Environmental Friendly Plastics Material environmental function zone in the offshore area Environmental gamma radiation Environmental gradients Environmental Impact Assessment in Land Use Planni Environmental Implication Environmental Information Center of Jiangsu Province Environmental Information Exchange environmental integrated information system environmental law enforcement environmental law system Environmental Load environmental loading environmental loading capacity Environmental management instrument Environmental Measures environmental migration environmental moisture environmental monitoring in mining area Environmental monitoring station of Yi Chang area Environmental monitoring systems Environmental Natural Wind Environmental pollution assessment environmental pollution caused by automobile environmental pollution protection Environmental Protection Administration of Ji an County environmental protection and energy conser vation environmental protection and energy save Environmental Protection Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry Environmental protection management environmental quality sensor environmental remote sensed mapping environmental residue environmental resistance Environmental response mechanism environmental restriction Environmental risk assessment Environmental risk management environmental scanning electron microscope ESEM Environmental Science and Technology Department environmental sensor environmental service environmental standardization Environmental thyroid hormone disruptors Environmental Water Demand environmental water price Environmental water systems environmental wind tunnel envy site enzymatic enzymatic dissociation enzymatic membrane reactor enzymatic reaction in vitro enzyme enzyme additive enzyme analyser enzyme catalytic reaction with ultrasonic wave enzyme catalytic spectrophotometry Enzyme Catalyzed enzyme histochemistry enzyme hydrolyzate s bitterness Enzyme hydrolyzation enzyme inhibition enzyme inhibition rate enzyme inhibitory activity enzyme leakage Enzyme linked adsorbent assay enzyme linked immune assay Enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay enzyme linked immunosorbent assay Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAt enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA enzyme map Enzyme microorganism enzyme preparation and protics enzyme reaction velocity measuring device Enzyme reporter gene Enzyme stability enzymes Enzymes not elsewhere classified enzymes related to immue enzymolysis kinetics EO devices eolian dune eolian landforms eolian rock EOSepitaxial passivated integrated circuit eosinophil cationic protein EPC1 gene EPDM rubber ephemeral river ephemeral signal Epic Poem Epicenter Area epicontinental sea basin Epidemic epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis by serogroup C Epidemic control epidemic disease prevention and control epidemic features epidemic interval epidemic isolates epidemic nephritis Epidemic Prediction epidemical rule and control method epidemiological investigate epidemiology investigate Epidermal Epidermal growth factor family Epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR mutation epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR protein epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor EGFRI Epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase i epidermal growth factor receptor variant Ⅲ epidermal growth factor receptor variant Ⅲ EGFRvⅢ Epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) mutation Epidermal growth factor receptors Epidermal process epidermal stem cell epidermal teeth epidermis epidote orthoclase pegmatite epifluorescent illumination epigenetic epigenetic mutation epigenetic reprogramming epigenetic volcanism epilepsy epilepsy in children Epilepsy seizure Epilepsy surgery Epileptic cry Epileptic Disorder epileptic status Epiphyseal arrest epipolar line restriction EPIR effect Episode episodes episodic EPISODIC ACTIVITY episodic extension episodic hydrocarbon expulsion episodic hydrothermal episodic memory episodic movement epistasis gene epitaxial substrate film epitaxial thin films epithelia epithelial cast epithelial flap epithelial root sheath epithelium epithermal epithermal aging epithermal energy epithermal neutron activation analysis Epitope mimic peptide EPIYA motif EPLDerasable programmable read only memory epoxidized rape oil epoxy Epoxy Asphalt Concrete Paving Course epoxy equivalent weight Epoxy Grouting Material epoxy phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated rod epoxy resin modified asphalt mixture EPOXY STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE EPR spectrometer EPS pattern ePTFE artificial vessel Equal equal accuracy equal accuracy control equal attention to urban and rural areas Equal Bidding Price Method equal channel angle pressing(ECAP) technology equal coal consumption increment ratio equal conductivity method Equal Contact equal distribution equal distribution method equal distribution wind equal effective brake shoe(or brake pad)force for one locomstive or car equal expectation equal heterodyne equal quality flow rate control equal reactivity equal scale plane bind that contain a same point equal spiral angle equal standby equal stress on grasses and trees equal stress on integrity and ability equal thickness interference equal to equal water volume equality Equality agent equality condition equality constrained least squares problem equality of analytic and geometric multiplicities Equalization Equalization algorithm equalization function equalizer equalizer bar end pin equalizer bar pin joint equalizer seat Equalizing equalizing reactor equalizing reservoir equally accurate equant crystal equant crystals equant grains equation Equation Diagnosis equation for avalanche current density equation of average velocity Equation of curved surface equation of damage evolvement equation of higher order equation of motion for the spherical surface vibration equation of state for isospin asymmetric nuclear m equation of state for molecular aggregation equation of state of nuclear matter at finite temperature equation of transfer for the multiple scattering l equations equations of gravitational field equator equatorial equatorial and meridiona equatorial line equatorial net equatorial wave disturbance equidistant partition equilibrium Equilibrium constant K of conformation Equilibrium Crystallinity equilibrium distribution mode equilibrium equations equilibrium glide path equilibrium limited chemical reaction Equilibrium migration Equilibrium moisture percentage Equilibrium molecular geometry equilibrium network design equilibrium of sediment transportation equilibrium plot equilibrium potential equilibrium power generation dispatching Equilibrium separation equilibrium thermodynamics equilibrium tide equilibrium value of degree of reaction equilibrium with restricted condition equine influenza vaccine Equine influenza virus equipartition equipment Equipment and backup system equipment and management room equipment component list equipment defence equipment drain sump flow integrator Equipment Efficiency equipment for steam treatment Equipment in Power Station Equipment Manufacturing Industry equipment of generating electricity by manpower and animal power equipment of winding paper tube EQUIPMENT OPTIMIZATION Equipment removal equipment supplied equipment supply training equipment to test mechanical performance Equipment training management equipment war damage quantity equipment warming up equity equity base equity capital equity compensation Equity Fund Equity holder equity participants Equity structure equivalence equivalence factors Equivalence of State Variable Weight Vector Equivalence Operator equivalence partitioning equivalence zone equivalency equivalency analysis equivalent Equivalent Acoustic Impedance equivalent air path equivalent boundary integral equation equivalent brittle point equivalent burning velocity equivalent chemical reaction constant Equivalent circuit branch impedance analysis method Equivalent Circuit Diagram equivalent circuit model of a dynamic moving coil loudspeaker equivalent circuit model spectroscopy equivalent circuit parameter Equivalent circuit vector model Equivalent coefficient of friction equivalent comparison matrix equivalent continuum method Equivalent damping coefficient equivalent damping ratio equivalent dark current input equivalent disturbances Equivalent Driving Force Arm equivalent elastic modulus method equivalent electromagnetic current measurement equivalent environmental spectrum equivalent flexural rigidity equivalent force system Equivalent Full Load Hours equivalent function equivalent head wind equivalent impact load equivalent lateral stiffness equivalent light distance equivalent load identification Equivalent load impedance equivalent load zone equivalent material property equivalent mining thickness model equivalent modulus of elasticity equivalent operation time method equivalent output impedance equivalent phase shift matrix equivalent piston method equivalent process model equivalent ratio of axial compressive force Equivalent remote stress method equivalent salt deposit density ESDD equivalent saturation equivalent scattering model equivalent section thickness equivalent seismic motion input equivalent SIF range equivalent space frame model equivalent spring stiffness equivalent standard axle conversion equivalent static coefficient of friction Equivalent static method Equivalent Static Wind Load equivalent stiffness equations equivalent strip model Equivalent task equivalent transformation of uneven distributed magne tic force Equivalent transformation on uneven distributed magnetic force equivalent variance rate equivalent water thickness equivalent weight of gas equivalent width coefficient Equivariant singularity ER algorithm Er Ke Pai An Jing Qi ER localized ER stress erasable Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM erasable storage Erasure Erasure Code erasure pattern erasure way Erbium Concentration ERC project Erdas Imagine software Erdos Erdos Basin Erdos Block Erdos city Erdos equation Erdos Plateau Erdos sandland erecting machine integrated with lifting Erection Management ergonomic controls ergonomics Ergonomics activities Ergonomics design ergonomics measurement Ergonomics restrictions Ergonomics simulation ergonomics thought Erie erie black erie Congo erie green erie orange erie yellow Eriochrome Black T Indicator ERK6 gene ERM erode corrosion erode velocity eroded by H2SO4 eroded crater erosion erosion and deposition in the seabed erosion corrosion erosion in catchments EROSION LINE Erosion pit erosion scarp Erosion sediment thickness erosional erosional gully erosional pulse erosional retreat erosional scarp erosional truncation Erosive esophagitis Erosive Index ERP key laboratory ERP risk analysis ERP sand table simulation erratic operation error error analysis of meteorological data error back propagation neural network error back propagation(BP)neural network error back proragation neural network Error bit error burst Error check error check and control error check program error checking code Error Code Generator error code list error code table Error compensation device Error Compensation for Electromagnetic Devices error controlling algorithm error correcting of the map transfiguration Error correction and detection Error Correction in Reverse error dection and correction code error detection coding error detection probability Error Detection Rate error diagnose Error Display error distribution function error emendation error envelope error format Error Free Second error frequency limit error ideas Error Inequation error limit error list error map Error Measure Rule Error measurement results of transmission percentage Error Measuring System error model building error of double image of roof prism error of third kind error of type I error of zero crossing point Error path ERROR PERFORMANCE Error probability error propagation law error revision error separation Error separation technique Error Statistics error stop error terms error to standard deviation error transfer function error tripping Errors Errors in nursing care Erucic Erucic acid content in seeds ERW welded pipe mill erythrocyte Erythrocyte aggregation erythrocyte aggregation index erythrocyte lead erythrocyte membrane fluidity erythrocyte membrane protein Erythrocyte membrane proteins erythrocyte proteins erythrocyte selenium ES derived epidermal stem cells ESC based stochastic decision list ESC code escape escape position escaped steam Escherichia Escherichia coli escrow escrow account Escrow Agent ESED rule esophageal and cardiac cancer Esophageal and cardiac carcinoma esophageal carcinoma and cardiac carcinoma Esophageal carcinoma resection Esophageal cardiac carcinoma esophageal cardiac neoplasm esophageal covered stent esophageal hypersensitivity Esophageal resection esophageal stent esophagus ESR imaging ESR signal intensity essence essence qi and spirit essential essential amino acid index essential ejecta essential homomorphism essential hypertension left ventricle hypertrophy essential insurance medicine list essential maternal and health care essential medicines list essential mineral essential nutrients essential oil essential oil from Ginkgo biloba fruits essential service bus establish establish model establish standard Establish technology established ESTABLISHED NAME established populations Establishment establishment and optimization establishment of command system for the management Estate Estate Agent estate car estate probability estate tax esteem needs ester bond esterificationEffects of Gd 2O 3 on Structure and Dielectric Characteristics of BaTiO 3 Ceramics esterifying bacteria esthetic rule estimate estimate parameter estimate sheet estimated estimated approach time estimated land value estimated longitude estimated luminance estimated time of starting discharge estimates Estimating grassland yield estimation estimation algorithm of life ESTIMATION AND EXAMINATION Estimation by Remote Sensing estimation for support vectors estimation method based on maximum likelihood function Estimation of DoA and Doppler frequency Estimation of Doppler Parameters estimation of failure rate Estimation of forest parameters Estimation of Information Quantity estimation of leaf area estimation of motion blur parameters Estimation of motion parameters estimation of mutation frequency Estimation of parameter for equation of volume estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques(ESPRIT) algorithm Estimation of Source Number estimation of subspace rotational in variance tech estimation of the magnitude of the disturbance estimation of Water quality Estimation of water suction time for fire pumps Estimation parameters estimation performance of target motion parameters estimation signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques(ESPRIT) algorithm estimator Estrogen patch estrogen related receptor alpha estuarine estuarine bends estuarine management ESW (Emergency Service Water (System)) ET Et rosette ETAS model etch etch bands etch figures etch front etch mark etch pit etch pits etch primer etch removal etch residue etch trench Etching etching coefficient Etching Dielectric Layer etching gas etching parameter etching process chemical etching profile ETCHING SPEC etching time ethanol anion ethanol extract from Asparagus officinalis peel ethanol extract of the allium ethanol sediment ethanolic extract Ether Ether lipid ether starting aid cylinder ether starting aid group ethernet Ethernet Network Interface Ethernet over passive optical network EPON ethical ethical attitude Ethical Environment Ethical norms ethical principles and rules Ethical Risk ethical skill ETHICS ethnic Chinese person or people ethnic composition Ethnics ethyl tertiary butyl ethyl diether ethylene Ethylene acrylic acid co polymer ethylene bottom oil ethylene chloride ethylene dimine ethylene glycol ethylene glycol base antifreeze ethylene glycol coolant solution ethylene perchloride paint Ethylene Process Ethylene production capacity ethylene silicone oil ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid dipotassium magnesium salt Eucalyptus pom Euclid s metric space euclidean vector space eui1 gene eukaryotic gene structure prediction Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A eIF5A euler variable Eulerian motion EUNITE competition data Eureka unit EuroⅡ emission standard European Economic Community European emission standard Ⅲ European telecommunication standard institution european wheat stem maggot eustatic Eutectic Eutectic Alloys Eutectic explosive eutectic ice eutectic mixture of fatty acids eutectic phase change material eutectic point eutectic silicon particles eutrophication for water body Eutrophication of sea water Eutrophication of Water ev21 gene EVA foam evacuation evacuation arithmetic evaluate Evaluate Analysis evaluate criterion evaluate Statement evaluate tactic evaluated evaluating evaluating factors evaluating grade evaluation evaluation and revision evaluation bottle evaluation contents evaluation formula evaluation function evaluation matrix evaluation of bearing capacity of subgrade soil evaluation of Chinese character coding input method evaluation of cold tolerance at booting stage evaluation of competitive edge Evaluation of Flood Disaster evaluation of fracture effect evaluation of hazard grade evaluation of irrigation water quality evaluation of low air temperature Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation of nutritive value of wheat glume EVALUATION OF OIL AND GAS Evaluation of resource and environment evaluation of salt tolerance evaluation of soil productivity Evaluation of the architectural function innovatio Evaluation of the architectural function innovation Evaluation of the architectural technology innovation evaluation of the undergraduate course teaching le evaluation of therapeutic efficacy evaluation on ecological security evaluation on environment Evaluation on the security of water resources evaluation on the sense of responsibility evaluation process model evaluation to environment present situation evaluation value evaluative Evaluative priming evaluative ratings evaluative response evalution Evalution Method evanescent Evanescent Wave evaporating evaporating basin Evaporating boiled Evaporating capacity evaporating capacity of water surface evaporating coil evaporating concentration evaporating cooling Evaporating crystallization evaporating dish method evaporating field evaporating loss evaporating pan evaporating plane evaporating pressure regulating valve evaporating process Evaporating retardation evaporating strength Evaporation evaporation bare soil evaporation coefficient of water surface evaporation degree EVAPORATION ENTHALPY evaporation heat economy evaporation of spent liquor evaporation time evaporative brines EVAPORATIVE EMISSION CONTROL Evaporative light scattering decetion Evaporative light scattering detecter Evaporative light scattering detector ELSD evaporator evaporator concentrate tank evaporator feed pump evaporator residue Evaporator superheat evapotranspiration estimation evasion game even even curve Even Load even though even up Evening Clinic evenly evenness CV event event body event code Event Graph event name event notification service Event Ranking event relationship graph ERG event repository event scheduling event slack event status event studies events everbright fast pigment green Evergreen evergreen broadleaf woody plants evergreen woody plant everyday speech Evidence frame EVIDENCE REASONING EVIDENCE WEIGHT METHOD evidential rule Evil in human nature evil wind EVM Earned Value Management evoked evoked cortical potential evoked potential system evoked related potentials evolution Evolution Algorithms evolution and dynamics of mixed layer evolution dispatch evolution of lake evolution of Shule River alluvial fan Evolution of Si Phase evolution of water system evolutionary Evolutionary adaptation EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS Evolutionary Algorithms EA evolutionary analyses evolutionary ant algorithm evolutionary approach evolutionary change Evolutionary computation evolutionary compute evolutionary cryptanalysis Evolutionary Cryptosystem evolutionary dynamics evolutionary embryology evolutionary fauna evolutionary forces Evolutionary fuzzy neural network evolutionary games evolutionary genetics evolutionary imperative evolutionary kinetics evolutionary operation evolutionary origin Evolutionary pattern evolutionary programming algorithm evolutionary programming algorithms evolutionary retardation EVOLUTIONARY RULE Evolutionary Series Evolutionary Structural Optimization Evolved gas test at charging of battery evolvement evolvement equation Evolvement of word pattern EW means Ewald chart ewald sphere constraction Ewald transform ex coupon Ex dock Ex Vitro exact aggregation exact couple exact solitary wave solution exact timing exact weight function exactly synchronization Examination Examination Act of Public Functionaries Examination analysis examination and repairing examination and testing power examination approaches Examination Certificate examination Engineer Examination for participation in sport examine example example calculation Example Deduction ExB magnetron sputtering system excavated material excavation EXCAVATION EFFECT excavation equipment excavation for reducing the load Excavation of a Foundation Pit EXCAVATION OF FOUNDATION PIT excavation pit in water area Excel object excellent Excellent Architectural Design Award by MOHURD Excellent Hydrocarbon Source Rock Excellent Marine Source Rocks except exception analysis report Exception Report exceptional point excess excess Ba Excess Burst Rate excess free energy excess fuel Excess Gibbs free energy Excess heat capacities excess neutron excess neutron flux shut down Excess Noise Excess Noise Ratio excess pore water press EPWP excess Ti excessive excessive consumption of fuel and oil excessive distortion excessive eating excessive Fe(2 ) stress excessive heat in the small intestine excessive motivation Excessive rainfall Exchange exchange and cooperation Exchange at par Exchange bank Exchange cost exchange for telephone general office Exchange Format Exchange Fund Investment Limited exchange magnetic Exchange Power Between Area Grids exchange power prediction exchange problem exchange rate prediction Exchange rate variability exchange risk exchange shop exchange sort exchange termination exchanger exchanging Excimer lithography excised excision excitation conditions excitation controlle Excitation Current excitation force characteristics excitation optical spectrum excitation parameter excitation powder excitation type excitation voltage excitation voltage vibration Excitatory amino acid agents Excited excited aggregation state excited condition excited energy level excited frequency exciter lamp exciting personality EXCITON LOCALIZATION exclusion exclusion area Exclusive breastfeeding exclusive control Excretion Rate in Urine Excursion excursion emendation Excursion power executable array statement execute store Executing Cost execution execution analysis Execution Mechanism execution monitor execution program Execution Technology execution time print routine Executive Agreement Executive Architect Executive Director (Banking Policy) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority executive editor executive operating system executive process table executive secretary executive staff exempt pilot exempt property exercise Exercise behaviors Exercise challenge test exercise electrocardiogram test exercise tolerance exercise—induced fatigue EXERGOECONOMICAL OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE exergy exfoliated cells in urine exfoliation Exhaust exhaust air fan Exhaust Air Heat Recovery exhaust air with lower temperature Exhaust Bypass Unit Exhaust Cam exhaust clamp exhaust duration exhaust elbow support bracket Exhaust Emission Control Device Exhaust Emission Control System Exhaust emission particulate exhaust experiment exhaust flange exhaust gas dynamic process exhaust gas injection exhaust gas monitoring exhaust gas recovery Exhaust gas recycle exhaust gas scrubber EXHAUST HEAT RECOVERY exhaust heat recovery boiler exhaust hood exhaust insert exhaust loss exhaust manifold bolt exhaust manifold shield exhaust mission exhaust outlet elbow exhaust oxygen level Exhaust particles exhaust pipe clamp assembly exhaust pipe in car exhaust plant Exhaust Pollutant exhaust pollution Exhaust Process Exhaust Rocker Arm exhaust sleeve Exhaust Steam Device Exhaust Steam Pressure exhaust steam pressure control exhaust stub Exhaust systems exhaust timing exhaust valve clearance exhaust valve guide bushing exhaust valve head exhaust valve lash exhaust valve lash adjustment exhaust valve seal exhaust ventilator exhausted from exhauster Exhaustion due to excessive exertion exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid exhaustion stage exhaustive swimming Exhausts emissions exhibit exhibit information exigua existent tunnels Existential existential crisis existential generalization existential group existential living existential phenomenology Existential problems existential psychiatry Existential Space Existential Time existential type existing existing air compressor pulley existing alopecia existing biomass existing environment Existing highrise Existing Morphology Existing Road Improvement exit exit accumulator exit age E distribution exit and sign out exit angle EXIT chart exit cone Exit distribution Exit Flow Field Exit Flue Gas Temperature exit gradient exit guide exit losses exit person Exit Point exit poll exit pressure exit pressure drop exit statement exit Exit strategy Exogenous exogenous amino acid Exogenous cellulose exogenous dome exogenous gene transfection Exogenous prostaglandin E2 exogenous systems Exogenous trehalose exotic exotic plant exotoxin gene Expand Axle expand capacity and lower ullage expand rate Expandable Algorithm expanded expanded ammonium nitrate explosive EANE expanded granular sludge bed EGSB expanded PS board expander expander board expander cam Expander Cycle expander input expanding expanding bush expanding mantle expanding prop expanding type tubing packer Expansion Expansion Agent Expansion and Shrinkage Deformation expansion and welding combining expansion bellow expansion bends expansion cascading expansion comb Expansion Cone expansion degree expansion dryer expansion eccentric expansion energy in initial released gas EXPANSION EYE expansion of circuit branch expansion of production capacity expansion of vector spherical harmonic function expansion points Expansion Refrigeration expansion rule expansion skirt expansion strain expansion techniques Expansive expansive retarder Expansive scale Expansive soil embankment EXPANSIVE SOIL SUBGRADE Expectation expectation conditional maximization ECM algorithm expectation difference expectation maximization (EM) algorithm Expectation Maximization Algorithm Expectation Maximization algorithm EM Expectation Maximization EM algorithm expectation maximization(EM) algorithm expectation maximum algorithm Expectation Maximum(EM) algorithm expectation rule expectation utility theory expected breeding value expected clearance expected flow of network expected function expected internal rate of return Expected load expected output value expected probability expected profit and loss value method expected profit factor expected result expected surplus expected test time Expected value ( EV ) expected value function expected value of fuzzy variable expected value of sample information EVSI Expected yield expelling expelling aphids expelling blood stasis and dredging channels law expelling intestinal parasites by purgation expelling intestinal parasites method Expelling pathogens expelling pathogens by strengthening vital qi and expelling pus expelling pathogens from both interior and superficies Expelling phlegm and removing stasis expelling the pathogens expelling wind and counteracting toxic expenditure expenditure baseline Experiemntal Study experience experience engineer experience in environmental protection Experience in exploration experience of senior Chinese doctor experiential function Experiential Theory in its broad sense experiment Experiment and Design experiment approaches experiment content experiment curriculum design experiment design of strip and split plot experiment in water tank experiment of control Experiment of Flow experiment of platform experiment of stub column under axial compression Experiment Population Life Table Experiment Studies experiment teaching platform experiment teaching test experiment with mixture experimental experimental and practical teaching center experimental boiling water reactor experimental facilities experimental field Experimental Flow Field experimental gas cooled reactor Experimental Liver Neoplasm experimental phenomenology Experimental program experimental putty experimental rabbit Experimental rat liver cancer experimental result analysis experimental technique team experimentation teaching and management Experiments Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry experiments platform expert evidence expert s information Expert s system expert system application protocol expert system based on artificial network expert system for large taper expert system of fault analysis expert systems technology expertise explanatory explanatory adequacy explanatory comment explanatory delusion explanatory effect Explanatory interface explanatory language explanatory legend explanatory nature Explanatory Note explanatory power explanatory skills explanatory statement explanatory style explanatory text explanatory variable explants Explants differentiation explants Expts explants in Expts Explicit Explicit attitude and implicit attitude explicit congestion notification explicit difference formula explicit dynamic analysis explicit dynamic finite difference method explicit dynamic finite element Explicit dynamic finite element algorithm explicit dynamic finite element method Explicit dynamics explicit finite difference formulas explicit finite element mothed explicit finite elements Explicit integration formula Explicit iteration scheme with errors and perturbe explicit knowledge explicit link process definition explicit measure explicit message Explicit Parallelism explicit relaxation explicit solution explicit solution technique explicit time integration scheme Exploding conductor exploit Exploitation exploitation and application of energy source exploitation direction Exploitation in grade burden exploitation line exploitation of geothermal water exploitation of ore deposit exploitation propose exploiting exploiting value Exploiture and Application exploration by remote sensing exploration cycle Exploration Department of Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau Exploration Fund exploration in urban district exploration maturity Exploration of new process technology exploration of oil gas field Exploration Planning In stitute of Sichuan Petroleum Administration Exploration Prospect Exploration thought exploratory behavior exploring for gold and silver Explosion behavior explosion compaction for foundation bed explosion hazard assessment method explosion impulsion Explosion Inhibition EXPLOSION METHOD explosion pot Explosion Proof Air Conditioning Unit explosion proof fuel tank explosion proof high voltage motor explosion proof motor explosion protection for mining applications explosion water tank explosion workshop explosive Explosive blast wave explosive character of coal dust Explosive Characteristics Explosive consolidation method Explosive container explosive cord explosive detonation method explosive fission reaction Explosive fragmentation explosive fume Explosive Gas Atmosphere explosive impact vibration explosive impulse explosive incision Explosive Industry explosive injury of spinal cord explosive lithology explosive loading factor Explosive materials explosive membrane Explosive Ordnance Disposal Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau explosive products Explosive pulsed power EPP explosive residue Explosive risk analysis explosive seismic source explosive shake explosive speciation explosive stress waves explosive theory Explosive underwater Explosive volcanism explosive warming explosive waveform explosives Expo 1958 Brussels Exponential Exponential bound exponential density function exponential dilution method exponential Diophantine equation exponential diophantine equations Exponential Formula for Water Quality Exponential growth Exponential instability exponential martingale exponential polynomial function exponential response curve exponential retention exponential stability in the mean square sense exponential velocity distribution exponential weighted moving average exponential weighted moving average EWMA algorithm EXPONENTIALLY exponentially mean square stable exponentially stable in mean square exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) model exponentially weighted moving average chart Exponentially Weighted Moving Average EWMA Exponentially weighted moving average overlay exponentially weighted moving average(EWMA) filter export cost in terms of foreign exchange export list export market of farm produce export price export productivity export vegetables expose expose dose expose test expose to exposed ray exposed to exposed to hs exposed work exposition power exposure exposure chart exposure dating Exposure dosage exposure dose rate exposure energy exposure inertia exposure intensity exposure lock exposure logarithm exposure machine Exposure mechanisms exposure nomogram exposure to light Exposure to soil pollution exposure tolerance Exposure Tool Exposure treatmen expressed sequence tags Expressed sequence tags EST expressed sequence tags ESTs expression Expression and antisense expression vector Expression and distribution expression cassette Expression gene expression gene chip expression of Escherichia coli expression of nucleoprotein gene expression of P 53 gene expression roll Expression sequence tags expressive language ability expulsion fuse expulsive pain Exsolution Lamellae Ext group extend Extend Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory Extended extended active virtual network management prediction extended adaptive weighted averaging filter extended affine Lie algebras extended array logic extended binary coded decimal interchange code extended block extended block code extended bus system Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm extended compartment Extended D ALgorithm extended data out random access memory extended data output DRAM extended data transfer extended display processor instruction set extended Fan s algebra method extended font extended fuzzy set Extended Industry Standard Architecture extended L system extended least mean square extended light extended local system queue area extended lookup extended lot Extended lower power operation extended lymph node dissection Extended ML extended Mycielski graph extended operation codes extended ordered weighted averaging EOWA operator extended power flow Jacobian matrix extended power law extended quality function deployment EQFD extended range projectile extended retest extended service contract extended sigh Extended State Estimation Extended state variable method extended storage period extended system contents directory extended threshold extended video graphics array extended weave Extended WLAN extender extender provider Extending rate extensible database eXtensible Markup Language XML digital signature extensible prop extensible theory extension extension against rule extension arbor for drill holder extension arbor for Morse taper bush with tang extension arbor for Morse taper bush without tang extension arbor for roughing boring tool extension arbor for shell reamer extension arbor for side and face milling cutter extension arm extension head extension micrometer extension of time limit extension of Web service Extension Plan extension plates extension rim Extension Rule extension splint extension spring extension stem Extension to suit time extension unit Extensional Quantity extent Extent effect Exterior orientation elements exterior orientation parameter exterior orientation parameters Exterior Wall Latex Paint Exterior Wall Thermal Insulation System External external air external analysis External application of Chinese herbal medicine external applying with Shuanbaimi external argument external audit External auditory meatus atresia External beam irradiation plan external beam PIXE external beauty External biliary drainage external blood external bypass external carotid artery steal external case external cue external data exchange format external divisor external double deck floating roof tank external ear canal cholesteatoma External economic external event processor module External Gamma Radiation External Gearing Cylindrical Gear external glomerulus external graph external impact external injury liver breaks External Insulating Material External Insulation Design Software external insulation level external interrupt inhibit external interrupt level external interrupt line external locking device external magnetic field external material External material form external merge external mirror laser external monitoring external noise factor External Orifice of Urethra external pacemaker external page storage management external parasites external pipe prestress external pontoon floating roof tank external power efficiency of semiconductor external procedure reference External reference method external resonant frequency doubling External RF hyperthermia External rotor doubly salient permanent magnet motor external selection storage external shunt external shunt resisitor external sound power level external speed setting device external speed trim external standard method external stimuli external study External Surface External Thermal Insulation of exterior Wall External time count setting techniqe External Torque external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine external trigger control External trigger frequency external turning tool with carbide insert external undercut external washing machine for glass infusion bottle external wind effect External Windows extinct lake Extinct population extinct radionuclide Extinguishing extra Extra Hard Steel extra high building combined floors extra high voltage cables extra light flint glass extra long railway passage along the Yangtze River extra long span bridge extracellular extracellular conditions Extracellular enzyme Extracellular matrix metallo proteinase inducer extracellular matrix protein 1 extracellular polymeric substances extracellular region extracellular signal regulated protein kinase extracellular space extracorporeal Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO Extracorporeal revascularization extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter extracorporeal shock waves ESW extracorporeal tubing EXTRACT extract and isolation Extract from ginkgo biloba extract parameters extracted extracted fiber Extracting Extracting and Purification extracting bromine extracting Cu 2 Extracting Rule extracting rules extracting seal extraction extraction accuracy extraction and insertion of Li extraction by alkali extraction by enzyme extraction condensing turbine extraction condition optimization Extraction Flow extraction from Chinese herbs Extraction from root of watermelon Extraction Liquor extraction matrix Extraction method optimization Extraction of saline soil information extraction of the gravity anomalies associated with gold mineralization extraction of upper second molars extraction order extraction phenol process from alkali waste extraction ratio Extraction ratio of chloride ion extraction reinforcement extraction rules Extraction Separation Method extraction steam pressure lose of heater extraction technology optimization extraction thimble extraction with alkali Extraction with N 235 Extraction with Salt extraction with super critical fluid Extractive capacity extractor extractor fan Extracts Extracts from animal gastric mucosa extracurricular activity extradural injection Extramammary Paget disease Extramammary Paget disease vulval Extraneous extraneous expenses extraneous gas extraneous information extraneous material Extraneous modulation Extraneous Plating extraneous risk extraneous risks Extraneous skin extraneous solution Extraneous source extraneous stimulus extraneous variable extraneous water Extraocular muscles extraordinary situation extraordinary vertex Extraperitoneal spaces extrasion rate extraterrestrial particle extrathyroidal extension extratropical tropopause extremal rank extreme extreme anisotropy extreme cold temperature events extreme enrichment Extreme Error extreme high temperature in summer Extreme High Temperature Oxidation extreme ice and snow hazard extreme length Extreme Load extreme load condition Extreme Load of Wave and Current extreme low power consumption Extreme Maximum Temperature extreme path extreme pressure and antiwear behavior extreme problem Extreme Risk extreme snow disaster extreme trace Extreme ultraviolet lithography extreme value distribution about Gumber extreme value index extreme value point extreme value solution EXTREME VALUE THEORY extreme value type Ⅰ distribution Extreme wave Extreme Wind Speed Extremely Cold and Snowy weather Extremely desert and gobi region extremely low frequency emission extremely low frequency field extremities extruded aluminum alloy for automobile using Extruding Press extrusion extrusion arm extrusion die for making silver probe extrusion implement Extrusion tectonics extubation eye eye accommodation eye and mouth detection eye assembly eye ball eye bandage eye bank Eye blepharoplasty eye board eye bounce eye bud Eye burns eye cross eye cup eye cutting Eye damage eye detection eye diseases eye dropper eye drops for multiple administration eye end eye fish lens eye fixation eye focus eye gel eye in hand system eye injures eye injuries eye injury eye instrument eye lash eye level eye level finder eye level view finder eye lid eye liquid Eye Localization Eye Locating eye location eye model Eye movements Eye music eye needle holder eye ointment eye opener Eye perforating injury eye plate eye position Eye pouch Eye pressure eye reading Eye Recognition eye rotation eye s signs of blood stasis syndrome eye scissors eye shield eye slit eye socket eye specificity eye split eye spud Eye stimulation eye strain eye stroke Eye Structure eye symptom Eye symptoms eye test apparatus Eye trauma eye travel eye tubercle eyeball earth eyebrow anatomy eyebrow and eye regions eyelet bra eyelet setter F conductive thin film F congruence F connector F effect f iber morphology F ion selective electrode F(subscript p) G F1 and F11 fimbriae F1 gene F1 isolates F107 fimbriae F18 gene F1L gene F3 5 H gene F41 fimbriae FAB Fab fragment Fab FABP2 gene fabric fabric automatic detection fabric axes fabric bearing Fabric defect detection Fabric Defects fabric defects detection Fabric Detection fabric doubling machine Fabric Drape Performance fabric feature Fabric image Fabric Life Fabric Properties fabric supply fabric surface characteristic Fabric Surface Detection fabric tube Fabric Weave fabric width fabricated boss fabricated steel bridge of highway fabrication Fabrication by fabrication cost by project quantity bill face face and side milling cutter face and side milling cutter with straight teeth face belt conveyor face bond Face Chuck Face contour extraction face cracks face down face down bonding face down chip face down feed Face End Support face extraction Face Guard face mixture face ring face round face runout check face seal joint face symmetry Face tile face yarn facet eye facet gem facet growth Facet joint Facet joints of lumbar spine faceted eye FaChit1 gene Facial aging Facial Animation facial bone fractures facial bones facial carina facial familiarity Facial feature location and extraction Facial muscles facial nerve injury Facial nerve palsy Facial nerve regeneration facial profile of soft and hard tissue facial recess facial wrinkles facies Facies associations Facies belts of volcanic edifice facies fauna Facies fibularis Facies posterior (brachii) facies tract facilitated facilitated technique Facilitating ovulation Facilities facilities for fresh water pisciculture facilities for growing facilities for producing artificial silk with synthetic fibre facilities for sulfuric acid(SA) production Facilities on college campus facilities operation facility facility apricot facility for automatic sorting and testing Facility Layout Optimization facility soil Facing facing lathe facing tool facing work facsimile telegraphy fact fact fractal fact object factor Factor a Leiden mutation Factor Analysis Personality Questionnaire factor experimental Factor in market change factor loading factor loading matrix Factor Scores factor V Leiden factor V Leiden mutation Factor Ⅴ Leiden mutation factorial sum factors factors Guided tissue regeneration factors of function change rate Factory Factory Power Monitoring System factory setting factory warranty FACTS device facultative Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering of South West Forestry University Faculty of Land Resource Engineering of Kunming University of Science and Technology Faculty of Life Science and Biotechnology Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering FADD gene fading memory filter faecal stone failed fuel detection system Failed induction of labour unspecified failing paths Failing to file on time failing to sound failure failure bit failure cluster failure data analysis failure distribution function failure domain failure equipment failure field of rock mass failure for bonding interface Failure form Failure Judgement failure level failure location failure mode effects and criticality analysis failure mode effects and criticality analysis FMEC failure of fuel failure of qi to check the blood failure of relay trip Failure operation failure plane Failure Prediction Analysis failure preventing failure probability distribution failure probability distribution model failure procedure Failure ra Failure Rule failure tests Failure to use bus stop Failure Work Effect Analysis failures fair fair allocation principle fair and impartial random selection fair and just value Fair and Reasonable Cost fair and reasonable price fair distribution fair effect fair forum fair in development chance between generations fair in place fair line fair prices fair process fair shake faith faith degree Fajans displacement law FAL Frequency Allocation List Fall fall aboard fall armyworm fall band fall behind fall crop fall dust fall into water and become deformed method fall lift spring safety valve fall out of step fall point of water jet fall screening fall short by a large amount fall speed fall table fall within FallBack Algorithm Fallen down fallen wool Falling Area Forecast Falling ball test falling objects guard mounting support falling short fallout product false alarm frequency false belly false bulb false cap false colo(u)r film False color display false equilibrium false frequency offset false front False honey false hybrid false negative ratio false news False Tripping falsework FAM and GRM Fame flower familiarity familiarity degree familiarity effect familiarity level Families with only Daughters family Family behavior factors family economy family empowerment family function adjustment Family income per capita family list Family of subsets of a finite set family planning service Family planning service facility family setup family symposium famous doctor s experience Famous historical cities of world FAMT Fully Automatic Machine Translation Fan fan adapter Fan as Fan Bearing Fan Blades fan clutch fan cooler fan dial fan drive bearing fan drive belt adjustment fan drive group fan drive motor fan drive mounting group fan drive pump fan drive slip joint fan drive system Fan Dynamic Fan Efficiency fan engine fan eutectic fan facies model Fan Filter Unit fan fold fan for driving mosquitoes Fan grinding mill Fan Holder Fan Inlet fan lift fan marker fan mesa Fan Motor fan motor outlet fan motor speed fan nozzles fan of boiler fan out fan pulley bearing fitting fan pump fan ramjet fan rpm fan s properties curve fan scarp fan shaft fan shaft bearing Fan speed regulation fan spider assembly Fan Stage fan support fan talus fan the air fan truss fan vault Fan Vibration Measuring fan volute fancy broken twill Fancy lily fancy loom fancy spun silk yarn fancy twill Fang 3 Well fanning out Fano coding Fans arrangement Fans Load Far far area far away far call Far End Block Error FEBE FAR Failure Analysis Report Far field distribution far field pattern far field prediction far field solution far infrared thermal map far IR Far IR heating element far plane Faraday law of induction fare Fare Clearing System farm farm animal raising environmental pollution hornessing measure Farm Diesel farm film farm hand farm implements farm landscape design farm level Farm shop farm surplus Farm visit farmer farmer asset Farmers economic cooperatives farmers professional cooperative economic organiz Farming culture Farming overlap Farming Tool farming year Farmland classifying farmland ecosystem health Farmland plants farmland protective forest pattern farmland quality investigation farmland use change farnesoid X receptor gene fas fascia fascia abdominal Fasciculus lateralis fascine roll Fasciocutaneous fashion beauty Fashion element fashion house fashioned knitting fast fast [to light] Fast ability test Fast Access fast acid dye fast adaptive composite grid method fast adaptive Fourier transform fast amplifier fast and universal algorithm fast belief propagation BP decoding algorithm fast boat fast BP algorithm Fast BP learning algorithm Fast Braking Fast breeding reactor fast capture fast charging performance fast charging with slow pulse Fast Classification fast closing valve fast coincidence fast color salt Fast control power supply Fast Cooling Equipment fast copy data set program Fast Correlation fast counter fast decoupled power flow fast direct current amplifier Fast Drilling Additive fast estimation method fast evaluation fast evaluation of earthquake losses fast fatigue fast finding Fast Finite Element Algorithm Fast Firing fast fission capture fast fission factor fast flow component fast flux fast forwarding Fast Fourier Transform fast fuse Fast Fusing Fast Gate fast idle fast idle cam link fast idle cam second step fast idle linkage adjustment fast idle speed fast image mosaic fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm fast intersection algorithm Fast ion beam laser spectroscopy fast iterative algorithm fast Kalman Fast Lane fast lens fast Level Set fast level set algorithm fast link pulse burst fast load test Fast load variation Fast lookup table Fast Movement Liquid Crystal Display Fast Moving Detection Fast Multipole Fast multipole algorithm FAST MULTIPOLE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD fast multipole boundary element method FMBEM Fast Multipole Expansion fast network layer handoff fast neutron capture fast neutron dose equivalent fast neutron fluence Fast Neutron flux Spectrum Fast Neutron Moisture Meter fast neutron multiplication factor fast neutron non leakage probability fast neutron reactor fast neutron resonance radiography fast neutron source Fast Newton Algorithm fast opening control fast orange salt fast packet multiplexing fast pinch FAST plot Fast pulled fast pulse amplifier fast reactor fast reactor test assembly fast reactor thermal engineering facility fast reading Fast Recursive Algorithm fast rendering fast rewind Fast Road Fast Routing Lookup Fast Satellite Selection Algorithm fast second order BP neural networks fast second order learning algorithm fast segmentation fast setting concrete fast solid state PME light detector fast speed fast speed charging technique Fast static positioning in GPS fast stowing FAST tester fast time series prediction fast tis fast urbanization fast velocity Fast wave polarization direction fast wavelet algorithm fastener Fastener Flexibility Fastener warehouse fastener zip fasting bridge fasting regulation FastMM algorithm fastness Fat Fat acid fat acid determination fat acid in the egg yolk fat acids fat autograft fat ball Fat basis fat blood Fat body protein fat breeding Fat clients fat decreasing effect Fat digestibility fat feed fat grafting fat hardening Fat in deep layer Fat Liquor fat marrow fat pattern fat person fat powder Fat Protein Fat rate fat reserve Fat soluble fat solution Fat tissues Fat tolerance test fat yield fatal dose fate fate determinant fate model fate of fertilizer N fate of N fate of N fertilizer Fatigue Fatigue and Creep Fatigue and Service Life fatigue crack lifetime fatigue crack propagation mechanism Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate fatigue curve equation for constant life fatigue damage degree Fatigue equation fatigue error fatigue failure criterion fatigue failure life Fatigue fracture mechanism fatigue life span fatigue notch factor Kf fatigue shell fatigue softening fatigue spalling fatigue strength reduction factor fatigue stress relaxation and deformation resistance Fatigue test machine Fatigue tester fatigue testing fatigue zone fatten up fattening pig Fatty fatty acid binding protein FABP fatty acid binding protein gene fatty acid free Fraction V fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate fatty acid methyl ester sulfonate fatty ether tertiary amine fatty liver cell Fatty liver ultrasound indexing Fault analysis expert system Fault Analysis for Shunt Capacitor fault barrier fault connected sourcerock and reservoir FAULT CREEP fault current component fault current limited fault dam fault detection and diagnosis fault detection and estimation fault development trend fault diagnosis equation fault diagnosis for electric machine fault diagnostic code fault display Fault equivalent circuit vector fault fiber FAULT FRACTURE Fault gases fault grounding point fault hanging wall effect fault in power grid fault indication fault insulator Fault interactions fault isolation analysis routine fault jump Fault Lamp fault light fault light indicator fault line and phase selection Fault Line Location fault line scarp fault line selecting fault line selection and fault locating Fault line selection and location fault line selection component Fault Line Selection Device fault lines Fault Localizing Fault Location Panel fault logic fault management system fault metamorphism type migmatite fault monitoring Fault of Motor fault of power station Fault Pervasion fault presumption Fault Reasoning Fault Record Fault Region FAULT RIDE THROUGH fault s mechanism fault scarp fault selecting line Fault Selection Phase fault shutdown indicator fault singularity Fault Site fault structure combination fault surface reconstruction fault tectonite FAULT TERRACE Fault Tolerance Control fault tolerant computing fault tolerant logic fault tolerant technique Fault transient energy fault tree structure fault tree technique Fault Trip FAULT TROUGH fault vector fault wave record Faults and its Prevention in Anaesthesia faults diagnose faults of orecontrolling Faults Tolerant faults(defects) on the cable Fauna FAUNA STRUCTURE favorable sedimentary facies belt for source rocks favourable geometry FAWN RAM FBC ash FBM Gasoline FCAfiber distributed data interface FCAW with CO2 gas shield FCB function FCC Federal Communication Commission FCC light naphtha FCHM Fully Continuous Hidden Markov FCL Feeder Control Logic FCO Functional Check Out FCP File Control Processor FCSVM fast classification for support vector machi FD (ID) fan FDB File Data Block FDI outflow FDPC Federal Data Processing Center FDR code FDSD method FDSL File Structure Definition Language FDSP Full Duplex Service Phone FDTD technique Fe Ni based alloy Fe nutrition Fe specification Fe(II) salt Fe2SP cluster FEA analysis of seismic resistance capacity FEA numerical simulation fear feasibility economy analysis feasible direction algorithm feasible portfolio feasible sets Feather feather burst feather cockscomb feather fan feather fill feather jig feather key feather pillow feathering feathering out feature Feature based matching feature bias feature checking Feature curve matching feature data compression Feature Element Feature Element Tree feature evaluation function feature extraction feature extraction of image micromorphology feature function set feature histograms feature identification and modification feature list feature measuring feature of local culture feature operator feature optimization Feature point selection feature points constraint Feature points extraction feature recognition technique Feature Refilling feature segment Feature selection and extraction feature selection approach feature selection function Feature sets Feature signal extraction feature strengthening feature transformation feature variables selection feature vector selection features features in syndrome differentiation features of the extrusion process febrile state fecal abnormality Fecal coliform group indicator Fecal diversion fecal group frequency distribution fecal occult blood test Fecal occult blood tests fecal pellets fecal sewage FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification FECT Forward Error Correction Technique fed up Federal federal aid federal data protection act Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (1991) federal grants federal information processing standard Federal Open Market Committee Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) federal radio act federal radio commission Federal Trade Commission Federate changed FEDINET FEDeral Information NETwork fee fee pricing of water quality resources Fee simple Feeble field Feed feed back compensation feed biology feed consumption feed conversion feed cover plate Feed crops feed dial feed digest feed effect feed face down Feed fermentation feed flavor feed forked connection adjusting screw feed forked connection hinge screw feed forked connection roller screw stub Feed grade calcium hydrophosphate feed grade copper sulphate feed hole spacing feed holes feed intake feed intake rate feed loading feed nip roller feed pitch feed products from animal sources feed pump barrel feed pump gland bush feed required Feed restriction feed sampler feed screw nut feed sensor feed side feed spout feed strainer feed structure feed tank feed to egg ratio Feed to gain ratio Feed Tube feed vane Feed Water Tank feed water treatment feed worm feed(ing) stuff feedback AGC feedback congestion control scheme feedback connection feedback control modes feedback culture feedback current through ground feedback cutter feedback data feedback lag feedback line identification feedback mechanisms feedback of speed Feedback process neural network feedback sequence feedback synchronization control feeder feeder cattle feeder charge feeder control logic feeder control sensor feeder for piglet feeder guard feeder insulator feeder link feeder pig Feeder Protect feeder sensor Feeder Service feeder terminal unit FTU feedforward item feedforward neural network feeding control feeding current feeding failure feeding ingredient Feeding Management of Dairy Cattle Feeding people feeding rate feeding stuff feeding system of antennas feeding table feeding tubes feeds feedstuff and medicine for bird and fish feedwater heating combined cycle system feel bad feel desire for Feel identification feel one s way feel oneself feel out feel small feeler bulb feet feet bending feet dry FEFO First a? End First a? Out FEFO First End First Out Feldman s verifiable secret sharing feline pneumonitis fell fell back fell behind fell in with sb s views fell to pieces fell to work Felling for shelter wood system fellow subsidiary Felted and coated fertilizer felted flannel FEM and impedance analysis FEM explicit algorithm FEMALE female adult worm female carabeef (buffalo) meat female carabeef meat female disease general survey Female flower differentiation Female genital prolapse unspecified female lug Female reproduction health female reproductive toxicity female screw thread pipe female type connector femoral Femoral intercondylar and supracondylar of fracture femoral notch femoral shaft fractures femoral vein blood Femtosecond ultraviolet optical pulse Femur Fender apron fender group fender guard fender spar Fenestra fenestra recess Fenton s reagent Fermat prime Fermat s point fermentation in shaking flash fermentation processing fermentation rate Fermentation residue fermented cider fermented dairy products fermented lactic acid bacteria beverage fermented meat product fermented soybean oil Fermented substrate fermenting fermenting force Fermi Fermi (energy) level fermi age fermi characteristic energy level Fermi edge Fermi energy Fermi hole Fermi level Fermi level diagram Fermi liquid Fermi pseudopotential fermi s golden rule Fermi surface Fermi surface system Fermi system Fern fern age fern basket Fern community fern cushion fern leaf fern owl fern palm fern phenology fern plants fern root fern spore Ferric ferric chlorides ferrite ferrite fraction ferrite magnetic particle ferrite region ferritic bcc ferritic chrome steel FERRITIC ROLLING Ferritin gene Ferroalloy plating ferroconcrete prop Ferroelastic toughening FERROELECTRIC DOMAINS ferroelectric memory matrix ferromagnetic concentrator FERRULE ferrule packing ferry berth Fertile isolates Fertility fertility level fertility preservation Fertility supply fertilization amount Fertilization application Fertilization based on measuring soli and filling fertilization diagnosis fertilization in autumn Fertilization on leaf fertilization Programs fertilization rate of IVF Fertilized chicken egg yolk Fertilizer fertilizer application level Fertilizer application mode Fertilizer apply fertilizer for second half of growth fertilizer level fertilizer phosphorous use efficiency Fertilizer utilization efficiency fertilizers FeS2 thin film Festival FESTIVAL BALLET festival culture Festival march Festo pneumatic device in fault fetal fetal bovine fetal brain tissue transplantation fetal calf serum fetal cerebellum fetal death ratio fetal fibroblast cell line Fetal goat fetal growth restriction Fetal growth restriction FGR Fetal growth retardation fetal heart beat detector Fetal intrauterine growth retardation Fetal kidney fetal lie Fetal liver stromal cell conditioned fetal loss Fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocit fetal mouse Fetal renal cells fetal sac fetal vaccinia fetal weight fetch fetus Fetus and newborn affected by maternal injury fetus detector fetus extractor fetus kidney fetus malformation Fetus monitor fetus monitoring fetus outcome Fetus prognosis Fever fever management fewer wells FEXT Far End Cross Talk feynman integral FFC Fixed a? Form Coding FFC Fixed Form Coding FFSK Fast Frequency Shift Keying FFTI Fast Fourier Transform Inverse FG5 absolute gravimeter FGSM Framework for Grid Service Mining FHSS Frequency C Hopping Spread C Spectrum FHY sorbent fi lm dispersion method FIAT Fiber fiber active connector fiber affine fiber Bragg grate(FBG) sensor fiber Bragg gratings Fiber Bragg gratting fiber broken Fiber color Fiber Connectors fiber delay line Fiber Delay Lines Fiber delivery energy fiber development related gene Fiber differentiation Fiber Form Control Technique Fiber Glass Helical Orientation fiber grating and circulator fiber laser and amplifier fiber laser gyro fiber lidar fiber matrix fiber micro spectrometer fiber network information management Fiber optic bundle fiber optic cable manufacture fiber optic cables fiber optic communication network Fiber optic grating fiber optic light guide Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux Sensors Fiber Optic Ring Media Access Controller fiber optic sensing weak signal detection fiber optic taper coupling Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors Fiber Optic Vibration Sensors Fiber Optical Fiber Optical Communications fiber optical differential protection Fiber optical network Fiber Optical Voltage Transducer fiber optics and optical communication Fiber optics gyroscope fiber optics networks fiber press Fiber Raman Amplifier Fiber Raman Amplifier FRA fiber Raman amplifiers fiber Raman amplifiers FRA fiber reflection fiber reinforce composite laminated plate fiber reinforced cementitious composites Fiber reinforced plastics Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete fiber reinforcement polymer bar Fiber tension Fiber To The Home Fiber To The Home FTTH Fiber To The Radio Port fiber transfer index fiber winding tension fiberglass reinforced plastics tube Fibre Fibre Bale Fibre broadband integrated service digital network FIBRE CONVERTER fibre density analysis Fibre diameter fibre extent fibre gasket fibre optical current sensor fibre optical device fibre optical sensor fibre products FIBRE TERMINATION fibre tow fibrillisation kinetics Fibrin seal Fibrinogen Fibrinolysis inhibitor Fibroblast Cell Line of Rat Lung fibroblasts Fibrous fibrous bag fibrous glass reinforced plastic Fibrous pseudotumor fibrous rock fibrous talc fibrous variety Fick s diffusion law Fick s second diffusion law Fick s second law of diffusion Fick second law fiddle [bow] drill fiddle block fidelity Fidelity description fidelity term Field field aligning Field and office integration digital mapping field armature bar insulation field bee field blood transportation vehicle Field by field focusing and leveling Field cap acity field circuit coupling field circuit coupling design field circuit coupling method field convergence field coupling equation field demonstration project field denitrification Field distribution pattern field driver field emission array electron source Field Emission Arrays Cathode Field Emission Cold Cathode field emission electron microscope field emission fluorescence lamp field emission gun transmission electron microscope field emission ion microscope field emission scanning electron micr ograph field emission scanning electron microscope Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy FESEM field extraction field failure data field geology mapping FIELD GUN Field inhomogeneity Field Installation Field Instrument Installation field interview field isolate field issues Field Local Area Network field management of water resources and hydropower projects field mapping field marker field marker character field mix Field mode structure field observation of the CPⅢ plane network field of deformation field of power series field of real numbers Field Oriented Vector Control field painting Field plastic film dibbling seeding field practice in the factory Field practice teaching field programable gate array FPGA Field Programmable Array field programmable gate army field programmable gate array FPGA based control c field programmable logic array field programmable logic integrated circuit field programming field rate of emergence field ray field repetition rate field scan field shielding field solver field spectrum field strength prediction field stresses field supply terminal field sweep field switch Field Teaching field test field trails Field Training and Teaching field trial of control efficacy field trials FIELD TRIP Field tube field upgrade field validation field variables distribution field winding continuity test field winding ground test field winding lead fields FIFA World Cup FIFO (first in and first out) memory FIFO Queue FIFO scheduling fifth wheel Fig fight fight against fight against drought fight against SARS fight for fighting against corruption systematically fighting efficacy figurative beauty figurative design figure figure 1 Figure Coefficient of Wind Load figure distortion figure identifying figure reading electronic device Figured Fabrics Figured Weaving filament filamentous algae filaments filc gene file file access table file active file administrator File aggregation File Allocation File allocation table File Allocation Table FAT file allocation table virus file assignment table file cards file class file classify file component file compress File Control Procedure file driver file drum File Editor file inventory file key file length file line length File linked list file map table File Mode file of index access File OPEN file output file record file service FILE SIGNATURE file snake file space allocation map file system check File System Control Block file system executive file transmission protocol file type specification file update master program filed Filed check Filed Observation filed vehicle Files Management System Files Transmission FileStorage system fill fill away fill code Fill In Signal Unit FISU fill of sedimentary basin Fill process Fill quality fill source fill up ground Filled Cable Filled Ground Filled mass filled soil foundation with rock chunk Filled up Ground Filler filler alloys filler cap assembly filler cap cover filler cap pressure filler cover gasket filler reinforcement Fillet roll filling Filling Algorithm Filling Body Filling by layers filling construction for gravel soil core filling construction parameter filling depth filling flow of melt body filling fork filling changing device filling gasoline filling gun filling layer welding line filling level filling line Filling mining method Filling Mold filling of covering soil filling of dam body filling plug filling port Filling pulse method filling ramp Filling Rubber filling scan algorithm filling soil foundation Filling Tube filling tube speed filling welding Filling with data fills Film film by dry method film cooling efficiency film crystal oscillator Film dispersion method film drawer film drum film editor film electric resistance Film Evaporation film feed mechanism Film Formation Process film formation property film hol e film integrated magnetic components film integrity film laminating adhesive for food packing film loop film mass transfer Film mulch film mulch planting film mulched wheat film mulched winter wheat film of covering with resin film optic film optical scanning device for input to computor film optical sensing device film optics film platinum resistor Film platinum temperature sensor film removal film rivet Film sensor film setter Film solar cell film supply Film water FILM YARN films FILO First In Last Out Filter filter amplifier Filter back projection filter back wash containers filter base stud filter bracket filter bypass switch filter bypass switch group filter channel filter cloth washing filter cloth washing wastewater of sugar plant filter condition FILTER CUBICLE filter deffect filter editor FILTER ELEMENT filter element cover filter element mounting base filter fabric in nylon FILTER GUARD FILTER HOUSING filter indicator lamp Filter installation filter level filter medium filter order filter paper dust counter Filter paper enzyme activity filter paper for chromatography filter paper for oil Filter Parameter Filter Parameters filter plant filter power supply filter production filter rule filter tip of cigarette Filter type output section filter unit housing Filtering filtering and calibration filtering and filtration filtering and noise canceling filtering and noise reduction system filtering effect Filtering noise filtering plastics Filtering Pond filtering white noise filtrate invasion FILTRATE LOSS REDUCER filtration filtration ability filtration beds filtration cake constant filtration coefficient Filtration efficiency filtration film Filtration Loss Filtration Reducer fimbriae F18 fimbriae gene Fimbriae tube fimH gene fin Fin and tube evaporator fin cutting fin fish Fin number fin tube fin with circular hole Final Final acceptance of construction Final Award final bit final body final check and acceptance final cooler Final cooling final drive hub final drive hub assembly final drive input shaft final drive planetary carrier final form data final inspection final lease final reduction gear final speaker final speaker voicing final state final station Final steaming final time final topology final total number of transactions with variance final vacuum final work final worth Finance finance and accounting information systems Finance Bureau [FB] [Government Secretariat] Finance crisis finance forecast Finance Function Finance management finance module finance raising finance supervision and management Financial financial aid and ideological education Financial and Monetary College of Shandong Economic University Financial brand Financial burden of disease financial burden of diseases financial company Financial crisis financial futures contract financial hedge financial highlight financial leverage financial reporting Financial Resources Rules financial risk financial risks Financial Sourcing financial subsidy financial support for agriculture financing entity financing method financing mix s risk and reward find find it too much find list find one s tongue finder finding Finding Action Finding possibility finding the shortest path fine fine (grinding) sugar fine approach Fine Art fine arts design Fine Assessment fine autumn sheep wool fine chemical products Fine Chemical Wastewater Fine Cobalt fine coir fibre Fine Concrete fine content Fine Count Fine Crystal fine crystalline structure FINE DENIER YARN Fine Desulfurizer Fine Development Fine fodder fine grain cemented carbide Fine Grain Structure FINE GRAINED SOIL fine grained soil containing coarse Fine Grained Structure FINE GRAPHITE fine grinding cemented carbide fine grinding mill fine mesh wire fabric reinforced concrete fine motion Fine needle aspiration cytopathology Fine powder fine powder of iron ore Fine roughing Fine sand loam fine sand material with water fine seismic data interpretation fine silty layer Fine Stainless Steel Wire Fine stratigraphic correlation fine structure of crust and upper mantle Fine structure study of earthquake source Fine Talc fine thread screw fine thread tap fine tooth comb fine tooth cylindrical milling cutter fine tooth saw blade fine topology Fine variety from bud fine velocity structure in shallow crust finer decomposition finer partition finer polygon finer polygons fines FINFO First In Not used First Out finger bowl with flat cover finger dock Finger flow finger grip Finger length finger pulp defect finger saw Finger tip blood finger type milling cutter fingering rules fingerprint fingerprint identification fingerprint indexing Fingerprinting approaches finish finish pressing Finish Rolling Mill finished Finished Cable finished color Finished Leather finished plate Finishes finishing finishing length finishing paper FINISHING PLATE Finishing Rolling Temperature finishing temperature setting finite finite amount finite cell finite clement method Finite Contrast Method Finite control volume scheme finite cyclic group finite difference algorithm finite different time domain method finite differH finite displacement method finite dynamic element method Finite e lement finite element FINITE ELEMENT ALGORITHM finite element analysis of electromagnetic fields Finite element dynamic simulation Finite element explicit dynamic finite element finite compressible stratums model Finite element Galerkin algorithm finite element grid model finite element mesh generation technique finite element meshes finite element method by Monte Carlo Finite Element Method Computation finite element method with strength reduction tech finite element method with strength reduction technique finite element models Finite element nonlinear Galerkin algorithm finite element transfer matrix method finite elements method Finite elements strength reduction finite energy sum rule Finite Fault Method finite graph finite heat capacity finite impact response finite inverse approach finite length large gap annular flow Finite Limited Method FEM Finite mixture Finite mixture model Finite mixture models finite orthogonal simple group finite populations finite probability space finite relative displacement finite renormalization finite rods finite sheets finite spectral ENO scheme finite standpoint finite state algorithm finite stiffened plate finite stream of random events with independent in finite strip element method finite strip method finite temperature BHF approach finite time ruin probability Finite transmission zero finite volume algorithm finite weighted sum Finitely finitely compactly closed open set finitely metrically compactly closed (open) set finitely metrically compactly open closed set finitely metrically compactly open(closed)set finsler geometry Finsler manifolds Finsler metric FIR linear phase digital filter FIR multirate filter banks Fire fire alarm bell Fire and Explosion Hazard fire and weathering resistant steel fire area opening and closing fire assignment fire away fire board fire box fire bucket fire characterized by flaring up fire cock Fire Control fire coordination fire crack fire disaster prevention and control technology fire door shield fire duct fire early detection fire extinguishing simulation test Fire Extinguishment fire fighting design code fire fighting pressure stabilizer fire flood fire for effect fire from Fire Glass Fire God fire hose reel system fire hydrant Fire Hydrant ND80 fire induced Fire intensities fire is characterized by flaming up fire lobby fire paint fire partition Fire Pool Fire Prevention and Control Technology fire prevention and extinguish techniques fire prevention of the wall fire proof glass fire proof machine fire proof material fire proof motor Fire Proof Paint fire proof wind sluice Fire protection planning fire protection systems for test cabin of space shuttle fire protection zone fire red fire remains Fire Resistant Weathering Steel Fire Resisting Material fire resistive Fire Resistive Coating fire resistive coating for steel structure fire retardant paint fire risk rank fire risk rating Fire Safety Design Fire Safety Sign Fire safety signs fire safety system analysis fire safety work fire salvo Fire Science and Technology Fire Simulation fire size class Fire statistics fire suppression technique fire suppression water Fire Temperature Fire Truck Fire Wall Proof Fire water curtain fire water drainage Fire water pump fire water supply facilities Fire Zoning fired gas heat treatment technology and equipment firedamp outburst Fireproof Suit Firework display firing firing bias firing box firing chamber firing command method firing concentration Firing Control Firing Control System firing control system monitoring firing dynamic firing frequency firing gate firing head Firing impulse firing in cold air firing in hot air firing in hot hearth firing intervals firing network firing order sequence firing potential firing practice Firing process firing proof Firing section Firing sensitivity firing sequence Firing set of data firing shrinkage Firing System firing table test firing time FIRING ZONE Firm Fixed Price Contract ( FFP ) firm gas firm roll firn snow first First aid before hospital first aid before in hospital First aid for injury FIRST AID IN QUARRIES first anaphase first and late frost event first and major consequence First and second branchial arch syndrome first and second order leveling first bid first branchial cleft fistula first branchial cleft sinus FIRST BREAK PICKING First case First clearance rate first critical angle first critical load under load transfer condition First cutting for regeneration First Demand for Rates First derivative spectral analysis first detection interval first director first engineer First excursion failure reliability First female flower node first form curve integrals first forward first frost date and latest frost date FIRST Fully Integrated Routing Switch Technology first fundamental form of curved surface first gear forward First grade evaluation first hand data First harmonic first harmonic analysis method first harmonic current first in first out buffer first in first out buffer memory first in first out buffering first in last out first in last out stack First interview first investment first item list first law First Level Load first line center first metatarsal first molar first moment of area first moment of the surface first moment of volume first node rule first normal form first normal stress difference first operand first order absolute moment first order differential equations First Order Leveling Resurvey first order matrix differential equation first order ordinary differential equation first order pole first order predicate calculus first order predicate rule first order reaction kinetics first order reliability method FORM first order reversal curve FIRST ORDER SECOND MOMENT METHOD first order sequence first order Taylor series stochastic finite elemen first order Taylor series stochastic finite element method first out first out method [FIFO method] First page of medical record first permanent molar First Permanent Molar Teeth first person to be appointed to a post first power first principles first principles computer simulation first priority category first priority for Home Ownership Scheme purchase first quenching First Rainy Season first rate product first roof pressure first run first shock first stage temperature First Team of Hydrogeology and Eagineering Geology first term first theorem of the mean first trial fiscal expenditure on supporting agriculture Fiscal imbalance fiscal information fiscal reserve Fiscal Year 2007 Fish fish and chips fish behavior fish biodiversity fish biomass fish burger Fish Cage fish chute fish culture in net pen fish culture in running water ponds Fish curry Fish dart fish down fish eagle fish eggs fish eggs and juveniles FISH EGGS AND LARVAE Fish Eggs and Larval Fish fish eye Fish Eye Image fish eye stone fish finder fish flavor fish flesh fish for fish in net cage fish lamp fish larva fish larva and juvenile fish lead fish leather fish lice Fish lip in cream sauce fish liver Fish maw of black carp Fish Nutrition fish odor FISH PLATE fish platter fish pond fish population fish protein powder Fish raising and transporting Fish raising in the greenhouse fish Red Blood Cell Fish rolls in soup fish scaler Fish Skin Leather fish skin with pickled peppers Fish slices with egg white Fish soup with tomato fish specimen Fish tissue fish trimming machine fish well Fisher discriminant method Fisher index Fisher information matrix Fisher nonlinear discriminant analysis Fisher s consistent estimators Fisher s discriminant analysis Fishery Agreement fishery yield fishes fishing coloration fishing harbour fishing junk fishing port engineering fissile material production reactor fission fragment track dosimeter Fission interference fission product detection fission yield curve fissures Fistulas Fit fit patients Fit up fitness costs fitted Fitting Fitting and adjustment of orthopaedic device fitting assembling Fitting equation Fitting error fitting gap Fitting Part fitting sector Fitting surface patch Fitting Up FITTING VECTOR fitting wire fitting work fittings five five competitive forces five stack control valve group Five Tables and One Chart fix appliance FIX Federal Information eXchange fixation of attention skill Fixed Fixed abrasive fixed abrasive grain fixed alternate routing fixed amount fixed amount of interest fixed and proportional spacing fixed antenna direction finder fixed assets cost Fixed assets management investment Fixed Assets Management System fixed assets ratio fixed base fixed bed catalyst regeneration fixed blade runner Fixed Bush fixed catalyst bed Fixed communication fixed connector fixed displacement axial piston motor fixed displacement piston motor fixed distance double line fixed distributor Fixed Dose Combination FDC fixed field alternating gradient fixed guard fixed input fixed installation fixed ladder fixed length logical format fixed level fixed local grid refinement fixed pain fixed pivot fixed point arithmetic fixed point index theory fixed point iteration method Fixed point sets fixed point theorems of cone expansion and cone compression Fixed Price Plus Incentive Fee Contract ( FPPIF ) fixed reference system fixed Rigid circular inclusion fixed roof oil tank Fixed Roof Tank fixed slit fixed social position fixed speed and quantity injector Fixed Step fixed switching frequency current tracing control fixed text fixed trust fixed value judgement method fixed vector Fixed Wing Fixed Wing Aircraft Fixed Wireless Access Network Fixing Fixing and Running Policy fixture fjall raven FJCC Fall Joint Computer Conference FL Feeder Line flabby cast flag hoist flag officer flag retainer flag salute flag test flagellar motility Flake Aluminum Powder flaky aluminum powder Flaky Metal Powder flaky texture flame analyzing flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer FLAAS Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometey flame barrier flame coloration Flame Cutting Technology Flame Detecting System flame detection signal flame excitation flame on flame proof motor flame propagation speed flame resistant treatment flame resisting agent flame retardance flame retardant finishing agent flame retardant rubber adhesive for electronic elements flame retarded resin flame scaling flame space flame spetrum flame stability at low load flame stability in low boiler load Flame stretching Flame Temperature Field FLAMING EXPOSURE Flammable and explosive gas Flammable and explosive materials flammable fabric Flammable liquids FLAMMABLE MIXTURE flange flange beam Flange Brake Valve Bush flange cast iron stop valve flange connection flange edge crack Flange Effective Distribution Width flange face flange length flange motor flange mount Flange Pan Head flange rivet flange side flange sleeker flange union flange up flank vault Flank wear mechanism flanking tRNA flannel Flannel board flannel finish flap flap deflection angle Flap plantar flap trailing edge flapping micro air vehicle FMAV flare nut flare system flash Flash activity Flash and fire point test flash bulb flash chemistry flash condenser Flash Evaporation of Water Film flash factor Flash file FLASH file system Flash Film flash film evaporation [ flash film evaporator flash flood disaster Flash furnace melting flash hydrogcnation FLASH Ⅱ accelerator flash light lamp FLASH MX Flash Photolysis Flash Point Analyzer flash point apparatus flash point apparatus flash point tester flash radiography Flash Setting Flash Smelting Furnace flash spectroscopy Flash steam flash steam generator flash steaming flash tanks flash unit flash vaporization process flash vaporization vessel flashlight flashover caused by snow flashover mechanism flask chemistry Flat flat beetle flat boat Flat Bright Spot flat canvas Flat Cover With Large Opening flat die hammer flat draft flat drill bit flat embedding flat fare flat filament yarn flat fish flat gain flat head bit flat head countersunk rivet flat head grooved bolt Flat head lockstitch button holder flat head single action spring hinge Flat Key flat key light flat lode flat mass flat object Flat Package Flat plane detector Flat Platen flat platform trailer Flat River flat route flat rubber strip flat screen display flat seal flat sheet membrane utrafiltration flat skylight flat spin flat spot Flat Spring Steel flat taste Flat Top flat trajectory flat tuning flat window flat wire with paper wrapped flat wrapper flattened flattened portion flattened rivet flattening of work roll Flavonoid biosynthesis flavor Flavor and Fragrance flavor components flavor elements flavor formation flavor gene flavor producing flavor proteinase flavor specialty flavoring almond oil essence flavoring compositions flavoring compounds flavoring essence flavoring ginger oil essence flavoring lemon oil essence flavoring orange essence flavoring orange oil essence flavoring strawberry essence flavoring strawberry oil essence flavylium core Flaw echo fleece fabrics fleet fleet truck identification number Fleming s left hand rule fleming s rule Flesh color flesh fly flex flex break flexibility of production capability Flexible flexible AC transmission system Flexible AC Transmission Systems flexible alternative current transmission system F Flexible anticollision Flexible arch bridge Flexible arch bridge with steel truss beam flexible array bound flexible articulated coordinate measuring arm Flexible Assembly flexible bearing flexible bearing plate method flexible cable harness modeling and routing flexible cable modeling flexible capacity Flexible Circuit Board flexible composite material Flexible Coupled Bogie flexible coupled isolation system Flexible Dies flexible disk control flexible establish flexible fixtures Flexible Flange flexible foot flexible head model Flexible Hinge flexible HVDC power transmission FLEXIBLE JOB SHOP SCHEDULING flexible layered system flexible lifting device Flexible Liner System flexible link manipulator flexible load test Flexible Manufacture Systems flexible manufacturing cell Flexible Manufacturing Execution System flexible manufacturing mode flexible manufacturing system flexible manufacturing system (FMS) scheduling flexible manufacturing system FMS flexible manufacturing system scheduling Flexible Manufacturing Systems flexible manufacturing systems FMS flexible manufacturing systems modeling flexible mechanism Flexible model flexible pipe for deep sea mining flexible pipe thickness design Flexible plate printing flexible polyethylene Flexible power flow Flexible Pretreatment flexible printed circuit(FPC)mounting technology Flexible Printed Circuits FPC Flexible Production Planning Variable Flexible Pump Oil Bar flexible reactive power planning Flexible Reinforced Flexible Ring flexible riser Flexible Roller Bearing Flexible routing and highest capacity specially for capacity layer flexible rubber joint flexible shaft flexible shaft pipe cleaner flexible shaft type level controller flexible shaft vibrator flexible space structures flexible sparse array Flexible Steel Pipe Flexible Strip Foundation flexible substrates flexible support system Flexible suspension bridge flexible suspension bridges flexible time flexible topology flexible trailing cable flexible ureteroscope Flexural Bearing Capacity flexural bond flexural carrying capacity flexural glide flexural impact resistance Flexural properties flexural resistance strength FLEXURAL VIBRATIONS Flies density Flight flight acceptance test flight board flight chart Flight Deck flight displays flight elevator flight formation flight idling speed flight level flight lock flight range Flight route design Flight test evaluation flight test verification Flight Track Flight Trajectory flight vehicle simulation flight verification FLIGHT VISUAL SIMULATION flim flint flint glass paper flint shot flipflop counter FLJ22349 gene float float and sink analysis Float Glass Furnace float mud Float Ring float tow float transport float type carburetor float type tank gauge floatation Floating floating assembly floating auxiliary datum plane Floating Ball Floating Die Floating Disc Brake Floating Dock floating element Floating Floor Floating Frequency and Voltage Floating Islands Floating knee Floating negative floating offshore wind turbine floating on even keel floating on the surface floating pellets in stomach floating phase current floating point arithmetic hardware floating point arithmetic library floating point arithmetic unit floating point array processor floating point basis floating point feature Floating Point Operation floating point underflow floating point underflow trap floating power feed roller floating power supply Floating Ring Hybrid Bearing Floating Roof floating salary Floating Space flocculating effect Flocculation limit flocculation pump flock flock printed design sweater flocking density flocking process flocking rules flood Flood Analyzing Flood and drought of north China in summer flood and suction valve flood and waterlogging disaster prevention Flood and waterlogging disasters Flood Area flood area classification Flood Channel flood component Flood computation flood control and navigation Flood Control and Operation System Flood Control and Regulation flood control and water conservancy flood control economic benefit flood control for safety flood control limiting level flood control optimization operation of reservoirs group Flood Control Standard flood curve Flood Damage Evaluation flood deposit Flood Design in Pingban Hydropower Station flood detention and drought release flood detention and retention Flood Detention Area Flood Detention Basin flood detention in circled embankments Flood Discharge and Energy Dissipation Flood Discharge Sluice flood diversion and detention area flood diversion and flood retarding flood diversion and retention areas flood diversion and storage area flood diversion and storage areas Flood Diversion Area flood diversion capacity of river flood diversion for the construction period flood diversion for warping flood hole flood in river course flood lamp Flood Limited Level Flood Losses Flood of small drainage area flood peak level in Yongjiang river Flood plain Flood Prevention and Control flood prevention and cure Flood Prevention and Drainage flood prevention and drought relief command system flood prevention and drought resistance flood prevention and safety analysis flood prevention during flood season flood prevention in flood season flood prevention in the oil field Flood Prevention Management Flood Prevention Project flood prevention standard Flood Progression Flood Proofing flood propagation time flood protection works FLOOD REGION flood releasing and energy dissipation flood resulting in disaster flood safety analysis Flood season precipitation flood storage and detention region flood suction flooded battery FLOODED LAYER flooded mine Flooded soil flooded water depth Flooding Agent flooding level flooding pattern flooding session floodwater capacity Floodwater Disaster floodwater level Floor Floor area Floor area ratio Floor Art floor bolting floor damage floor displacement floor drain filter inlet valve floor drain sump floor dust floor fan Floor Framing floor jack floor men Floor radiation heating by solar energy floor scattering floor sill floor sleeve floor stock floor support plate Floor Tiles floor type electric fan floor type unit heater floor water burst flora floral coverage Flotation and magnetic separation process Flour food flour kneader Flow flow active energy Flow Air Method flow and sediment regulation and control system flow around bluff bodies flow around circular cylinder flow around ship with appendage flow around the circular ball flow at high angle of attack flow at high angles of attack Flow Attack flow automatization flow back ratio flow banding flow based routing flow batteries Flow Battery flow break flow breccia flow cage Flow Calibration flow calibration instrument flow cell flow checking tool group flow cone reading flow configuraion and parameter flow constriction flow control flow control and relief valve flow control knob flow control valve assembly flow data collection flow distrbution FLOW EVAPORATION flow expander flow fan flow feeder Flow field around inlet valve exit flow field measurement flow field of ground water Flow Field of Liquid in Mold flow field regulation flow fields density Flow in Porous Media Flow injection assay Flow Label Flow Law flow limitation flow measure Flow Measurement of Steam flow media service flow meter flow meter tee test flow method of vehicle maintenance flow of circulating water flow of control model flow of cooling water Flow of database construction flow of ground water flow of water flow out of the unit flow past a circular cylinder flow pattern in the port flow pattern recognition flow prediction algorithm flow print flow process simulation Flow Pulsation flow rate flow rate of dilute gas flow ratio controller flow readout box condition flow regime index Flow regimes Flow regimesand Flow Regulating flow regulating intensity FLOW REGULATING VALVE flow restriction control flow restrictor flow sampling flow sheet simulation flow shop scheduling flow shop scheduling problem Flow simulations flow splitting ratio flow stopping FLOW STRESS MODEL Flow String Flow Supply Chain flow table flow test stand flow through porous medium flow tracking flow triggering flow trough FLOW TYPE FLOW VALVE flow void flow with heat convection Flower Flower and pod formation Flower bud differentiation phase flower bud of lily magnolia flower bug flower diagram Flower differentiation flower forcing flower pattern flower quantity flower scape flower shoot Flower stem flower tissue flowering gene flowering induction flowering period flowing and aging method flowing velocity function Flowing velocity instrument flowline swivel Flowsheet Simulation flowshop scheduling problem Flowshop scheduling with multiple processors FLPL FORTRAN List Processing Language Fortran FLS Full Length Shot fluctuating fluctuating load condition fluctuating power fluctuating wind characteristics fluctuation belt Fluctuation of peak value Fluctuation phenomena Fluctuation Reason fluctuations flue flue boiler flue cleaner flue gas and air system flue gas cleaning device flue gas component Flue Gas Continuous Emission flue gas desulferiation Flue Gas Desulfurization System flue gas emission from cooling tower Flue Gas Energy Recovery System flue gas fan flue gas flow quantity Flue Gas Flow Rate flue gas fluoride removal flue gas from boiler Flue Gas Heat Flue Gas Heat Loss flue gas of coal combustion flue gas path flue gas pollutant emission Flue Gas Pollution Flue Gas Purification FLUE GAS WASTE HEAT RECOVERY flue gas with medium or low temperature flue scraper fluffy ball fluffy batt fluffy cake fluffy cocoon fluffy cottonseed fluffy debris fluffy mud fluffy soda Fluid Fluid Activity Fluid and Stress Coupling fluid attenuated inversion pulse sequences Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery fluid attenuated inversion recovery FLAIR fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence(FLAIR ) fluid bed dryer fluid breakthrough Fluid Catalyst Cracking fluid catalytic cracking of residue oil fluid catalytic synthesis Fluid Change fluid compartment fluid distribution model fluid distributions fluid field of outer fluid channel Fluid film sealing Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in microchannel fluid flow through porous medium fluid injection Fluid items fluid poison injection safety mechanism fluid pound Fluid Power Transmission fluid reservoir cap fluid restriction fluid retention fluid retention syndrome fluid rubber fluid scenes fluid seeding fluid silt Fluid Structure Interaction fluid transmission gear fluidity of cell membrane fluidity of plasma membrane fluidization fluidized air velocity FLUIDIZED BED CATALYST Fluidized Bed Coal Gasification fluidized bed gas generator fluidized bed with pipe air distributor fluidized gas producer fluor crown fluor spat fluorescence Fluorescence and absorption spectra Fluorescence Character Fluorescence chemical sensor fluorescence emission peak Fluorescence enhanced fluorescence enhancing effect fluorescence imaging fluorescence microscopy imaging system fluorescence reagent Fluorescence reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction Fluorescence spectroscopic fluorescent Fluorescent beads fluorescent chiral reagent fluorescent coating fluorescent lamp bulb fluorescent light fluorescent marker Fluorescent Nanocrystals fluoride adsorption Fluoride electrode fluoride glass fluoride ion selective electrode fluoride ion supported by anion exchange resin Fluoride mineralizer Fluorinated Groups fluorinated materials fluorine fluorine dopant fluorine ion fluorocarbon fluorsosilicate crown glass flush flush [head] rivet Flush Air Data System Flush buffer flush cover Flush End Plate flush head rivet flush head screw shackle Flush panel flush perforation flush pump gauge flush rivet Fluted Surface Tube flutter flutter mitigation flux flux backing flux composition flux entrapment flux excursion Flux Film Flux flow model flux flow ratio Flux full speed model flux functional flux keeper Flux Leakage Coefficient Flux Linkage Model Flux losses Flux Monitoring Flux of neutron flux of the vector flux orientation flux orientation vector computation strategy Flux Pinning flux plot flux quantum flux ratio flux recovery flux recovery rate flux recovery ratio flux reduction factor FLUX SATURATION flux split flux stone flux trajectory flux transitions per inch FLUX VECTOR FLUX VECTOR SPLITTING flux wave fly Fly Around Fly Ash Carbon Content fly ash from incineration fly blind fly cutter fly fold fly maggot fly oat fly pump Fly Sand fly valve fly wheel brake fly wheel governor flyback flyback diode flying back to Hong Kong flying image measuring method flying membrane flying range flying spit Flying Wing Configuration flywheel flywheel bolt hole flywheel bore runout flywheel clutch and brake control valve group flywheel clutch control group flywheel clutch control lever flywheel clutch control pedal lock flywheel clutch lever flywheel clutch pedal adjustment flywheel control flywheel face flywheel face runout flywheel housing bore runout check flywheel housing drain flywheel housing drain line flywheel housing face runout flywheel housing face runout check flywheel pilot bore runout flywheel pointer Flywheel Rotor flywheel sensor FM FM broadcast transmitter FM detector FM radar FM signal source FMDV receptors FMFF Frequency Modulation Feed Forward FMI data FMR Facility Management Reporting FMS Flexible Manufacturing System FMT formation test fnbB gene FnBP ligand binding gene FNN Fuzzy Neural Network FNP Front end Network Processor Foam foam blowing agent foam composite cell structure FOAM COMPOUND foam concentrate pump foam drain foam drainage gas production foam extinguishing system with low multiplication factor foam finish Foam Fire Extinguishing Agent Foam Molding Foam Morphologies foam pipe foam rubber seat foam test FOB pricing FOC pricing focal adhesion kinase focal adhesion kinase gene FAK focal area Focal brain lesions focal element Focal Field focal firm focal issues focal length of thermal lens Focal Offset Focal Plane Device focal plane field focal plane filter focal plane shutter focal point focal point of stress focal point shift focal surface focus FOCUS ELISA Focus Lens Focus on Soil focus rays focus the attention on the costumer focused beamforming focused mirror Fodder corn fodder crops fodder unit fodder value fog fog belt Fog Cooling fog drop fog foam fog machine fog patches FOI Fiber Optic Isolator foil Foil Cloud foil craft foil crimper Foil Rolling Mill foil support foil wrapping machine folate deficiency fold fold axis fold coast fold deformation Fold Fault Fold Growth Fold surface free energy foldback mode folded folded chain crystal folded core folded core radiator assembly folded core radiator group folded core structure folding folding and cutting machine Folding arm folding door hardware folding doors folding endurance folding extension rule folding fan folding jib folding link folding rule folding splint folding table folding type recording chart Folding Type Reducing Annealing Furnace folding wheel chair foliar age foliar nutrient foliar nutrients foliar ray foliated foliated coal foliated talc foliation folk art and culture Folk Stipulation Follicle follicular plugging Follow follow dies follow in follow in sages footstep follow on test and evaluation follow plate Follow Shot FOLLOW SPOT follow through follow up control follower problem Following doctor s advice following example following feelings following in order following industry following time FOM Fiber Optic Modem fond fond d or fond plat font file font master font select font set Food food addiction food additives of carbon dioxide food aesthetics Food and healthy Food and Medicine Analysis food basket Food circulation food contact materials food container food conversion efficiency FCE Food curing food disinfection food effect Food Engineer Food Engineering Food Examination food fiber Food fiber from sweet potato dregs food fiber from wheat bran food field food gate Food Grade White Oil Food handling food infection food material food microbiology Food models food niche food nutrition food oil food package food packaging film Food Packing Machine food particle food plastic packing materials food pot with direct electric heating food press food process technology Food product food production potential food ration food raw material food recall food remedy Food risk food safety regulation food science and engineering major food scientific research food size food slicer food store food subsidy food supplement for children nutrition food supply vehicle Food taboo Food vinegar Foods determination Foot foot and mouth disease HFMD Foot and mouth disease virus FMDV foot brake pedal foot brake pressure foot drill foot for foot basis [land exchange] foot lever foot oil foot oil from raw paraffin foot per minute foot per second squared foot plugger foot pound second system foot presentation foot press foot pressure air pump Foot pressure analysis foot push foot rail foot screws foot spar foot stool foot tarsus foot thresher Foot tracing foot treadle foot type foot ulcer foot valve footing analogy footprint footwall alteration zone Footwall triangle for for ages for all that for compatibility for each for future reference for one s whole life for one thing For perspective for private use only for reference only for short and long term for the first time For the first time immune age for the form only for thermal neutron for your attention forage forage acre Forage Corn Forage grass industry forage green maize forage herbs forage high oil maize forage introduction Forage maize forage maize 102 forage of grass and shrub species forage planting in farming system