method contact problem in engineering contact problem with the elastic half space contact rail protective system contact region contact region distribution contact scanning contact segment Contact Space Contact Spring System contact strength between gear and tooth face contact therapy contact time difference contact tip contact toxicity Contact with and exposure to rubella contacting contacting pgototching contacting seals Contactless Payment contagious diffusion contained contained water ratio Container Dock Container gantry Container Gantry Crane container load minimum weight container raising seedlings container s intensity Container Transportation containing containment containment drain system containment foundation containment hydrogen control system containment pressure suppression containment reactor containment spray nozzle containment spraying containment subatmospheric pressure (maintenance) system containment system containment wall contaminant contaminant dispersion Contaminant Sensitivity contaminated CONTAMINATED ENVIRONMENT REMEDIATION Contaminated Ground Water contaminated plug contamination contamination accumulation characteristics contamination chemistry Contamination distribution Contamination Emission contamination evaluation contamination factor contamination flashover voltage gradient contamination indicator contamination precipitation contamination seal contemporaneous Contemporaneous covariance contemporaneous deformation contemporaneous deposit contemporary Chinese language word segmentation specification contemporary manufacturing mode contemporary translation content Content Addressable Memory CAM content and component proportion Content and related substances determination Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system content based video browsing and querying content based visual information retrieval Content indication content list Content management services content of calcium and zine content of chemical components Content of Free Formaldehyde content of fumed silica content of nutrient elements content of sediment content of soil nutrients Content Provider Content Repository Management System Content Service Provider contents contents of total sugar Contents service provider Contest context context dependence context dependent Contextual contextual awareness contextual configuration Contextual equivalence Contextual postprocessing contextual rules contextual tools contextual variable contiguous continent continental crust continental line CONTINENTAL LITHOSPHERIC MANTLE Continental margin zone in the East Asia continental margins continental monsoon climate continental sea basin continental shelf slope CONTINENTAL TECTONIC BLOCKS Continental volcanism contingency contingency awareness contingency belief contingency planning contingency risk Contingency Screening and Ranking contingency tables contingent Contingent Claim Continuation of Magnetic Field continuation of magnetic vector Continuation of potential field on an arbitrary su continue to hold a deposit continued continued lumbar cerebrospinal fluid drainage continuity continuity in mean square continuity methods continuity test switch continuous (semi continuous) rolling mill continuous aging process CONTINUOUS ANNEALING LINE Continuous Annealing Lines CONTINUOUS ANT COLONY ALGORITHM Continuous Ant Colony Optimization continuous antiswelling Continuous Arch continuous arch beam Continuous autoregressive continuous beam and arch combined bridge Continuous Beam Arch continuous beam arch combination structure Continuous beam of box section continuous beam of light continuous bivariate random variable Continuous blood gas monitoring continuous blood pressure monitoring continuous blood purification Continuous blood purification CBP continuous blood purification CPB continuous blood purification therapy Continuous cast iron bar Continuous Cast Machine continuous cast products Continuous cast round as tube stock continuous casting and continuous rolling mill Continuous casting of round bloom continuous casting process at thin slab caster continuous casting system continuous casting with high speed continuous CFST bowstring arch bridge continuous Chain continuous code continuous cold tandem rolling mill continuous concrete rigid frame continuous control of temperature continuous controller Continuous cropping facilities tomatoes Continuous cropping obstacle continuous current generator continuous current mode continuous digester continuous distributed delays Continuous distributed deviating argum ent continuous distributed deviating argument continuous dynamic bayesian network continuous electric current Continuous Electromagnetic Purification continuous evaporation continuous facilities Continuous flow analytical method Continuous flow analyzer continuous flow analyzer method Continuous flow injection analysis method Continuous flow liquid membrane extraction continuous flow liquid monitor continuous flow method continuous flow oxygen system continuous flow profile continuous gas accumulation continuous grid frame bridge CONTINUOUS HEATING PROCESS continuous hidden markov model Continuous Hopfield network Continuous Hopfield Neural Network continuous hot roll pressing press CONTINUOUS HOT ROLLING OF WIRE RODS AND BARS continuous in the mean Continuous intercostal nerve block continuous intravenous infusion continuous line source continuous linear operator continuous liquid core continuous liquid phase Continuous map continuous maximum rated continuous medium analysis method Continuous Mixing System Continuous Operating continuous optimization continuous ordered set continuous ordered weighted averaging operator continuous oxygen analyzer Continuous phase shifting continuous polycondensation continuous positive airway by nasal mask continuous positive airway pressure CPAP Continuous Power Flow continuous power flow (CPF) method continuous power flow calculation continuous power flow method continuous prodution Continuous rainfall period continuous random variable sequence Continuous Reinforced Concrete Continuous Reverse continuous rigid 0 Continuous Rigid Frame Box Girder Continuous rigid frame bridges continuous roll Continuous roll mill Continuous salvo Continuous Sand Filter continuous scouring and bleaching machine continuous screw press continuous small section steel mill continuous solid phase continuous solution continuous steel concrete composite beams continuous systems simulation language continuous temperature changing continuous tracing Continuous trajectory continuous type process continuous type speed controlling continuous variable cross sectioned plate continuous water quality monitor continuous wave gas laser continuous wave interference continuous wave metal vapor laser continuous wave modulation continuous wave transmission continuous wave(CW)waveform continuous writing continuously continuously adjustable continuously casing Continuously cast bloom and billet continuously deformable Continuously operating GPS stations Continuously planting Continuously Variable continuously variable cam phaser CVCP Continuously Variable Crown continuously variable crown CVC Continuously Variable Slope Dleta(CVSD) modulation continuously variable transformer continuum continuum source atomic absorption spectrometer contorlled blasting in urban district contour Contour current contour dump contour integration contour integration method Contour Line Map Contour List Contour Method contour milling machine contour spectrum Contoured beam contoured transformer contraception knowledge contract contract assembler Contract Clause Contract Design Contract Duration contract for carriage contract for labor and materials contract for service Contract Lifting contract list contract making Contract Quality Requirements contract report Contract section contract specification contract stipulation contract with option and side payment contract year contractile chamber Contraction contraction and deformation contraction band contraction energy dissipator contraction gap contraction mappings contraction operators contraction rate of area contraction rate of curing contraction rule contractor CONTRACTOR S EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL contractual contractual block contractual management right Contracture contracture deformity Contracture of gluteal muscles contradictory opposite contrary to Contrast Contrast agent for NMR Contrast and application contrast and application test contrast application contrast color contrast illusion contrast in technology sod economy contrast reduction contrast sensitivity function CSF contrast standard and tapping the latent power of an enterprise contribute contribution contribution in general average contribution in kinds Contribution of soil fertility contribution rate of energy saving Control control analysis in styrene production control and check analysis control and display computer of integrated navigation Control and Manage control and management software control and primary scavenging pump control and stimulus Control application Control approach control atmosphere(CA) grain storage nitrogen control box power switch Control buds control cables for railway rolling stock control centre development Control chemicals in priority control circuits control clinical trial control console panel control costs Control Data Flow Graph control diagram language control diaphragm return spring Control echo control effect on Stellera chamaejasme control experiment control flow Control Flow Checking control flow port control for control for seismic strengthening cost control frequency control gas system control gene Control granularity control group bolt hole control hand wheel Control Head control house control in low speed moving Control Interfaces control logic sensor control logic test control loop of oil pump motor control manifold control method of combining CMAC with PID Control monitoring control motivation control networks adjustment with restriction condition control of air volume and pressure Control of blood pressure Control of building forms Control of chemical reaction control of cold bending Control of Concrete Quality control of excitation system control of Fan Motor control of gene expression control of horizontal synchronization control of key points control of local deformation control of oxygen concentration after unchaining c control of reactive power source control of reverse computing Control of robot manipulators control of salinized soil Control of soil moisture control of tectonic setting over hazard CONTROL OF TOTAL AMOUNT Control Oil Pump control on total nutrient content control over safety contracts Control Packet control panel door control panel lamp test switch control panel mounted governor option control panel or console control panel sequence of operation control parameter Control point coordinate control power on interfaces control program microprocessor operating system control reference value control result control rod assembly control rod drive mechanism cooling shroud control rod drive mechanism nozzle leakage monitoring system control rod drive pump control rod drive shaft storage control rod drive shaft unlatching tool control rod guide plate control rod guide tube seal control rod guide tubes and bundles control rod shroud assembly control rod shroud tube control rod stroke control rule base control scheme list Control Segment control settlement and sparse piles with cap composite foundation control speed with frequency conversion Control Supervisor control surface balance control system analysis program control system error Control System of Driving with Motor and Jar Control system of environmental monitoring control system of overall unit Control System Retrofit of Coal Feeder control table control table change control technigue control trust control unit cover control unit terminal control value Control Values control valve body control valve compensator spool spring Control valve of liquid air control valve passage control valve port control vector Control wiring control without harmonic detection controllable check valve controllable deposition Controlled controlled access controlled accuracy controlled aggregation controlled all optical system for time delay controlled by air pressure controlled carrier controlled casting Controlled clinical research Controlled Drilling controlled expression controlled potential electrolysis apparatus Controlled released urea Controlled Shunt Reactor Controlled source audio magnetotelluric method controlled voltage source controller controller area network(CAN) bus controller led controller slave station controller T6963C Controlling controlling bolting Controlling Computer Controlling Computer System controlling concrete temperature crevice Controlling Cooling controlling factor controlling feature controlling irrigation controlling method of segregation speed controlling of water lever Controlling pollination Controlling Station controls controls factor convection convection boiler convection burning convection coefficient convection effect Convection efficiency convection equation convection gradient Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient convection in single well convection in water convection mining Convection modulus convection vault convection ventilation convection with diffusion CONVECTIVE BURNING Convective cells CONVECTIVE CLOUD CLUSTERS Convective heat transfer rate convective transport convenience copier convenience lot convenience sampling convention convention dispatch convention for estimation of single ion activity coefficient Convention for the Prevention of Marine Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization conventional conventional analysis conventional cultivation CC Conventional Kiln Drying conventional slurry conventional triaxial creep tests converge Converge layer converge rate converge statement converge uniformly convergence convergence almost everywhere Convergence and upward convergence circuit convergence in law convergence in maximum norm Convergence in Mean convergence in mean of order r convergence in mean square Convergence in quadratic mean convergence in square mean convergence in the mean of order r convergence in the p th mean convergence in γth mean convergence limit CONVERGENCE LOSS convergence strategy convergence velocity convergent convergent beam convergent responses Convergent solution conversation update Conversion conversion adaptator conversion adapter conversion and check limit conversion angle conversion cropland to forest conversion current test of bus bar of isolator Conversion factor (K EC ) Conversion Factor of Activity conversion from farmland to forest conversion of cropland to forest land conversion of cropland to forest project conversion of cropland to forestland conversion of cropland to forestland program CCFP conversion of farmland to forest conversion of farmland to forest and grassland conversion of forest property right conversion property conversion rate of ammonia to oxides of nitrogen conversion ratio of carbon dioxide to urea conversion reactor CONVERSION RULE conversion services convert to binary converted flannel converted into converter converter charge filter converter display converter fuse converter housing converter housing assembly converter inlet pressure valve converter lockup converter matte converter oil temperature indicator converter outlet oil converter output speed converter ratio valve converter slag bearing V 2O 5 and TiO 2 Converter steel mill Converter Transformer converting charge Converting erosion converting farmland to forest or grassland converting information converting slope cropland to forest and grassland Converting Station Converting technology convertion of farmland to forest or grass land project convertor slant convex convex (concave) operator convex aerator convex algorithm convex bodies convex body Convex Closure convex concave lens Convex constraints Convex Corner convex corner compensation convex cover convex curved surface CONVEX FUNCTIONS convex fuzzy programming convex grating convex hull method convex hull of line segment set Convex hypersurface convex lens convex lens focal distance convex linear combination convex metric space convex polyhedral cone convex preference convex profile convex quadratic bilevel programming problem convex quadratic optimization convex quadratic program convex relaxation convex sheath convexity optimize conveyance conveyer belt furnace conveyer belt weigher conveying mode by low pressure Conveyor conveyor chute conveyor idler pulley conveyor motor conveyor motor case drain circuit conveyor motor flow conveyor swing control conveyor torque hub shaft convolution Convolution curve method convoy discovery convoy loading convoy speed convulsion convulsive cough convulsive melancholia Cookie cooking Cooking and Eating Utensils cooking characteristics Cooking loss cooking snow cool rolling of coil strip cool wave coolant additive maintenance topic coolant bottle coolant leakage coolant level alarm coolant return line coolant water level cooldown rate cooled Cooled by Air cooler bypass relief valve COOLER ELEMENT cooler outlet cooling cooling accident cooling blood for hemostasis cooling blood to dissipate blood stasis cooling blood to remove blood stasis Cooling Conditions cooling control technology Cooling crystallization kinetics Cooling Crystallizer Cooling Energy Consumption cooling energy efficiency cooling fan motor Cooling in side cooling injury cooling jacket cooling laser beam injecting cooling load coefficient of provision and need cooling load distribution cooling load estimation cooling load from ventilation cooling load in summer cooling load in winter cooling Load metering cooling load of air conditioner cooling load of the fresh air cooling load reduction factor cooling load simulation cooling mold cooling pond or reservoirs cooling pool Cooling recycling mixture cooling space cooling system of auxiliary units cooling system water temperature cooling time in mould Cooling time prediction Cooling Water Engineering cooling water for air conditioning cooling water for power plants Cooling Water from Power Plant cooling water in place of chimney tower Cooling water jacket Cooling Water of Power Plant Cooling water system for ash cooler cooling water temperature rise cooling water tower system cooling water valve COONS curved surface Coons Surface Patch cooperation Cooperation center cooperation computing cooperation intention Cooperative cooperative air defence Cooperative Diagnosis Cooperative economic organization Cooperative extension service cooperative fuzzy control cooperative fuzzy games cooperative hunting cooperative metric COOPM Cooperative Path Planning cooperative penetration cooperative service for complex equipments cooperative service of agricultural information coordinate COORDINATE AXIS coordinate bond Coordinate calculation method coordinate conversion matrix coordinate descent Coordinate Difference coordinate measuring instrument coordinate of intersection point coordinate system and machine zero coordinate treatment coordinate urban and rural development coordinated Coordinated Attacks Coordinated Checkpoint coordinated deformation coordinated effects coordinated growth coordinated loading control coordinated planning coordinated setting coordinated transfer coordinated tuning coordinated urban and rail development Coordinated voltage and reactive power control Coordinates coordinates correlation coordinates orientation Coordinates transformation matrix coordinating development Coordinating the Qi and Blood of the Five Viscera Coordination coordination between generation and network planning Coordination bond coordination cost coordination covalent bond coordination degree of expert opinion Coordination Design of Hardware and Software coordination dispatch model Coordination function of fire protection Coordination games Coordination Mechanisms coordination number coordination principal coordination service point Coordination Simulation Coordination Task coordination work system cope with financial crisis coplanar force coplanar points Coplanar Stripline copolymer Copper Copper Alloy Permanent Mold Copper Alloys copper and zinc copper bar rotor copper based composites copper binuclear complex Copper Bushing Copper concentrate with rich impurity element copper conductors copper connection copper content of slag copper corrosion copper erosion Copper Futures copper I sulphide copper ion from wastewater copper ion inhibitor copper loss copper loss with direct current COPPER MATTE copper matte grade Copper Minerals copper mold suction casting method copper molybdenum ore copper mould suction casting Copper nickel high grade matte copper nickel matte Copper Nitride thin Films copper pipe and aluminum pipe Copper Plastic Pipe copper plating with sulfate Copper proteins copper pyrophosphate plating copper rivet Copper Sheet copper slag Copper smelter slag copper strand copper sulphide ore copper tin alloy plating fog inhibitor copper(II) amidosulfonate copper(II) carbide copper(II) chromate Copper(II) ions coppice forest Coptis root copy attacks copy dot copy editor Copy geometry copy holder copy numbers copy recipient copy router Cor rays Coral CORAL 66 Coral Basin Coral Calcium Coral Crab coral embryo Coral Fabrics Coral heath coral ring coral yarn coral zone CORALLINE ALGAE CORBA notification service CORBA object transaction service cord Cord cord adjuster cord array Cord blood stem cell transplantation cord venous blood CORDIC algorithm Cordierite Glass core Core Assembly Molding Core Attribute Set core auxiliary heat exchanger core average exit quality core barrel head core barrel of double tuberigid type core barrel of double tubeswivel type core barrel support ledge core barrel support skirt core barrel with rubber core container core basket core breaking by hydraulic pressure core cap core clay Core Competitive Edge Core Competitive Force core competitive power of the enterprise core control module core deluge Core Displacement Test Core elements core embedded technology core enzyme core exit core exit pressure core exit temperature core facies core file Core fission neutron source core flow in tube core flow rate core flow test core fuel inventory core grinder Core Hardness core images core layer core library core load core load module Core loading pattern CORE LOGGING Core Loss Test Core luminosity Core marker core matrix core module Core Molding core molding machine Core muscle strength training core neutron flux distribution control core object core oil saturation core outlet core permeability Core Placement core potential potential energy function core press core property core pusher core radial support core rod cutter core room Core Sand core sheath Core Shell Fiber Core shell particle core shroud core shroud support ring core skill core spray heat exchanger core spray pump cooler core spray pump discharge pressure core spray pump discharge valve core spring core spun thread CORE SPUN YARN Core strength core support assembly core support column Core Test core values concept of socialism core void content core voltages core water sampler Coreˉwall earth dam Coreless induction low frequency furnace cork fender cork formation cork heel cork ring corkscrew rule corn corn chip corn cleaner corn drill corn embryo Corn Fiber corn filed Corn germ protein isolates corn in black soil region corn lees corn puff corn root Corn seeds corn snow corn stalk fiber corn wine corneal Corneal arcus corneal endothelial cell loss rate corneal endothelial injury corneal limbal stem cell autografting CLSCA corneal limbal stem cell deficiency Corneal limbal stem cell grafting corneal preservation corneal scar corneal storage Corneal substitute Corneal ulcers corner corner (firing) burner corner angle joint corner brace CORNER COLUMN corner column stiffness CORNER CONNECTORS corner cube corner fed Corner Firing corner hit corner joint corner lamp corner loss corner mark corner mirror corner panel corner point matching corner resolution Corner Segment CORNER SINGULARITY Corner Tangential Firing corner tolerance corner tube boiler corner user corner welding Cornering Lamp cornice corona protection structure Coronal hole Coronary coronary arteries Coronary arteries syndrome Coronary artery stent implantation coronary heart disease due to heart Yang deficienc Coronary heart disease events coronary restenosis coronary sinus flow analyzer coronary stent Coronary stent implantation and coronary angiograp coronary sulcus) coronovirus spike protein corporate corporate abilities corporate accounting corporate action corporate administration Corporate Annuity corporate bankruptcy corporate behavior culture corporate behavior culture corporate institution c corporate body corporate citizenship corporate combination Corporate Communications Department corporate competitive strategy Corporate Constraints corporate control corporate crisis Corporate culture corporate culture system corporate data network corporate debt corporate diversification corporate entrepreneurship corporate finance theory Corporate governance structure Corporate Governance Value corporate group corporate information center corporate information service department corporate management Corporate management structure corporate marketing in capital market corporate political performance corporate political strategy corporate profitability corporate profits tax Corporate Project Strategy corporate social performance corporate spirit culture Corporate system Corporate Value Corporation corporation contract corrasion mechanism correct Correct guide corrected corrected area corrected formula Corrected Grain corrected likelihood corrected tape corrected utilization Corrected value correcting correcting current correcting equipment Correcting Formulas correcting magnet correcting roller correcting weight Correction correction by drawing a straight ling Correction Code correction code byte correction coefficient of amplitude correction control effect Correction equation Correction errors correction map correction measurement results correction of fuel pump index Correction of height anomaly correction precision corrective corrective mortality Corrective tax corrective therapy corrective treatment corrective value correlate correlated correlated 2 2 table correlated aggregation correlated claims Correlated color temperature correlated detection correlated double sampling correlated market Correlated nutrients correlated Rayleigh channel correlated sample Correlated Study correlated Weibull correlation Correlation analysis prediction correlation between vitro and vivo Correlation coefficient MA q series correlation coefficient τ correlation curve of resistance in deep and shallow water Correlation distance correlation estimation algorithm correlation function amplitude vector CorV correlation function method correlation gradient correlation information entropy correlation length correlation matrices correlation measurement of flow Correlation of Exploration and Mining Information Correlation of Information correlation of instantaneous polarization WV distr correlation of instantaneous polarization WV distribution Correlation of stratigraphic features correlation of time series correlation of well log correlation path correlation risk factor chronic disease correlation spectrum identification method correlation technology correlation window correlative correlative degree correlative degree of industry correlative matching based on energy image Correlative symptoms correlative value correspond Correspondence between man and universe correspondence matrix Corresponding corresponding angle corresponding surface corridor corrode guard corroded reinforced concrete rectangular beam Corrosion corrosion allowance corrosion and corrosion inhibito Corrosion and Scaling Inhibitor Corrosion and Wear Resistant Corrosion Broken Point Corrosion Factor corrosion in ocean atmosphere Corrosion Inhibiting corrosion inhibition for carbon steel corrosion inhibitor for liquid and gas phase Corrosion Mechanisms Corrosion of first degree of ankle and foot Corrosion of other parts of alimentary tract CORROSION OF REINFORCING STEEL Corrosion of second degree of head and neck Corrosion of third degree of ankle and foot Corrosion of third degree of head and neck Corrosion of unspecified degree of ankle and foot Corrosion of unspecified degree of head and neck Corrosion of unspecified degree of trunk corrosion pit depth corrosion products analysis corrosion protection for metal Corrosion protection grade corrosion rate of reinforcing bar corrosion rate of reinforcing steel bar corrosion ratio of steel bar Corrosion Resistance of Chemical Plating Corrosion Resistant Alloy Corrosion Resistant Coating Corrosion Resistant Plastic Die Steel Corrosion Resistant Steel Corrosion Resistant Treatment corrosion specimen corrugated corrugated bedding corrugated bellow corrugated fiberboard case Corrugated fin type radiator Corrugated medium corrugated metal sheath corrugated nail machine Corrugated type tank corrugating medium paper corrugation depth corruption measurement corruption problems CORS station CORTEX Cortex somatosensory evoked potential CSEP Cortical cortical inhibition Cortical neurons cortico cortico hypothalamic Cortisone Acetate Eye Drops Corundum COSAcontinuous phase frequency shift keying Cosine cosine algorithm cosine collector cosine filter cosine grating cosine window function Cosmetic therapy cosmic cosmic background of noise cosmic cloud cosmic impact cosmic mapping cosmic microwave background radiation cosmic noise COSMIC occultation cosmic outlook cosmic physics cosmic projectile cosmic radio cosmic radio radiation cosmic radio source cosmic ray cosmic ray background cosmic ray electron cosmic ray energy spectrum cosmic ray shower cosmic ray soft component cosmic ray spectrometer cosmic ray test station cosmic rocket cosmic space cosmic term cosmic unit cosmic velocity cosmic x ray Cosmogenic Radionuclide CoSnS2 thin films Cost cost and price analysis Cost Audit Cost benefits cost component cost diagnosing cost disruption cost distance Cost Economy Cost evaluation cost for medical service cost formula Cost insurance and freight cost of equity capital cost of foreign exchange generated cost of maintenance cost of peak load shifting cost of product life cycle Cost of Sizing Agent cost of ton iron of desulphurizing agent Cost Performance Measurement Baseline Cost performance ratio COST PLANNING cost plus price Cost Price Quotation cost price structure cost rate of maintenance in life cycle cost records cost robustness cost sheet Cost weighted distance costal arch Costas costas array Costas code Costas loop Costas PLL Costas sequences Costas Signal cottage roof cotter mill Cotton cotton after rape cotton bag dust cleaner cotton blended fabrics cotton classing cotton field under drip irrigation cotton flock printed pillowcase cotton georgette cotton germplasm with sigma showing cotton in the field of mixed with sandy soil cotton interlock printed shirt for children cotton men s shoes with cotton sole Cotton Mixed cotton pillow cotton poplin shirt Cotton Pulp Cotton region of south Xinjiang cotton satin cotton shoes with plastic sole cotton socks cotton stalk fiber strand Cotton Stalk Pulp Cotton Staple cotton wadded short overcoat cotton women s shoes with plastic sole cotton yarn tape cottonseed protein isolates cough syrup for children Coulomb Coulomb effects in beta decay Coulomb Excitation Coulomb explosion model Coulomb interaction Coulomb rule Coulomb s lateral pressure theory Coulomb s passive earth pressure theory Coulomb soil pressure model Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Counseling needs Count count diameter count value Counter counter dead time counter irritant counter knob counter lifetime counter line counter measures of prevention counter milling Counter rotating axial flow Fan counter sink ga(u)ge counter slot counter sunk counter vein Counter—calculated method counterbalance effect counterbalance system countercurrent exchange countermeasure against cracking Countermeasure for flood control Countermeasures and Advice countermeasures of sustainable development countermeasures of water pollution remediation countermeasures to bring under control countershaft portion Counting counting efficiency correction factor counting frame counting ionization chamber counting loss counting loss correction in MCA counting loss from dead time counting of bacteria colony counting operation counting rate meter counting wheel countries Country country damage country rock support country seat countryside cable TV countryside medical service counts County county and town road County highway reconstruction in Xiangxi region County region economy couple Couple System couple trim coupled coupled coordination coupled dipole coupled drive coupled effect of soil water and nutrient coupled electric circuit COUPLED LATERAL TORSIONAL VIBRATION Coupled Mesoscopic Circuit Coupled neural oscillators coupled optical resonator coupled oscillator array Coupled Oscillators coupled resonator optical waveguide coupled system coupled vibrations coupler coupler plug coupler ring couples COUPLING coupling and guide tube Coupling Assembly coupling boundary coupling capacitor potential device coupling circuit Coupling code coupling device at car end coupling discrete element method and finite elemen coupling effect due to bending and twisting coupling hole reaming process COUPLING HOUSING COUPLING HUB Coupling Impact coupling interactions Coupling losses Coupling Magnetic Field with Electric Circuit coupling method with magnetic field and circuit Coupling problem coupling rule coupling spider coupling stripline coupling time constant Coupling with flexible ring coupon coupon payable Course course configuration course content course design of applied optics course of new democratic revolution course sequence course setter